"""This is the base library for criotdm. Both work for IoTDM project.""" import requests op_provision = ":8181/restconf/operations/onem2m:onem2m-cse-provisioning" op_tree = ":8181/restconf/operational/onem2m:onem2m-resource-tree" op_cleanup = ":8181/restconf/operations/onem2m:onem2m-cleanup-store" cse_payload = ''' { "input": { "onem2m-primitive": [ { "name": "CSE_ID", "value": "%s" }, { "name": "CSE_TYPE", "value": "IN-CSE" } ] } } ''' resourcepayload = ''' { %s } ''' ae_payload = ''' { "m2m:ae":{%s} } ''' con_payload = ''' { "m2m:cnt":{%s} } ''' cin_payload = ''' { "m2m:cin":{%s} } ''' sub_payload = ''' { "m2m:sub":{%s} } ''' acp_payload = ''' { "m2m:acp":{%s} } ''' nod_payload = ''' { "m2m:nod":{%s} } ''' resources = {"m2m:ae", "m2m:cnt", "m2m:cin", "m2m:sub", "m2m:acp", "m2m:nod", "m2m:grp"} payload_map = {1: acp_payload, 2: ae_payload, 3: con_payload, 4: cin_payload, 14: nod_payload, 23: sub_payload} def find_key(response, key): """Deserialize response, return value for key or None.""" dic = response.json() key1 = list(dic.keys()) if len(key1) != 1: raise ValueError("The response should be json object") if key1[0] not in resources: raise ValueError("The resource is not recognized") return dic.get(key1[0], None).get(key, None) def name(response): """Return the resource name in the response.""" return find_key(response, "rn") def lastModifiedTime(response): """Return the lastModifiedTime in the response.""" return find_key(response, "lt") def resid(response): """Return the resource id in the response.""" return find_key(response, "ri") def parent(response): """Return the parent resource id in the response.""" return find_key(response, "pi") def content(response): """Return the content the response.""" return find_key(response, "con") def restype(response): """Return the resource type the response.""" return find_key(response, "rty") def status(response): """Return the protocol status code in the response.""" try: return response.status_code except(TypeError, AttributeError): return None def headers(response): """Return the protocol headers in the response.""" try: return response.headers except(TypeError, AttributeError): return None def error(response): """Return the error string in the response.""" try: return response.json()['error'] except(TypeError, AttributeError): return None def normalize(resource_uri): """Remove the first / of /InCSE1/ae1.""" if resource_uri is not None: if resource_uri[0] == "/": return resource_uri[1:] return resource_uri class connect: """Create the connection.""" def __init__(self, server="localhost", base='InCSE1', auth=('admin', 'admin'), protocol="http"): """Connect to a IoTDM server.""" self.session = requests.Session() self.session.auth = auth self.session.headers.update({'content-type': 'application/json'}) self.timeout = 5 self.payload = cse_payload % (base) self.headers = { # Admittedly these are "magic values" but are required # and until a proper defaulting initializer is in place # are hard-coded. 'content-type': 'application/vnd.onem2m-res+json', 'X-M2M-Origin': '//localhost:10000', 'X-M2M-RI': '12345', 'X-M2M-OT': 'NOW' } self.server = "%s://" % (protocol) + server self.url = self.server + op_provision self.response = self.session.post( self.url, data=self.payload, timeout=self.timeout) def modify_headers_origin(self, new_origin): """Modify the headers to test ACP.""" self.headers['X-M2M-Origin'] = new_origin def create(self, parent, restype, attr=None): """Create certain resource with attributes under parent URI. Args: :param parent: the target URI :param restype: the resourceType of the resource :param attr: the payload of the resource """ if parent is None: return None restype = int(restype) payload = payload_map[restype] payload = payload % (attr) self.headers['content-type'] = 'application/\ vnd.onem2m-res+json;ty=%s' % (restype) parent = normalize(parent) self.url = self.server + ":8282/%s?&rcn=1" % ( parent) self.response = self.session.post( self.url, payload, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers) def create_with_command(self, parent, restype, command, attr=None): """Create certain resource with attributes under parent URI. Args: :param parent: the target URI :param restype: the resourceType of the resource :param command: the command would be in the URI after & :param attr: the payload of the resource """ if parent is None: return None restype = int(restype) payload = payload_map[restype] payload = payload % (attr) self.headers['content-type'] = 'application/\ vnd.onem2m-res+json;ty=%s' % (restype) parent = normalize(parent) self.url = self.server + ":8282/%s?%s" % ( parent, command) self.response = self.session.post( self.url, payload, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers) def retrieve(self, resource_uri): """Retrieve resource using resource_uri.""" if resource_uri is None: return None resource_uri = normalize(resource_uri) self.url = self.server + ":8282/%s?rcn=5" % (resource_uri) self.headers['X-M2M-NM'] = None self.headers['content-type'] = 'application/vnd.onem2m-res+json' self.response = self.session.get( self.url, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers ) def retrieve_with_command(self, resource_uri, command): """Retrieve resource using resource_uri with command.""" if resource_uri is None: return None if command is None: return None resource_uri = normalize(resource_uri) self.url = self.server + ":8282/%s?%s" % (resource_uri, command) self.headers['X-M2M-NM'] = None self.headers['content-type'] = 'application/vnd.onem2m-res+json' self.response = self.session.get( self.url, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers ) def update(self, resource_uri, restype, attr=None): """Update resource at resource_uri with new attributes.""" if resource_uri is None: return None resource_uri = normalize(resource_uri) restype = int(restype) payload = payload_map[restype] payload = payload % (attr) self.headers['content-type'] = 'application/vnd.onem2m-res+json' self.url = self.server + ":8282/%s" % (resource_uri) self.response = self.session.put( self.url, payload, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers) def update_with_command(self, resource_uri, restype, command, attr=None): """Update resource at resource_uri with new attributes.""" if resource_uri is None: return None resource_uri = normalize(resource_uri) restype = int(restype) payload = payload_map[restype] payload = payload % (attr) self.headers['content-type'] = 'application/vnd.onem2m-res+json' self.url = self.server + ":8282/%s?%s" % (resource_uri, command) self.response = self.session.put( self.url, payload, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers) def delete(self, resource_uri): """Delete the resource at the resource_uri.""" if resource_uri is None: return None resource_uri = normalize(resource_uri) self.url = self.server + ":8282/%s" % (resource_uri) self.headers['X-M2M-NM'] = None self.headers['content-type'] = 'application/vnd.onem2m-res+json' self.response = self.session.delete(self.url, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers) def delete_with_command(self, resource_uri, command): """Delete the resource at the resource_uri.""" if resource_uri is None: return None resource_uri = normalize(resource_uri) self.url = self.server + ":8282/%s?%s" % (resource_uri, command) self.headers['X-M2M-NM'] = None self.headers['content-type'] = 'application/vnd.onem2m-res+json' self.response = self.session.delete(self.url, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers) def tree(self): """Get the resource tree.""" self.url = self.server + op_tree self.response = self.session.get(self.url) def kill(self): """Kill the tree.""" self.url = self.server + op_cleanup self.response = self.session.post(self.url)