*** Settings *** Documentation Openstack library. This library is useful for tests to create network, subnet, router and vm instances Library SSHLibrary Resource CompareStream.robot Resource Utils.robot Resource TemplatedRequests.robot Resource KarafKeywords.robot Resource ../variables/Variables.robot Resource ../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot Library Collections Library String Library OperatingSystem *** Variables *** &{ITM_CREATE_DEFAULT} tunneltype=vxlan vlanid=0 prefix= gateway= dpnid1=1 portname1=BR1-eth1 ipaddress1= ... dpnid2=2 portname2= BR2-eth1 ipaddress2= &{L3VPN_CREATE_DEFAULT} vpnid=4ae8cd92-48ca-49b5-94e1-b2921a261111 name=vpn1 rd=["2200:1"] exportrt=["2200:1","8800:1"] importrt=["2200:1","8800:1"] tenantid=6c53df3a-3456-11e5-a151-feff819cdc9f ${VAR_BASE} ${CURDIR}/../variables/vpnservice/ ${ODL_FLOWTABLE_L3VPN} 21 ${STATE_UP} UP ${STATE_DOWN} DOWN ${STATE_UNKNOWN} UNKNOWN ${STATE_ENABLE} ENABLED ${STATE_DISABLE} DISABLE ${SESSION_TIMEOUT} 10 *** Keywords *** Basic Suite Setup OpenStackOperations.OpenStack Suite Setup TemplatedRequests.Create Default Session timeout=${SESSION_TIMEOUT} Basic Vpnservice Suite Cleanup [Arguments] ${vpn_instance_ids}=@{EMPTY} ${vms}=@{EMPTY} ${networks}=@{EMPTY} ${subnets}=@{EMPTY} ${ports}=@{EMPTY} ${sgs}=@{EMPTY} : FOR ${vpn_instance_id} IN @{vpn_instance_ids} \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error VPN Delete L3VPN vpnid=${vpn_instance_id} OpenStackOperations.Neutron Cleanup ${vms} ${networks} ${subnets} ${ports} ${sgs} VPN Create L3VPN [Arguments] &{Kwargs} [Documentation] Create an L3VPN using the Json using the list of optional arguments received. Run keyword if "routerid" in ${Kwargs} Collections.Set_To_Dictionary ${Kwargs} router=, "router-id":"${Kwargs['routerid']}" ... ELSE Collections.Set_To_Dictionary ${Kwargs} router=${empty} &{L3vpn_create_actual_val} = Collections.Copy_Dictionary ${L3VPN_CREATE_DEFAULT} Collections.Set_To_Dictionary ${L3vpn_create_actual_val} &{Kwargs} TemplatedRequests.Post_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/l3vpn_create mapping=${L3vpn_create_actual_val} session=default http_timeout=${SESSION_TIMEOUT} VPN Get L3VPN [Arguments] &{Kwargs} [Documentation] Will return detailed list of the L3VPN_ID received ${resp} = TemplatedRequests.Post_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/get_l3vpn mapping=${Kwargs} session=default http_timeout=${SESSION_TIMEOUT} Log ${resp} [Return] ${resp} VPN Get L3VPN ID [Arguments] ${vrf_id} [Documentation] Check that sub interface ip has been learnt after ARP request ${resp} = RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${VPN_REST} BuiltIn.Log ${resp.content} @{list_any_matches} = String.Get_Regexp_Matches ${resp.content} \"vpn-instance-name\":\"${VPN_INSTANCE_ID}\",.*"vrf-id":"${vrf_id}",\"vpn-id\":(\\d+) 1 ${result} = Evaluate ${list_any_matches[0]} * 2 ${vpn_id_hex} = BuiltIn.Convert To Hex ${result} [Return] ${vpn_id_hex.lower()} Associate L3VPN To Network [Arguments] &{Kwargs} [Documentation] Associate the created L3VPN to a network-id received as dictionary argument TemplatedRequests.Post_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/assoc_l3vpn mapping=${Kwargs} session=default http_timeout=${SESSION_TIMEOUT} Dissociate L3VPN From Networks [Arguments] &{Kwargs} [Documentation] Disssociate the already associated networks from L3VPN TemplatedRequests.Post_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/dissoc_l3vpn mapping=${Kwargs} session=default http_timeout=${SESSION_TIMEOUT} Associate VPN to Router [Arguments] &{Kwargs} [Documentation] Associate the created L3VPN to a router-id received as argument CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Fluorine TemplatedRequests.Post_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/assoc_two_router_l3vpn mapping=${Kwargs} session=default http_timeout=${SESSION_TIMEOUT} CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Most_Oxygen TemplatedRequests.Post_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/assoc_router_l3vpn mapping=${Kwargs} session=default http_timeout=${SESSION_TIMEOUT} Dissociate VPN to Router [Arguments] &{Kwargs} [Documentation] Dissociate the already associated routers from L3VPN CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Fluorine