import requests import json import warnings from urllib import urlencode import robot from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn class RequestsLibrary(object): ROBOT_LIBRARY_SCOPE = 'Global' def __init__(self): self._cache = robot.utils.ConnectionCache('No sessions created') self.builtin = BuiltIn() def _utf8_urlencode(self, data): if not type(data) is dict: return data utf8_data = {} for k, v in data.iteritems(): utf8_data[k] = unicode(v).encode('utf-8') return urlencode(utf8_data) def create_session(self, alias, url, headers={}, cookies=None, auth=None, timeout=None, proxies=None, verify=False): """ Create Session: create a HTTP session to a server `url` Base url of the server `alias` Robot Framework alias to identify the session `headers` Dictionary of default headers `auth` Dictionary of username & password for HTTP Basic Auth `timeout` connection timeout `proxies` proxy server url `verify` set to True if Requests should verify the certificate """ self.builtin.log('Creating session: %s' % alias, 'DEBUG') auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(*auth) if auth else None s = session = requests.Session() s.headers.update(headers) s.auth = auth if auth else s.auth s.proxies = proxies if proxies else s.proxies s.verify = self.builtin.convert_to_boolean(verify) # cant pass these into the Session anymore self.timeout = timeout self.cookies = cookies self.verify = verify # cant use hooks :( s.url = url self._cache.register(session, alias=alias) return session def delete_all_sessions(self): """Removes all the session objects""" self._cache.empty_cache() def to_json(self, content): """Convert a string to a JSON object `content` String content to convert into JSON """ return json.loads(content) def _get_url(self, session, uri): """Helpere method to get the full url""" url = session.url if uri: slash = '' if uri.startswith('/') else '/' url = "%s%s%s" % (session.url, slash, uri) return url def get(self, alias, uri, headers=None): """Send a GET request on the session object found using the given `alias` `alias` that will be used to identify the Session object in the cache `uri` to send the GET request to `headers` a dictionary of headers to use with the request """ warnings.warn( "Use the Robot RequestsLibrary rather than this. See DatastoreCRUD.robot for examples", DeprecationWarning ) session = self._cache.switch(alias) resp = session.get(self._get_url(session, uri), headers=headers, cookies=self.cookies, timeout=self.timeout) # store the last response object session.last_resp = resp return resp def post(self, alias, uri, data={}, headers=None, files={}): """Send a POST request on the session object found using the given `alias` `alias` that will be used to identify the Session object in the cache `uri` to send the GET request to `data` a dictionary of key-value pairs that will be urlencoded and sent as POST data or binary data that is sent as the raw body content `headers` a dictionary of headers to use with the request `files` a dictionary of file names containing file data to POST to the server """ warnings.warn( "Use the Robot RequestsLibrary rather than this. See DatastoreCRUD.robot for examples", DeprecationWarning ) session = self._cache.switch(alias) data = self._utf8_urlencode(data) resp =, uri), data=data, headers=headers, files=files, cookies=self.cookies, timeout=self.timeout) # store the last response object session.last_resp = resp self.builtin.log("Post response: " + resp.content, 'DEBUG') return resp def postjson(self, alias, uri, data={}, headers=None, files={}): """Send a POST request on the session object found using the given `alias` `alias` that will be used to identify the Session object in the cache `uri` to send the GET request to `data` a dictionary of key-value pairs that will be urlencoded and sent as POST data or binary data that is sent as the raw body content `headers` a dictionary of headers to use with the request `files` a dictionary of file names containing file data to POST to the server """ warnings.warn( "Use the Robot RequestsLibrary rather than this. See DatastoreCRUD.robot for examples", DeprecationWarning ) session = self._cache.switch(alias) data = json.dumps(data) resp =, uri), data=data, headers=headers, files=files, cookies=self.cookies, timeout=self.timeout) # store the last response object session.last_resp = resp self.builtin.log("Post response: " + resp.content, 'DEBUG') return resp def put(self, alias, uri, data=None, headers=None): """Send a PUT request on the session object found using the given `alias` `alias` that will be used to identify the Session object in the cache `uri` to send the PUT request to `headers` a dictionary of headers to use with the request """ warnings.warn( "Use the Robot RequestsLibrary rather than this. See DatastoreCRUD.robot for examples", DeprecationWarning ) session = self._cache.switch(alias) # data = self._utf8_urlencode(data) data = json.dumps(data) resp = session.put(self._get_url(session, uri), data=data, headers=headers, cookies=self.cookies, timeout=self.timeout) self.builtin.log("PUT response: %s DEBUG" % resp.content) # store the last response object session.last_resp = resp return resp def put_xml(self, alias, uri, data=None, headers=None): """Send a PUT_xml request on the session object found using the given `alias` `alias` that will be used to identify the Session object in the cache `uri` to send the PUT_xml request to `headers` a dictionary of headers to use with the request """ warnings.warn( "Use the Robot RequestsLibrary rather than this. See DatastoreCRUD.robot for examples", DeprecationWarning ) session = self._cache.switch(alias) data = self._utf8_urlencode(data) # data = json.dumps(data) resp = session.put(self._get_url(session, uri), data=data, headers=headers, cookies=self.cookies, timeout=self.timeout) self.builtin.log("PUT response: %s DEBUG" % resp.content) # store the last response object session.last_resp = resp return resp def delete(self, alias, uri, data=(), headers=None): """Send a DELETE request on the session object found using the given `alias` `alias` that will be used to identify the Session object in the cache `uri` to send the DELETE request to `headers` a dictionary of headers to use with the request """ warnings.warn( "Use the Robot RequestsLibrary rather than this. See DatastoreCRUD.robot for examples", DeprecationWarning ) session = self._cache.switch(alias) args = "?%s" % urlencode(data) if data else '' resp = session.delete("%s%s" % (self._get_url(session, uri), args), headers=headers, cookies=self.cookies, timeout=self.timeout) # store the last response object session.last_resp = resp return resp def head(self, alias, uri, headers=None): """Send a HEAD request on the session object found using the given `alias` `alias` that will be used to identify the Session object in the cache `uri` to send the HEAD request to `headers` a dictionary of headers to use with the request """ session = self._cache.switch(alias) resp = session.head(self._get_url(session, uri), headers=headers, cookies=self.cookies, timeout=self.timeout) # store the last response object session.last_resp = resp return resp