*** Settings *** Documentation Library to catch traffic/packets using linux tcpdump command Library SSHLibrary Resource SSHKeywords.robot Resource Utils.robot Resource RemoteBash.robot Variables ../variables/Variables.py *** Variables *** ${dumpalias} tcpdump ${dumppcap} dump.pcap ${dumppcappath} /tmp/${dumppcap} ${dumpcmd} sudo tcpdump -s 0 -w ${dumppcappath} ${dump_default_name} tcpDump *** Keywords *** Start Tcpdumping [Arguments] ${system}=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${user}=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_USER} ${password}=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_PASSWORD} ${prompt}=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} ${timeout}=5s ${eth}=eth0 ... ${more_params}=${None} [Documentation] Connects to the remote machine via ssh and starts tcpdump linux command ${currentcon}= SSHLibrary.Get Connection index=True SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${system} prompt=${prompt} timeout=${timeout} alias=${dumpalias} SSHKeywords.Flexible SSH Login ${user} password=${password} delay=${timeout} SSHLibrary.Write ${dumpcmd} -i ${eth} ${more_params} Run Keyword If ${currentcon}==${None} Return From Keyword SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${currentcon} Stop Tcpdumping And Download [Arguments] ${filename}=${dumppcap}.xz [Documentation] Stops catching packets with tcpdump and download the saved file ${oldcon}= SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${dumpalias} RemoteBash.Write_Bare_Ctrl_C SSHLibrary.Read ${stdout}= SSHLibrary.Execute Command xz -9ekvv ${dumppcappath} Log ${stdout} ${stdout}= SSHLibrary.Execute Command ls -la /tmp Log ${stdout} SSHLibrary.Get File ${dumppcappath}.xz ${filename} SSHLibrary.Close Connection Run Keyword If ${oldcon}==${None} Return From Keyword SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${oldcon} Start Packet Capture On Node [Arguments] ${node_ip} ${file_Name}=${dump_default_name} ${network_Adapter}=eth0 ${user}=${DEFAULT_USER} ${password}=${EMPTY} ${prompt}=${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT} ... ${prompt_timeout}=${DEFAULT_TIMEOUT} ${filter}=${EMPTY} [Documentation] Connects to the remote machine and starts tcpdump ${current_ssh_connection}= SSHLibrary.Get Connection ${conn_id}= SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${node_ip} prompt=${prompt} timeout=${prompt_timeout} SSHKeywords.Flexible SSH Login ${user} ${password} ${cmd} = Set Variable sudo /usr/sbin/tcpdump -vvv -ni ${networkAdapter} ${filter} -w /tmp/${file_Name}.pcap ${stdout} ${stderr} = SSHLibrary.Start Command ${cmd} Log ${stderr} Log ${stdout} [Teardown] SSHKeywords.Restore_Current_SSH_Connection_From_Index ${current_ssh_connection.index} [Return] ${conn_id} Stop Packet Capture on Node [Arguments] ${conn_id} [Documentation] This keyword will list the running processes looking for tcpdump and then kill the process with the name tcpdump SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${conn_id} ${stdout} = SSHLibrary.Execute Command sudo ps -elf | grep tcpdump Log ${stdout} ${stdout} ${stderr} = SSHLibrary.Execute Command sudo pkill -f tcpdump return_stderr=True Log ${stderr} Log ${stdout} ${stdout} = SSHLibrary.Execute Command sudo xz -9ekvv /tmp/*.pcap Log ${stdout} ${stdout} = SSHLibrary.Execute Command sudo ls -ls /tmp Log ${stdout} SSHLibrary. Close Connection Start Packet Capture on Nodes [Arguments] ${tag}=${EMPTY} ${filter}=${EMPTY} ${ips}=@{EMPTY} [Documentation] Start packet captures on the given list of node ips. ... The captures will be named with the tag and ip. @{conn_ids} = BuiltIn.Create List @{EMPTY} : FOR ${ip} IN @{ips} \ ${fname} = BuiltIn.Catenate SEPARATOR=__ ${tag} ${ip} \ ${conn_id} = Tcpdump.Start Packet Capture on Node ${ip} file_Name=${fname} filter=${filter} \ Collections.Append To List ${conn_ids} ${conn_id} [Return] @{conn_ids} Stop Packet Capture on Nodes [Arguments] @{conn_ids}=@{EMPTY} [Documentation] Stop the packet captures on the given list of node connection ids : FOR ${conn_id} IN @{conn_ids} \ Stop Packet Capture on Node ${conn_id}