*** Settings *** Library SSHLibrary Library String Library DateTime Library Collections Library json Library RequestsLibrary Variables ../variables/Variables.py Resource ./Utils.robot Resource ./KarafKeywords.robot Resource ./TemplatedRequests.robot *** Variables *** ${vlan_topo_10} sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} --custom vlan_vtn_test.py --topo vlantopo ${vlan_topo_13} sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} --custom vlan_vtn_test.py --topo vlantopo --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13 ${VERSION_VTN} controller/nb/v2/vtn/version ${VTN_INVENTORY} restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes ${DUMPFLOWS_OF10} dpctl dump-flows -OOpenFlow10 ${DUMPFLOWS_OF13} dpctl dump-flows -OOpenFlow13 ${FF_DUMPFLOWS_OF10} sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows -OOpenFlow10 s3 ${FF_DUMPFLOWS_OF13} sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows -OOpenFlow13 s3 ${DROP_DUMPFLOWS_OF10} sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows -OOpenFlow10 s2 ${DROP_DUMPFLOWS_OF13} sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows -OOpenFlow13 s2 ${DROP_OUT_DUMPFLOWS_OF10} sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows -OOpenFlow10 s3 ${DROP_OUT_DUMPFLOWS_OF13} sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows -OOpenFlow13 s3 ${FF_OUT_DUMPFLOWS_OF10} sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows -OOpenFlow10 s2 ${FF_OUT_DUMPFLOWS_OF13} sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows -OOpenFlow13 s2 ${index} 7 @{inet_actions} mod_nw_src: mod_nw_dst: @{BRIDGE1_DATAFLOW} "reason":"PORTMAPPED" "tenant-name":"Tenant1" "bridge-name":"vBridge1" "interface-name":"if2" @{BRIDGE2_DATAFLOW} "reason":"PORTMAPPED" "tenant-name":"Tenant1" "bridge-name":"vBridge2" "interface-name":"if3" ${vlanmap_bridge1} 200 ${vlanmap_bridge2} 300 @{VLANMAP_BRIDGE1_DATAFLOW} "reason":"VLANMAPPED" "tenant-name":"Tenant1" "bridge-name":"vBridge1_vlan" @{VLANMAP_BRIDGE2_DATAFLOW} "reason":"VLANMAPPED" "tenant-name":"Tenant1" "bridge-name":"vBridge2_vlan" ${out_before_pathpolicy} output:2 ${out_after_pathpolicy} output:3 ${pathpolicy_topo_13} sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} --custom topo-3sw-2host_multipath.py --topo pathpolicytopo --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13 ${pathpolicy_topo_10} sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} --custom topo-3sw-2host_multipath.py --topo pathpolicytopo --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow10 @{PATHMAP_ATTR} "index":"1" "condition":"flowcond_path" "policy":"1" ${policy_id} 1 ${in_port} 1 ${filter_index} 1 @{inet_action} set_field:>ip_src set_field:>ip_dst ${dscp_action} set_field:32->nw_tos_shifted ${dscp_flow} mod_nw_tos:128 @{icmp_action} mod_tp_dst:1 mod_tp_src:3 ${drop_action} actions=drop ${vlanpcp_action} mod_vlan_pcp:6 ${vlanpcp_actions} set_field:6->vlan_pcp ${dlsrc_action} mod_dl_src:00:00:00:00:00:11 ${dlsrc_actions} set_field:00:00:00:00:00:11->eth_src @{PATHPOLICY_ATTR} "id":1 "port-desc":"openflow:4,2,s4-eth2" ${custom} ${CURDIR}/${CREATE_PATHPOLICY_TOPOLOGY_FILE_PATH} *** Keywords *** Start SuiteVtnMa [Documentation] Start VTN Manager Rest Config Api Test Suite, and enabling karaf loglevel as TRACE for VTN. #Issue Command On Karaf Console log:set TRACE org.opendaylight.vtn ${vtn_mgr_id}= SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} prompt=${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT} timeout=30s Set Suite Variable ${vtn_mgr_id} SSHLibrary.Login_With_Public_Key ${ODL_SYSTEM_USER} ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/${SSH_KEY} any SSHLibrary.Execute Command sudo sed -i "$ i log4j.logger.org.opendaylight.vtn = TRACE" ${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/etc/org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg Create Session session http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS_YANG_JSON} BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 30 3 Fetch vtn list Start Suite Start SuiteVtnMaTest [Documentation] Start VTN Manager Test Suite Create Session session http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS_YANG_JSON} Stop SuiteVtnMa [Documentation] Stop VTN Manager Test Suite Delete All Sessions Stop SuiteVtnMaTest [Documentation] Stop VTN Manager Test Suite Delete All Sessions Fetch vtn list [Documentation] Check if VTN Manager is up. ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Get Request session restconf/operational/vtn:vtns Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Fetch vtn switch inventory [Arguments] ${sw_name} [Documentation] Check if Switch is detected. ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Get Request session restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/${sw_name} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Add a Topology wait [Arguments] ${topo_wait} [Documentation] Add a topology wait to complete all Inter-switch link connection of switches ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Put Request session restconf/config/vtn-config:vtn-config data={"vtn-config": {"topology-wait":${topo_wait}, "host-tracking": "true"}} Should Contain ${ALLOWED_STATUS_CODES} ${resp.status_code} Add a Vtn [Arguments] ${vtn_name} [Documentation] Create a vtn with specified parameters. ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn:update-vtn data={"input": {"tenant-name":${vtn_name}, "update-mode": "CREATE","operation": "SET", "description": "creating vtn", "idle-timeout":300, "hard-timeout":0}} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Add a vBridge [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vbr_name} [Documentation] Create a vBridge in a VTN ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn-vbridge:update-vbridge data={"input": {"update-mode": "CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":${vtn_name}, "bridge-name":${vbr_name}, "description": "vbrdige created"}} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Add a interface [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vbr_name} ${interface_name} [Documentation] Create a interface into a vBridge of a VTN ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn-vinterface:update-vinterface data={"input": {"update-mode":"CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":${vtn_name}, "bridge-name":${vbr_name}, "description": "vbrdige interfacecreated", "enabled":"true", "interface-name": ${interface_name}}} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Add a portmap [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vbr_name} ${interface_name} ${node_id} ${port_id} [Documentation] Create a portmap for a interface of a vbridge ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn-port-map:set-port-map data={"input": { "tenant-name":${vtn_name}, "bridge-name":${vbr_name}, "interface-name": ${interface_name}, "node":"${node_id}", "port-name":"${port_id}"}} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Delete a Vtn [Arguments] ${vtn_name} [Documentation] Delete a vtn with specified parameters. ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn:remove-vtn data={"input": {"tenant-name":${vtn_name}}} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Add a vlanmap [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vbr_name} ${vlan_id} [Documentation] Create a vlanmap ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn-vlan-map:add-vlan-map data={"input": {"tenant-name":${vtn_name},"bridge-name":${vbr_name},"vlan-id":${vlan_id}}} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Verify Data Flows [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vBridge_name} [Documentation] Verify the reason and physical data flows for the specified vtn and vbridge ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn-flow:get-data-flow data={"input":{"tenant-name":"${vtn_name}","mode":"UPDATESTATS"}} Run Keyword If '${vBridge_name}' == 'vBridge1' DataFlowsForBridge ${resp} @{BRIDGE1_DATAFLOW} ... ELSE IF '${vBridge_name}' == 'vBridge2' DataFlowsForBridge ${resp} @{BRIDGE2_DATAFLOW} ... ELSE IF '${vBridge_name}' == 'vBridge1_vlan' DataFlowsForBridge ${resp} @{VLANMAP_BRIDGE1_DATAFLOW} ... ELSE DataFlowsForBridge ${resp} @{VLANMAP_BRIDGE2_DATAFLOW} Start PathSuiteVtnMaTest [Documentation] Start VTN Manager Test Suite and Mininet Start SuiteVtnMaTest Start Mininet ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${pathpolicy_topo_13} ${custom} Start