*** Settings *** Documentation Openstack library. This library is useful for tests to create network, subnet, router and vm instances Library SSHLibrary Resource Utils.robot Variables ../variables/Variables.py *** Keywords *** Source Password [Arguments] ${force}=no [Documentation] Sourcing the Openstack PAsswords for neutron configurations Run Keyword If '${source_pwd}' == 'yes' or '${force}' == 'yes' Write Commands Until Prompt cd ${DEVSTACK_DEPLOY_PATH}; source openrc admin admin Create Network [Arguments] ${network_name} [Documentation] Create Network with neutron request. ${devstack_conn_id}= Get ControlNode Connection Switch Connection ${devstack_conn_id} ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt neutron -v net-create ${network_name} 30s Close Connection Log ${output} Should Contain ${output} Created a new network Delete Network [Arguments] ${network_name} [Documentation] Delete Network with neutron request. ${devstack_conn_id}= Get ControlNode Connection Switch Connection ${devstack_conn_id} ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt neutron -v net-delete ${network_name} 30s Close Connection Log ${output} Should Contain ${output} Deleted network: ${network_name} Create SubNet [Arguments] ${network_name} ${subnet} ${range_ip} [Documentation] Create SubNet for the Network with neutron request. ${devstack_conn_id}= Get ControlNode Connection Switch Connection ${devstack_conn_id} ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt neutron -v subnet-create ${network_name} ${range_ip} --name ${subnet} 30s Close Connection Log ${output} Should Contain ${output} Created a new subnet Verify Gateway Ips [Documentation] Verifies the Gateway Ips with dump flow. ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows br-int Log ${output} : FOR ${GatewayIpElement} IN @{GATEWAY_IPS} \ Should Contain ${output} ${GatewayIpElement} Verify Dhcp Ips [Documentation] Verifies the Dhcp Ips with dump flow. ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows br-int Log ${output} : FOR ${DhcpIpElement} IN @{DHCP_IPS} \ Should Contain ${output} ${DhcpIpElement} Verify No Dhcp Ips [Documentation] Verifies the Dhcp Ips with dump flow. ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows br-int Log ${output} : FOR ${DhcpIpElement} IN @{DHCP_IPS} \ Should Not Contain ${output} ${DhcpIpElement} Delete SubNet [Arguments] ${subnet} [Documentation] Delete SubNet for the Network with neutron request. Log ${subnet} ${devstack_conn_id}= Get ControlNode Connection Switch Connection ${devstack_conn_id} ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt neutron -v subnet-delete ${subnet} Close Connection Log ${output} Should Contain ${output} Deleted subnet: ${subnet} Verify No Gateway Ips [Documentation] Verifies the Gateway Ips removed with dump flow. ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows br-int Log ${output} : FOR ${GatewayIpElement} IN @{GATEWAY_IPS} \ Should Not Contain ${output} ${GatewayIpElement} Delete Vm Instance [Arguments] ${vm_name} [Documentation] Delete Vm instances using instance names. ${devstack_conn_id}= Get ControlNode Connection Switch Connection ${devstack_conn_id} ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt nova force-delete ${vm_name} 40s Close Connection Get Net Id [Arguments] ${network_name} ${connection_id} [Documentation] Retrieve the net id for the given network name to create specific vm instance Switch Connection ${connection_id} ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt neutron net-list | grep "${network_name}" | get_field 1 Log ${output} ${splitted_output}= Split String ${output} ${EMPTY} ${net_id}= Get from List ${splitted_output} 0 Log ${net_id} [Return] ${net_id} Create Vm Instances [Arguments] ${net_name} ${vm_instance_names} ${image}=cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec ${flavor}=m1.nano [Documentation] Create X Vm Instance with the net id of the Netowrk. ${devstack_conn_id}= Get ControlNode Connection Switch Connection ${devstack_conn_id} ${net_id}= Get Net Id ${net_name} ${devstack_conn_id} : FOR ${VmElement} IN @{vm_instance_names} \ ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt nova boot --image ${image} --flavor ${flavor} --nic net-id=${net_id} ${VmElement} \ Log ${output} \ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 25s 5s Verify VM Is ACTIVE ${VmElement} Verify VM Is ACTIVE [Arguments] ${vm_name} [Documentation] Run these commands to check whether the created vm instance is active or not. ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt nova show ${vm_name} | grep OS-EXT-STS:vm_state Log ${output} Should Contain ${output} active View Vm Console [Arguments] ${vm_instance_names} [Documentation] View Console log of the created vm instances using nova show. : FOR ${VmElement} IN @{vm_instance_names} \ ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt nova show ${VmElement} \ Log ${output} \ ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt nova console-log ${VmElement} \ Log ${output} Ping Vm From DHCP Namespace [Arguments] ${net_name} ${vm_ip} [Documentation] Reach all Vm Instance with the net id of the Netowrk. Log ${vm_ip} ${devstack_conn_id}= Get ControlNode Connection Switch Connection ${devstack_conn_id} ${net_id}= Get Net Id ${net_name} ${devstack_conn_id} Log ${net_id} ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt sudo ip netns exec qdhcp-${net_id} ping -c 3 ${vm_ip} 20s Log ${output} Close Connection Should Contain ${output} 64 bytes Ping From DHCP Should Not Succeed [Arguments] ${net_name} ${vm_ip} [Documentation] Should Not Reach Vm Instance with the net id of the Netowrk. Log ${vm_ip} ${devstack_conn_id}= Get ControlNode Connection Switch Connection ${devstack_conn_id} ${net_id}= Get Net Id ${net_name} ${devstack_conn_id} Log ${net_id} ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt sudo ip netns exec qdhcp-${net_id} ping -c 3 ${vm_ip} 20s Close Connection Log ${output} Should Not Contain ${output} 64 bytes Ping From Instance [Arguments] ${dest_vm} [Documentation] Ping to the expected destination ip. ${output}= Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ping -c 3 ${dest_vm} ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} Log ${output} [Return] ${output} Curl Metadata Server [Documentation] Ping to the expected destination ip. ${output}= Write Commands Until Expected Prompt curl -i ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} Write Commands Until Prompt exit Should Contain ${output} 200 Close Vm Instance [Documentation] Exit the vm instance. ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt exit Log ${output} Check If Console Is VmInstance [Arguments] ${console}=cirros [Documentation] Check if the session has been able to login to the VM instance ${output}= Write Commands Until Expected Prompt id ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} Should Contain ${output} ${console} Exit From Vm Console [Documentation] Check if the session has been able to login to the VM instance and exit the instance ${rcode}= Run Keyword And Return Status Check If Console Is VmInstance cirros Run Keyword If ${rcode} Write Commands Until Prompt exit Get OvsDebugInfo Check Ping [Arguments] ${ip_address} [Documentation] Run Ping command on the IP available as argument ${output}= Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ping -c 3 ${ip_address} ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} Should Contain ${output} 64 bytes Check Metadata Access [Documentation] Try curl on the Metadataurl and check if it is okay ${output}= Write Commands Until Expected Prompt curl -i ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} Should Contain ${output} 200 Test Operations From Vm Instance [Arguments] ${net_name} ${src_ip} ${list_of_local_dst_ips} ${l2_or_l3}=l2 ${list_of_external_dst_ips}=${NONE} ${user}=cirros ... ${password}=cubswin:) [Documentation] Login to the vm instance using ssh in the network. ${devstack_conn_id}= Get ControlNode Connection Switch Connection ${devstack_conn_id} ${net_id}= Get Net Id ${net_name} ${devstack_conn_id} ${output}= Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ip netns exec qdhcp-${net_id} ssh ${user}@${src_ip} -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no d: Log ${output} ${output}= Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ${password} ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} Log ${output} ${rcode}= Run Keyword And Return Status Check If Console Is VmInstance Run Keyword If ${rcode} Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ifconfig ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} Run Keyword If ${rcode} Write Commands Until Expected Prompt route ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} ${dest_vm}= Get From List ${list_of_local_dst_ips} 0 Log ${dest_vm} Run Keyword If ${rcode} Check Ping ${dest_vm} ${dest_dhcp}= Get From List ${list_of_local_dst_ips} 1 Log ${dest_dhcp} Run Keyword If ${rcode} Check Ping ${dest_dhcp} ${dest_vm}= Get From List ${list_of_local_dst_ips} 2 Log ${dest_vm} Run Keyword If ${rcode} Check Ping ${dest_vm} Run Keyword If ${rcode} Check Metadata Access Run Keyword If '${l2_or_l3}' == 'l3' Ping Other Instances ${list_of_external_dst_ips} [Teardown] Exit From Vm Console Ping Other Instances [Arguments] ${list_of_external_dst_ips} [Documentation] Check reachability with other network's instances. ${rcode}= Run Keyword And Return Status Check If Console Is VmInstance ${dest_vm}= Get From List ${list_of_external_dst_ips} 0 Log ${dest_vm} Run Keyword If ${rcode} Check Ping ${dest_vm} ${dest_dhcp}= Get From List ${list_of_external_dst_ips} 1 Log ${dest_dhcp} Run Keyword If ${rcode} Check Ping ${dest_dhcp} ${dest_vm}= Get From List ${list_of_external_dst_ips} 2 Log ${dest_vm} Run Keyword If ${rcode} Check Ping ${dest_vm} Create Router [Arguments] ${router_name} [Documentation] Create Router and Add Interface to the subnets. ${devstack_conn_id}= Get ControlNode Connection Switch Connection ${devstack_conn_id} ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt neutron -v router-create ${router_name} 30s Close Connection Should Contain ${output} Created a new router Add Router Interface [Arguments] ${router_name} ${interface_name} ${devstack_conn_id}= Get ControlNode Connection Switch Connection ${devstack_conn_id} ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt neutron -v router-interface-add ${router_name} ${interface_name} Close Connection Should Contain ${output} Added interface Remove Interface [Arguments] ${router_name} ${interface_name} [Documentation] Remove Interface to the subnets. ${devstack_conn_id}= Get ControlNode Connection Switch Connection ${devstack_conn_id} ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt neutron -v router-interface-delete ${router_name} ${interface_name} Close Connection Should Contain ${output} Removed interface from router Delete Router [Arguments] ${router_name} [Documentation] Delete Router and Interface to the subnets. ${devstack_conn_id}= Get ControlNode Connection Switch Connection ${devstack_conn_id} ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt neutron -v router-delete ${router_name} Close Connection Should Contain ${output} Deleted router: Get DumpFlows And Ovsconfig [Arguments] ${openstack_node_ip} [Documentation] Get the OvsConfig and Flow entries from OVS from the Openstack Node Log ${openstack_node_ip} SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${openstack_node_ip} prompt=${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT} Utils.Flexible SSH Login ${OS_USER} ${DEVSTACK_SYSTEM_PASSWORD} SSHLibrary.Set Client Configuration timeout=${default_devstack_prompt_timeout} Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ovs-vsctl show ]> Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-int -OOpenFlow13 ]> Get ControlNode Connection ${control_conn_id}= SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${OS_CONTROL_NODE_IP} prompt=${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT} Utils.Flexible SSH Login ${OS_USER} ${DEVSTACK_SYSTEM_PASSWORD} SSHLibrary.Set Client Configuration timeout=30s Source Password force=yes [Return] ${control_conn_id} Get OvsDebugInfo [Documentation] Get the OvsConfig and Flow entries from all Openstack nodes Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_OS_SYSTEM} Get DumpFlows And Ovsconfig ${OS_CONTROL_NODE_IP} Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_OS_SYSTEM} Get DumpFlows And Ovsconfig ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_OS_SYSTEM} Get DumpFlows And Ovsconfig ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} Show Debugs [Arguments] ${vm_indices} [Documentation] Run these commands for debugging, it can list state of VM instances and ip information in control node ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt sudo ip netns list Log ${output} : FOR ${index} IN @{vm_indices} \ ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt nova show ${index} \ Log ${output} Close Connection