*** Settings *** Documentation Simple resource with setup keywords which combine FailFast and Karaf logging. ... ... See FailFast.robot documentation for intricacies of that library. Resource ${CURDIR}/FailFast.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/KarafKeywords.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/Utils.robot *** Variables *** ${SetupUtils__Known_Bug_ID} ${EMPTY} *** Keywords *** Setup_Utils_For_Setup_And_Teardown [Documentation] Prepare both FailFast and karaf logging, to be used in suite setup. FailFast.Do_Not_Fail_Fast_From_Now_On KarafKeywords.Open_Controller_Karaf_Console_On_Background BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error KarafKeywords.Log_Test_Suite_Start_To_Controller_Karaf Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Fast_Failing [Documentation] Test case setup which skips on previous failure. If not, logs test case name to Karaf log. ... Recommended to be used as the default test case setup. FailFast.Fail_This_Fast_On_Previous_Error BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error KarafKeywords.Log_Testcase_Start_To_Controller_Karaf Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing [Documentation] Test case setup which explicitly ignores previous failure and logs test case name to Karaf log. ... Needed if the recommended default is to be overriden. FailFast.Run_Even_When_Failing_Fast BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error KarafKeywords.Log_Testcase_Start_To_Controller_Karaf Set_Known_Bug_Id [Arguments] ${id} [Documentation] Tell the Teardown keywords that any failure from now on is due to the specified known bug. Set_Suite_Variable ${SetupUtils__Known_Bug_ID} ${id} Set_Unknown_Bug_Id [Documentation] Tell the Teardown keywords that from now on there is no longer known bug causing the failure so it should use linked bugs. Set_Known_Bug_Id ${EMPTY} SetupUtils__Report_Bugs_Causing_Failure BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_If '${SetupUtils__Known_Bug_ID}' != '' Utils.Report_Failure_Due_To_Bug ${SetupUtils__Known_Bug_ID} BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Return_If '${SetupUtils__Known_Bug_ID}' != '' Set_Known_Bug_Id ${EMPTY} Utils.Report_Failure_And_Point_To_Linked_Bugs Teardown_Test_Show_Bugs_And_Start_Fast_Failing_If_Test_Failed [Documentation] Test case teardown. Show linked bugs and start fast failing in case of failure. BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_If_Test_Failed BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${SuiteFastFail} True SetupUtils__Report_Bugs_Causing_Failure Teardown_Test_Show_Bugs_If_Test_Failed [Documentation] Test case teardown. Show linked bugs in case of failure. SetupUtils__Report_Bugs_Causing_Failure