TemplatedRequests.Post_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/dissoc_two_router_l3vpn mapping=${Kwargs} session=default http_timeout=${SESSION_TIMEOUT} CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Most_Oxygen TemplatedRequests.Post_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/dissoc_router_l3vpn mapping=${Kwargs} session=default http_timeout=${SESSION_TIMEOUT} VPN Delete L3VPN [Arguments] &{Kwargs} [Documentation] Delete the created L3VPN TemplatedRequests.Post_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/l3vpn_delete mapping=${Kwargs} session=default http_timeout=${SESSION_TIMEOUT} ITM Create Tunnel [Arguments] &{Kwargs} [Documentation] Creates Tunnel between the two DPNs received in the dictionary argument &{Itm_actual_val} = Collections.Copy_Dictionary ${ITM_CREATE_DEFAULT} Collections.Set_To_Dictionary ${Itm_actual_val} &{Kwargs} TemplatedRequests.Post_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/itm_create mapping=${Itm_actual_val} session=default http_timeout=${SESSION_TIMEOUT} ITM Get Tunnels [Documentation] Get all Tunnels and return the contents ${resp} = RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${CONFIG_API}/itm:transport-zones/ Log ${resp.content} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 [Return] ${resp.content} ITM Delete Tunnel [Arguments] ${zone-name} [Documentation] Delete Tunnels created under the transport-zone ${resp} = RequestsLibrary.Delete Request session ${CONFIG_API}/itm:transport-zones/transport-zone/${zone-name}/ Log ${resp.content} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 [Return] ${resp.content} Verify Flows Are Present For L3VPN [Arguments] ${ip} ${vm_ips} [Documentation] Verify Flows Are Present For L3VPN ${flow_output}= Run Command On Remote System And Log ${ip} sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE} Should Contain ${flow_output} table=${ODL_FLOWTABLE_L3VPN} ${l3vpn_table} = Get Lines Containing String ${flow_output} table=${ODL_FLOWTABLE_L3VPN}, Log ${l3vpn_table} : FOR ${i} IN @{vm_ips} \ ${resp}= Should Contain ${l3vpn_table} ${i} Verify GWMAC Entry On ODL [Arguments] ${GWMAC_ADDRS} [Documentation] get ODL GWMAC table entry ${resp} = RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${VPN_PORT_DATA_URL} Log ${resp.content} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 : FOR ${macAdd} IN @{GWMAC_ADDRS} \ Should Contain ${resp.content} ${macAdd} Verify GWMAC Flow Entry Removed From Flow Table [Arguments] ${cnIp} [Documentation] Verify the GWMAC Table, ARP Response table and Dispatcher table. ${flow_output}= Run Command On Remote System And Log ${cnIp} sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE} Should Contain ${flow_output} table=${GWMAC_TABLE} ${gwmac_table} = Get Lines Containing String ${flow_output} table=${GWMAC_TABLE} Log ${gwmac_table} #Verify GWMAC address present in table 19 : FOR ${macAdd} IN @{GWMAC_ADDRS} \ Should Not Contain ${gwmac_table} dl_dst=${macAdd} actions=goto_table:${L3_TABLE} Verify ARP REQUEST in groupTable [Arguments] ${group_output} ${Group-ID} [Documentation] get flow dump for group ID Should Contain ${group_output} group_id=${Group-ID} ${arp_group} = Get Lines Containing String ${group_output} group_id=${Group-ID} Log ${arp_group} CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Most_Oxygen BuiltIn.Should Match Regexp ${arp_group} ${ARP_REQUEST_GROUP_REGEX} CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Fluorine BuiltIn.Should Match Regexp ${arp_group} ${ARP_REQUEST_GROUP_REGEX_FLUORINE} Verify Tunnel Status as UP [Documentation] Verify that the tunnels are UP ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console ${TEP_SHOW_STATE} Log ${output} Should Contain ${output} ${STATE_UP} Should Not Contain ${output} ${STATE_DOWN} Should Not Contain ${output} ${STATE_UNKNOWN} Verify Tunnel Status as DOWN [Documentation] Verify that the tunnels are DOWN ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console ${TEP_SHOW_STATE} Log ${output} Should Contain ${output} ${STATE_DOWN} Should Not Contain ${output} ${STATE_UP} Should Not Contain ${output} ${STATE_UNKNOWN} Verify Tunnel Status as UNKNOWN [Documentation] Verify that the tunnels are in Unknown state ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console ${TEP_SHOW_STATE} Log ${output} Should Not Contain ${output} ${STATE_UP} Should Not Contain ${output} ${STATE_DOWN} Should