PathSuiteVtnMaTestOF10 [Documentation] Start VTN Manager Test Suite and Mininet in Open Flow 10 Specification Start SuiteVtnMaTest Start Mininet ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${pathpolicy_topo_10} ${custom} Stop PathSuiteVtnMaTest [Documentation] Cleanup/Shutdown work at the completion of all tests. Delete All Sessions Stop Mininet ${mininet_conn_id} DataFlowsForBridge [Arguments] ${resp} @{BRIDGE_DATAFLOW} [Documentation] Verify whether the required attributes exists. : FOR ${dataflowElement} IN @{BRIDGE_DATAFLOW} \ should Contain ${resp.content} ${dataflowElement} Add a pathmap [Arguments] ${pathmap_data} [Documentation] Create a pathmap for a vtn ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn-path-map:set-path-map data=${pathmap_data} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Get a pathmap [Documentation] Get a pathmap for a vtn. ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Get Request session restconf/operational/vtn-path-map:global-path-maps : FOR ${pathElement} IN @{PATHMAP_ATTR} \ should Contain ${resp.content} ${pathElement} Add a pathpolicy [Arguments] ${pathpolicy_data} [Documentation] Create a pathpolicy for a vtn ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn-path-policy:set-path-policy data=${pathpolicy_data} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Get a pathpolicy [Arguments] ${pathpolicy_id} [Documentation] Get a pathpolicy for a vtn. ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Get Request session restconf/operational/vtn-path-policy:vtn-path-policies/vtn-path-policy/${pathpolicy_id} : FOR ${pathpolicyElement} IN @{PATHPOLICY_ATTR} \ should Contain ${resp.content} ${pathpolicyElement} Delete a pathmap [Arguments] ${tenant_path} [Documentation] Remove a pathmap for a vtn ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn-path-map:remove-path-map data={"input":{"tenant-name":"${tenant_path}","map-index":["${policy_id}"]}} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Delete a pathpolicy [Arguments] ${policy_id} [Documentation] Delete a pathpolicy for a vtn ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn-path-policy:remove-path-policy data={"input":{"id":"${policy_id}"}} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Verify flowEntryPathPolicy [Arguments] ${of_version} ${port} ${output} [Documentation] Checking Flows on switch S1 and switch S3 after applying path policy ${DUMPFLOWS}= Set Variable If "${of_version}"=="OF10" ${DUMPFLOWS_OF10} ${DUMPFLOWS_OF13} write ${DUMPFLOWS} ${result} Read Until mininet> Should Contain ${result} in_port=${port} actions=${output} Add a macmap [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vBridge_name} ${src_add} ${dst_add} [Documentation] Create a macmap for a vbridge ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn-mac-map:set-mac-map data={"input":{"operation":"SET","allowed-hosts":["${dst_add}@0","${src_add}@0"],"tenant-name":"${vtn_name}","bridge-name":"${vBridge_name}"}} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Get DynamicMacAddress [Arguments] ${h} [Documentation] Get Dynamic mac address of Host write ${h} ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr ${source} Read Until mininet> ${HWaddress}= Split String ${source} ${SPACE} ${sourceHWaddr}= Get from List ${HWaddress} ${index} ${sourceHWaddress}= Convert To Lowercase ${sourceHWaddr} Return From Keyword ${sourceHWaddress} # Also [Return] would work here. Mininet Ping Should Succeed [Arguments] ${host1} ${host2} [Documentation] Ping hosts to check connectivity Write ${host1} ping -c 1 ${host2} ${result} Read Until mininet> Should Contain ${result} 64 bytes Mininet Ping Should Not Succeed [Arguments] ${host1} ${host2} [Documentation] Ping hosts when there is no connectivity and check hosts is unreachable Write ${host1} ping -c 3 ${host2} ${result} Read Until mininet> Should Not Contain ${result} 64 bytes Start vlan_topo [Arguments] ${OF} [Documentation] Create custom topology for vlan functionality Install Package On Ubuntu System vlan Run Keyword If '${OF}' == 'OF13' Start Mininet ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${vlan_topo_13} ${CURDIR}/${CREATE_VLAN_TOPOLOGY_FILE_PATH} ... ELSE IF '${OF}' == 'OF10' Start Mininet ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${vlan_topo_10} ${CURDIR}/${CREATE_VLAN_TOPOLOGY_FILE_PATH} Get flow [Arguments] ${vtn_name} [Documentation] Get data flow. ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Get Request session restconf/operational/vtn-flow-impl:vtn-flows/vtn-flow-table/${vtn_name} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Remove a portmap [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vBridge_name} ${interface_name} [Documentation] Remove a portmap for a interface of a vbridge ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn-port-map:remove-port-map data={"input": {"tenant-name":${vtn_name},"bridge-name":${vBridge_name},"interface-name":${interface_name}}} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Verify FlowMacAddress [Arguments] ${host1} ${host2} ${OF_VERSION} [Documentation] Verify the source and destination mac address. Run Keyword If '${OF_VERSION}' == 'OF10' Verify Flows On OpenFlow ${host1} ${host2} ${FF_DUMPFLOWS_OF10} ... ELSE VerifyFlowsOnOpenFlow ${host1} ${host2} ${FF_DUMPFLOWS_OF13} Verify Flows On OpenFlow [Arguments] ${host1} ${host2} ${DUMPFLOWS} [Documentation] Verify the mac addresses on the specified open flow. ${booleanValue}= Run Keyword And Return Status Verify macaddress ${host1} ${host2} ${DUMPFLOWS} Should Be Equal As Strings ${booleanValue} True Verify RemovedFlowMacAddress [Arguments] ${host1} ${host2} ${OF_VERSION} [Documentation] Verify the removed source and destination mac address. Run Keyword If '${OF_VERSION}' == 'OF10' Verify Removed Flows On OpenFlow ${host1} ${host2} ${FF_DUMPFLOWS_OF10} ... ELSE Verify Removed Flows On OpenFlow ${host1} ${host2} ${FF_DUMPFLOWS_OF13} Verify Removed Flows On OpenFlow [Arguments] ${host1} ${host2} ${DUMPFLOWS} [Documentation] Verify the removed mac addresses on the specified open flow. ${booleanValue}= Run Keyword And Return Status Verify macaddress ${host1} ${host2} ${DUMPFLOWS} Should Not Be Equal As Strings ${booleanValue} True Verify macaddress [Arguments] ${host1} ${host2} ${DUMPFLOWS} [Documentation] Verify the source and destination mac address after ping in the dumpflows write ${host1} ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr ${sourcemacaddr} Read Until mininet> ${macaddress}= Split String ${sourcemacaddr} ${SPACE} ${sourcemacaddr}= Get from List ${macaddress} ${index} ${sourcemacaddress}= Convert To Lowercase ${sourcemacaddr} write ${host2} ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr ${destmacaddr} Read Until mininet> ${macaddress}= Split String ${destmacaddr} ${SPACE} ${destmacaddr}= Get from List ${macaddress} ${index} ${destmacaddress}= Convert To Lowercase ${destmacaddr} write ${DUMPFLOWS} ${result} Read Until mininet> Should Contain ${result} ${sourcemacaddress} Should Contain ${result} ${destmacaddress} Verify flowactions [Arguments] ${actions} ${DUMPFLOWS} [Documentation] Verify the flowfilter actions after ping in the dumpflows write ${DUMPFLOWS} ${result} Read Until mininet> Should Contain ${result} ${actions} Add a vtn flowfilter [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vtnflowfilter_data} [Documentation] Create a flowfilter for a vtn ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:set-flow-filter data={"input": {"tenant-name": "${vtn_name}",${vtnflowfilter_data}}} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Remove a vtn flowfilter [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${filter_index} [Documentation] Delete a vtn flowfilter ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:remove-flow-filter data={"input": {"indices": ["${filter_index}"], "tenant-name": "${vtn_name}"}} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Add a vbr flowfilter [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vBridge_name} ${vbrflowfilter_data} [Documentation] Create a flowfilter for a vbr ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:set-flow-filter data={"input": {"tenant-name": "${vtn_name}", "bridge-name": "${vBridge_name}", ${vbrflowfilter_data}}} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Remove a vbr flowfilter [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vBridge_name} ${filter_index} [Documentation] Delete a vbr flowfilter ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:remove-flow-filter data={"input": {"indices": ["${filter_index}"], "tenant-name": "${vtn_name}","bridge-name": "${vBridge_name}"}} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Add a vbrif flowfilter [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vBridge_name} ${interface_name} ${vbrif_flowfilter_data} [Documentation] Create a flowfilter for a vbrif ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:set-flow-filter data={"input": {"tenant-name": ${vtn_name}, "bridge-name": "${vBridge_name}","interface-name":"${interface_name}",${vbrif_flowfilter_data}}} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Remove a vbrif flowfilter [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vBridge_name} ${interface_name} ${filter_index} [Documentation] Delete a vbrif flowfilter ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:remove-flow-filter data={"input": {"indices": ["${filter_index}"], "tenant-name": "${vtn_name}","bridge-name": "${vBridge_name}","interface-name": "${interface_name}"}} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Add a vlan portmap [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vbr_name} ${interface_name} ${id} ${node_id} ${port_id} [Documentation] Create a portmap for a interface of a vbridge ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn-port-map:set-port-map data={"input": { "tenant-name":${vtn_name}, "bridge-name":${vbr_name}, "interface-name": ${interface_name}, "vlan-id": ${id}, "node":"${node_id}", "port-name":"${port_id}"}} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Verify Flow Entries for Flowfilter [Arguments] ${dumpflows} @{flowfilter_actions} [Documentation] Verify switch flow entry using flowfilter for a vtn ${booleanValue}= Run Keyword And Return Status Verify Actions on Flow Entry ${dumpflows} @{flowfilter_actions} Should Be Equal As Strings ${booleanValue} True Verify Removed Flow Entry for Inet Drop Flowfilter [Arguments] ${dumpflows} @{flowfilter_actions} [Documentation] Verify removed switch flow entry using flowfilter drop for a vtn ${booleanValue}= Run Keyword And Return Status Verify Actions on Flow Entry ${dumpflows} @{flowfilter_actions} Should Be Equal As Strings ${booleanValue} True Verify Actions on Flow Entry [Arguments] ${dumpflows} @{flowfilter_actions} [Documentation] check flow action elements by giving dumpflows in mininet write ${dumpflows} ${result} Read Until mininet> : FOR ${flowElement} IN @{flowfilter_actions} \ should Contain ${result} ${flowElement} Add a flowcondition [Arguments] ${flowcond_name} ${flowconditiondata} [Documentation] Create a flowcondition using Restconfig Api ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn-flow-condition:set-flow-condition data={"input":{"operation":"SET","present":"false","name":"${flowcond_name}",${flowconditiondata}}} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Get flowconditions [Documentation] Retrieve the list of flowconditions created ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Get Request session restconf/operational/vtn-flow-condition:vtn-flow-conditions Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Get flowcondition [Arguments] ${flowcond_name} ${retrieve} [Documentation] Retrieve the flowcondition by name and to check the removed flowcondition we added "retrieve" argument to differentiate the status code, ... since after removing flowcondition name the status will be different compare to status code when the flowcondition name is present. ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Get Request session restconf/operational/vtn-flow-condition:vtn-flow-conditions/vtn-flow-condition/${flowcond_name} Run Keyword If '${retrieve}' == 'retrieve' Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 ... ELSE Should Not Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Remove flowcondition [Arguments] ${flowcond_name} [Documentation] Remove the flowcondition by name ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request session restconf/operations/vtn-flow-condition:remove-flow-condition data={"input":{"name":"${flowcond_name}"}} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200