import collections import errno import logging import os import re # Make sure to have unique matches in different lines # