*** Settings *** Documentation Common Keywords for the SFC Test suites. Library Collections Resource ../CompareStream.robot Resource ../Utils.robot *** Variables *** *** Keywords *** Get JSON Elements From URI [Arguments] ${uri} ${resp} = RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${uri} [Return] ${resp.json()} Check Classifier Flows ${flowList} = DockerSfc.Get Flows In Docker Containers BuiltIn.log ${flowList} ${expected_nsh_pop}= Set_Variable_If_At_Most oxygen *actions=pop_nsh* *actions=decap(),decap(),* ${expected_nsh_push}= Set_Variable_If_At_Most oxygen *actions=push_nsh* *actions=encap(nsh* Collections.Should Contain Match ${flowList} ${expected_nsh_pop} Collections.Should Contain Match ${flowList} ${expected_nsh_push} Check Service Function Types Added [Arguments] ${elements} [Documentation] Check that the service function types are updated with the service function names Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_TYPES_URI} ${elements} Check Service Function Types Removed [Arguments] ${elements} [Documentation] Check that the service function names are removed from the service function types Utils.Check For Elements Not At URI ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_TYPES_URI} ${elements} Check Empty Service Function Paths State [Documentation] Check that the service function paths state is empty after deleting SFPs Utils.Check For Specific Number Of Elements At URI ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_STATE_URI} service-function-path-state 0 Check Rendered Service Path Created [Arguments] ${sfp_name} [Documentation] Check that the Rendered Service Path is created ${sfp_name_elements_list} = BuiltIn.Create List ${sfp_name} Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_STATE_URI} ${sfp_name_elements_list} Check Rendered Service Path Deleted [Arguments] ${sfp_name} [Documentation] Check that the Rendered Service Path is deleted ${sfp_name_elements_list} = BuiltIn.Create List ${sfp_name} Utils.Check For Elements Not At URI ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_STATE_URI} ${sfp_name_elements_list} Get Rendered Service Path Name [Arguments] ${sfp_name} ${get_reverse}=False [Documentation] Given an SFP name, do a get on ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATH_STATE_URI} to get the RSP name ${resp} = RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATH_STATE_URI}${sfp_name} BuiltIn.Should Contain ${ALLOWED_STATUS_CODES} ${resp.status_code} # should be like this: {"service-function-path-state":[{"name":"SFC1-100","sfp-rendered-service-path":[{"name":"SFC1-100-Path-183"}]}]} ${sfp_rendered_service_path_list} = Collections.Get_From_Dictionary ${resp.json()} service-function-path-state ${sfp_rendered_service_path_dict} = Collections.Get_From_List ${sfp_rendered_service_path_list} 0 ${sfp_state_list} = Collections.Get_From_Dictionary ${sfp_rendered_service_path_dict} sfp-rendered-service-path ${list_length} = BuiltIn.Get Length ${sfp_state_list} # The "sfp-rendered-service-path" will only have 1 or 2 entries, depending on chain symmetry config. # The RSP name will be "-Path-" and the optional symmetric name will be -Path--Reverse" ${value} = BuiltIn.Set Variable None : FOR ${i} IN RANGE ${list_length} \ ${rsp_name_dict} = Collections.Get From List ${sfp_state_list} ${i} \ ${name} = Collections.Get_From_Dictionary ${rsp_name_dict} name \ @{matches} = String.Get Regexp Matches ${name} .*Reverse$ \ ${matches_length} = BuiltIn.Get Length ${matches} \ ${value} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If "${get_reverse}" == "False" and 0 == ${matches_length} ${name} "${get_reverse}" == "True" and 0 < ${matches_length} ${name} \ ... "${value}" != "None" ${value} [Return] ${value} Create Sfp And Wait For Rsp Creation [Arguments] ${sfp_file_name} [Documentation] Given an SFP name, create it and wait for the associated RSPs to be created Utils.Add Elements To URI From File And Verify ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_URI} ${sfp_file_name} ${sfp_dict} = Utils.Json Parse From File ${sfp_file_name} ${sfps} = Collections.Get_From_Dictionary ${sfp_dict} service-function-paths ${sfp_json_list} = Collections.Get_From_Dictionary ${sfps} service-function-path ${list_length} = BuiltIn.Get Length ${sfp_json_list} # Each SFP state entry returned from ODL will have either 2 or 3 name elements, 2 for non-symmetric 3 for symmetric RSP : FOR ${i} IN RANGE ${list_length} \ ${sfp_entry_dict} = Collections.Get From List ${sfp_json_list} ${i} \ ${sfp_name} = Collections.Get_From_Dictionary ${sfp_entry_dict} name \ ${status} ${symmetric} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error Collections.Get_From_Dictionary ${sfp_entry_dict} symmetric \ ${symmetric} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If "${status}" == "FAIL" False ${symmetric} \ ${num_names} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If "${symmetric}" == "False" 2 3 \ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Utils.Check For Specific Number Of Elements At URI ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATH_STATE_URI}${sfp_name} name \ ... ${num_names} Delete Sfp And Wait For Rsps Deletion [Arguments] ${sfp_name} [Documentation] Given an SFP name, delete it and wait for the associated SFP state and RSPs to be deleted Utils.Remove All Elements At URI And Verify ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATH_URI}${sfp_name} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Check Rendered Service Path Deleted ${sfp_name} Delete All Sfps And Wait For Rsps Deletion [Documentation] Delete all SFPs and wait for the RSPs to be deleted Utils.Remove All Elements At URI And Verify ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_URI} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Check Empty Service Function Paths State Switch Ips In Json Files [Arguments] ${json_dir} ${container_names} ${normalized_dir}= OperatingSystem.Normalize Path ${json_dir}/*.json : FOR ${cont_name} IN @{container_names} \ ${cont_ip} = Get Docker IP ${cont_name} \ OperatingSystem.Run sudo sed -i 's/${cont_name}/${cont_ip}/g' ${normalized_dir}