*** Settings *** Library SSHLibrary Resource ../../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot *** Variables *** *** Keywords *** Docker Ovs Start [Arguments] ${nodes} ${guests} ${tunnel} ${odl_ip} ${log_file}=myFile2.log [Documentation] Run the docker-ovs.sh script with specific input arguments. Run ./docker-ovs.sh --help for more info. ${result} SSHLibrary.Execute Command ./docker-ovs.sh spawn --nodes=${nodes} --guests=${guests} --tun=${tunnel} --odl=${odl_ip} > >(tee ${log_file}) 2> >(tee ${log_file}) return_stderr=True return_stdout=True return_rc=True log ${result} Should be equal as integers ${result[2]} 0 Docker Ovs Clean [Arguments] ${log_file}=myFile3.log [Documentation] Run the docker-ovs.sh script with --clean option to clean up all containers deployment. Run ./docker-ovs.sh --help for more info. ${result} SSHLibrary.Execute Command ./docker-ovs.sh clean > >(tee ${log_file}) 2> >(tee ${log_file}) return_stderr=True return_stdout=True return_rc=True log ${result} Should be equal as integers ${result[2]} 0 Get Docker Ids [Documentation] Execute command docker ps and retrieve the existing containers ids ${output} ${rc} SSHLibrary.Execute Command sudo docker ps -q -a return_stdout=True return_stderr=False return_rc=True Should Be Equal As Numbers ${rc} 0 [Return] ${output} Get Docker Ids Formatted [Arguments] ${format} [Documentation] Execute command docker ps with --format argument and retrieve the existing containers names ${output} ${rc} SSHLibrary.Execute Command sudo docker ps -a --format ${format} return_stdout=True return_stderr=False return_rc=True Should Be Equal As Numbers ${rc} 0 [Return] ${output} Get Docker Names As List [Documentation] Returns a list with the names of all running containers inside the tools system ${docker_ps}= DockerSfc.Get Docker Ids Formatted "{{.Names}}" -f status=running ${docker_name_list}= Split String ${docker_ps} \n [Return] ${docker_name_list} Get Docker IP [Arguments] ${docker_name} [Documentation] Obtain the IP address from a given container ${output} ${rc} SSHLibrary.Execute Command sudo docker inspect -f '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' ${docker_name} return_stdout=True return_stderr=False return_rc=True Should Be Equal As Numbers ${rc} 0 [Return] ${output} Docker Exec [Arguments] ${docker_name} ${command} ${return_contains}=${EMPTY} ${result_code}=0 [Documentation] Execute a command into a docker container. ${output} ${rc} SSHLibrary.Execute Command sudo docker exec ${docker_name} ${command} return_stdout=True return_stderr=False return_rc=True Run Keyword If '${return_contains}'!='${EMPTY}' Should Contain ${output} ${return_contains} Should Be Equal As Numbers ${rc} ${result_code} [Return] ${output} Multiple Docker Exec [Arguments] ${docker_name_list} ${command} ${return_contains}=${EMPTY} ${result_code}=0 [Documentation] Execute a command in a list of dockers and return all the outputs in a list @{list_output}= Create List : FOR ${docker_id} IN @{docker_name_list} \ ${exec_output}= Docker Exec ${docker_id} ${command} ${return_contains} ${result_code} \ Append To List ${list_output} ${exec_output} [Return] ${list_output} Get Flows In Docker Containers ${docker_list}= DockerSfc.Get Docker Names As List ${docker_flows} DockerSfc.Multiple Docker Exec ${docker_list} ovs-ofctl dump-flows -OOpenflow13 ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE} OFPST_FLOW [Return] ${docker_flows} Get Docker Bridge Subnet [Documentation] Obtain the subnet used by docker bridge using the docker inspect tool ${output} ${rc} SSHLibrary.Execute Command sudo docker network inspect bridge --format {{.IPAM.Config}} | grep -E -o "([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}[\/][0-9]{1,2}" return_stdout=True return_stderr=False return_rc=True Should Be Equal As Numbers ${rc} 0 [Return] ${output}