Contain ${output} ${STATE_UNKNOWN} Verify VXLAN interface [Documentation] Verify that the VXLAN interfaces are Enabled ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console ${VXLAN_SHOW} Log ${output} Should Contain ${output} ${STATE_UP} Should Contain ${output} ${STATE_ENABLE} Should Not Contain ${output} ${STATE_DISABLE} Get Fib Entries [Arguments] ${session} [Documentation] Get Fib table entries from ODL session ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get Request ${session} ${FIB_ENTRIES_URL} Log ${resp.content} [Return] ${resp.content} Get Gateway MAC And IP Address [Arguments] ${router_Name} ${ip_regex}=${IP_REGEX} [Documentation] Get Gateway mac and IP Address ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack port list --router ${router_Name} @{MacAddr-list} = Get Regexp Matches ${output} ${MAC_REGEX} @{IpAddr-list} = Get Regexp Matches ${output} ${ip_regex} [Return] ${MacAddr-list} ${IpAddr-list} Test Teardown With Tcpdump Stop [Arguments] ${conn_ids}=@{EMPTY} OpenStackOperations.Stop Packet Capture On Nodes ${conn_ids} Get Test Teardown Debugs Verify IPv4 GWMAC Flow Entry On Flow Table [Arguments] ${group_output} ${group_id} ${flow_output} Verify ARP REQUEST in groupTable ${group_output} ${groupID[1]} #Verify ARP_RESPONSE_TABLE - 81 Should Contain ${flow_output} table=${ARP_RESPONSE_TABLE} ${arpResponder_table} = Get Lines Containing String ${flow_output} table=${ARP_RESPONSE_TABLE} Should Contain ${arpResponder_table} priority=0 actions=drop : FOR ${macAdd} ${ipAdd} IN ZIP ${GWMAC_ADDRS} ${GWIP_ADDRS} \ ${ARP_RESPONSE_IP_MAC_REGEX} = Set Variable arp_tpa=${ipAdd},arp_op=1 actions=.*,set_field:${macAdd}->eth_src \ Should Match Regexp ${arpResponder_table} ${ARP_RESPONSE_IP_MAC_REGEX} Verify IPv6 GWMAC Flow Entry On Flow Table [Arguments] ${flow_output} Should Contain ${flow_output} table=${IPV6_TABLE} ${icmp_ipv6_flows} = Get Lines Containing String ${flow_output} icmp_type=135 : FOR ${ip_addr} IN @{GWIP_ADDRS} \ ${rule} = Set Variable icmp_type=135,icmp_code=0,nd_target=${ip_addr} actions=CONTROLLER:65535 \ Should Match Regexp ${icmp_ipv6_flows} ${rule} Verify GWMAC Flow Entry On Flow Table [Arguments] ${cnIp} ${ipv}=ipv4 [Documentation] Verify the GWMAC Table, ARP Response table and Dispatcher table. ${flow_output}= Run Command On Remote System ${cnIp} sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE} ${group_output}= Run Command On Remote System ${cnIp} sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-groups ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE} Should Contain ${flow_output} table=${DISPATCHER_TABLE} ${dispatcher_table} = Get Lines Containing String ${flow_output} table=${DISPATCHER_TABLE} Should Contain ${dispatcher_table} goto_table:${GWMAC_TABLE} Should Not Contain ${dispatcher_table} goto_table:${ARP_RESPONSE_TABLE} Should Contain ${flow_output} table=${GWMAC_TABLE} ${gwmac_table} = Get Lines Containing String ${flow_output} table=${GWMAC_TABLE} #Verify GWMAC address present in table 19 : FOR ${macAdd} IN @{GWMAC_ADDRS} \ Should Contain ${gwmac_table} dl_dst=${macAdd} actions=goto_table:${L3_TABLE} #verify Miss entry Should Contain ${gwmac_table} actions=resubmit(,17) #Verify ARP_CHECK_TABLE - 43 #arp request and response ${arpchk_table} = Get Lines Containing String ${flow_output} table=${ARP_CHECK_TABLE} CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Most_Oxygen BuiltIn.Should Match Regexp ${arpchk_table} ${ARP_RESPONSE_REGEX} CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Fluorine BuiltIn.Should Match Regexp ${arpchk_table} ${ARP_RESPONSE_REGEX_FLUORINE} ${arppunt_table} = String.Get Lines Containing String ${flow_output} table=${ARP_PUNT_TABLE} CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Fluorine BuiltIn.Should Match Regexp ${arppunt_table} ${ARP_PUNT_RESPONSE_REGEX} ${match} = Should Match Regexp ${arpchk_table} ${ARP_REQUEST_REGEX} ${groupID} = Split String ${match} separator=: BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${ipv}' == 'ipv4' Verify IPv4 GWMAC Flow Entry On Flow Table ${group_output} ${group_id} ${flow_output} ... ELSE Verify IPv6 GWMAC Flow Entry On Flow Table ${flow_output} Delete Multiple L3VPNs [Arguments] @{vpns} [Documentation] Delete three L3VPNs created using Multiple L3VPN Test : FOR ${vpn} IN ${vpns} \ VPN Delete L3VPN vpnid=${vpn}