import requests from SSHLibrary import SSHLibrary import robot import time import re import json import warnings __author__ = "Basheeruddin Ahmed" __copyright__ = "Copyright(c) 2014, Cisco Systems, Inc." __license__ = "New-style BSD" __email__ = "" global _cache def get(url, userId="admin", password="admin"): """Helps in making GET REST calls""" warnings.warn( "Use the Robot RequestsLibrary rather than this. See DatastoreCRUD.robot for examples", DeprecationWarning, ) headers = {} headers["Accept"] = "application/xml" # Send the GET request session = _cache.switch("CLUSTERING_GET") resp = session.get(url, headers=headers, auth=(userId, password)) # resp = session.get(url,headers=headers,auth={userId,password}) # Read the response return resp def nonprintpost(url, userId, password, data): """Helps in making POST REST calls without outputs""" warnings.warn( "Use the Robot RequestsLibrary rather than this. See DatastoreCRUD.robot for examples", DeprecationWarning, ) if userId is None: userId = "admin" if password is None: password = "admin" headers = {} headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" # headers['Accept']= 'application/xml' session = _cache.switch("CLUSTERING_POST") resp = url, data.encode("utf-8"), headers=headers, auth=(userId, password) ) return resp def post(url, userId, password, data): """Helps in making POST REST calls""" warnings.warn( "Use the Robot RequestsLibrary rather than this. See DatastoreCRUD.robot for examples", DeprecationWarning, ) if userId is None: userId = "admin" if password is None: password = "admin" print("post request with url " + url) print("post request with data " + data) headers = {} headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" # headers['Accept'] = 'application/xml' session = _cache.switch("CLUSTERING_POST") resp = url, data.encode("utf-8"), headers=headers, auth=(userId, password) ) # print(resp.raise_for_status()) print(resp.headers) if resp.status_code >= 500: print(resp.text) return resp def delete(url, userId="admin", password="admin"): """Helps in making DELET REST calls""" warnings.warn( "Use the Robot RequestsLibrary rather than this. See DatastoreCRUD.robot for examples", DeprecationWarning, ) print("delete all resources belonging to url" + url) session = _cache.switch("CLUSTERING_DELETE") resp = session.delete(url, auth=(userId, password)) # noqa def Should_Not_Be_Type_None(var): """Keyword to check if the given variable is of type NoneType. If the variable type does match raise an assertion so the keyword will fail """ if var is None: raise AssertionError("the variable passed was type NoneType") return "PASS" def execute_ssh_command(ip, username, password, command): """Execute SSH Command use username and password of controller server for ssh and need karaf distribution location like /root/Documents/dist """ print("executing ssh command") lib = SSHLibrary() lib.open_connection(ip) lib.login(username=username, password=password) print("login done") cmd_response = lib.execute_command(command) print("command executed : " + command) lib.close_connection() return cmd_response def wait_for_controller_up(ip, port="8181"): url = ( "http://" + ip + ":" + str(port) + "/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/controller-config/yang-ext:mount/config:modules" ) print("Waiting for controller " + ip + " up.") # Try 30*10s=5 minutes for the controller to be up. for i in xrange(30): try: print("attempt %s to url %s" % (str(i), url)) resp = get(url, "admin", "admin") print("attempt %s response is %s" % (str(i), str(resp))) print(resp.text) if "clustering-it-provider" in resp.text: print("Wait for controller " + ip + " succeeded") return True except Exception as e: print(e) time.sleep(10) print("Wait for controller " + ip + " failed") return False def startAllControllers(username, password, karafhome, port, *ips): # Start all controllers for ip in ips: execute_ssh_command(ip, username, password, karafhome + "/bin/start") # Wait for all of them to be up for ip in ips: rc = wait_for_controller_up(ip, port) if rc is False: return False return True def startcontroller(ip, username, password, karafhome, port): execute_ssh_command(ip, username, password, karafhome + "/bin/start") return wait_for_controller_up(ip, port) def stopcontroller(ip, username, password, karafhome): executeStopController(ip, username, password, karafhome) wait_for_controller_stopped(ip, username, password, karafhome) def executeStopController(ip, username, password, karafhome): execute_ssh_command(ip, username, password, karafhome + "/bin/stop") def stopAllControllers(username, password, karafhome, *ips): for ip in ips: executeStopController(ip, username, password, karafhome) for ip in ips: wait_for_controller_stopped(ip, username, password, karafhome) def wait_for_controller_stopped(ip, username, password, karafHome): lib = SSHLibrary() lib.open_connection(ip) lib.login(username=username, password=password) # Wait 1 minute for the controller to stop gracefully tries = 20 i = 1 while i <= tries: stdout = lib.execute_command("ps -axf | grep karaf | grep -v grep | wc -l") processCnt = stdout[0].strip("\n") print("processCnt: " + processCnt) if processCnt == "0": break i = i + 1 time.sleep(3) lib.close_connection() if i > tries: print("Killing controller") kill_controller(ip, username, password, karafHome) def clean_journal(ip, username, password, karafHome): execute_ssh_command(ip, username, password, "rm -rf " + karafHome + "/*journal") def kill_controller(ip, username, password, karafHome): execute_ssh_command( ip, username, password, "ps axf | grep karaf | grep -v grep | awk '{print \"kill -9 \" $1}' | sh", ) def isolate_controller(controllers, username, password, isolated): """ Isolate one controller from the others in the cluster :param controllers: A list of ip addresses or host names as strings. :param username: Username for the controller to be isolated. :param password: Password for the controller to be isolated. :param isolated: Number (starting at one) of the controller to be isolated. :return: If successful, returns "pass", otherwise returns the last failed IPTables text. """ isolated_controller = controllers[isolated - 1] for controller in controllers: if controller != isolated_controller: base_str = "sudo iptables -I OUTPUT -p all --source " cmd_str = ( base_str + isolated_controller + " --destination " + controller + " -j DROP" ) execute_ssh_command(isolated_controller, username, password, cmd_str) cmd_str = ( base_str + controller + " --destination " + isolated_controller + " -j DROP" ) execute_ssh_command(isolated_controller, username, password, cmd_str) ip_tables = execute_ssh_command( isolated_controller, username, password, "sudo iptables -L" ) print(ip_tables) iso_result = "pass" for controller in controllers: controller_regex_string = ( "[\s\S]*" + isolated_controller + " *" + controller + "[\s\S]*" ) controller_regex = re.compile(controller_regex_string) if not controller_regex.match(ip_tables): iso_result = ip_tables controller_regex_string = ( "[\s\S]*" + controller + " *" + isolated_controller + "[\s\S]*" ) controller_regex = re.compile(controller_regex_string) if not controller_regex.match(ip_tables): iso_result = ip_tables return iso_result def rejoin_controller(controllers, username, password, isolated): """ Return an isolated controller to the cluster. :param controllers: A list of ip addresses or host names as strings. :param username: Username for the isolated controller. :param password: Password for the isolated controller. :param isolated: Number (starting at one) of the isolated controller isolated. :return: If successful, returns "pass", otherwise returns the last failed IPTables text. """ isolated_controller = controllers[isolated - 1] for controller in controllers: if controller != isolated_controller: base_str = "sudo iptables -D OUTPUT -p all --source " cmd_str = ( base_str + isolated_controller + " --destination " + controller + " -j DROP" ) execute_ssh_command(isolated_controller, username, password, cmd_str) cmd_str = ( base_str + controller + " --destination " + isolated_controller + " -j DROP" ) execute_ssh_command(isolated_controller, username, password, cmd_str) ip_tables = execute_ssh_command( isolated_controller, username, password, "sudo iptables -L" ) print(ip_tables) iso_result = "pass" for controller in controllers: controller_regex_string = ( "[\s\S]*" + isolated_controller + " *" + controller + "[\s\S]*" ) controller_regex = re.compile(controller_regex_string) if controller_regex.match(ip_tables): iso_result = ip_tables controller_regex_string = ( "[\s\S]*" + controller + " *" + isolated_controller + "[\s\S]*" ) controller_regex = re.compile(controller_regex_string) if controller_regex.match(ip_tables): iso_result = ip_tables return iso_result def flush_iptables(controllers, username, password): """Removes all entries from IPTables on all controllers. :param controllers: A list of ip address or host names as strings. :param username: Username for all controllers. :param password: Password for all controllers. :return: If successful, returns "pass", otherwise returns "fail". """ flush_result = "pass" for controller in controllers: print("Flushing ", controller) cmd_str = "sudo iptables -v -F" cmd_result = execute_ssh_command(controller, username, password, cmd_str) print(cmd_result) success_string = "Flushing chain `INPUT'" + "\n" success_string += "Flushing chain `FORWARD'" + "\n" success_string += "Flushing chain `OUTPUT'" if not cmd_result == success_string: flush_result = "Failed to flush IPTables. Check Log." print(".") print(".") print(".") return flush_result def build_elastic_search_JSON_request(query_String): data = { "from": "0", "size": "1", "sort": [{"TimeStamp": {"order": "desc"}}], "query": {"query_string": {"query": query_String}}, } return json.dumps(data) def create_query_string_search(data_category, metric_name, node_id, rk_node_id): query = "TSDRDataCategory:" query += data_category query += " AND MetricName:" query += metric_name query += ' AND NodeID:"' query += node_id query += '" AND RecordKeys.KeyValue:"' query += rk_node_id query += '" AND RecordKeys.KeyName:Node AND RecordKeys.KeyValue:0 AND RecordKeys.KeyName:Table' return query def create_query_string_count(data_category): query = "TSDRDataCategory:" query += data_category return query def extract_metric_value_search(response): return str(response["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]["MetricValue"]) def extract_metric_value_count(response): return int(response["hits"]["total"]) # # main invoked if __name__ != "__main__": _cache = robot.utils.ConnectionCache("No sessions created") # here create one session for each HTTP functions _cache.register(requests.session(), alias="CLUSTERING_GET") _cache.register(requests.session(), alias="CLUSTERING_POST") _cache.register(requests.session(), alias="CLUSTERING_DELETE")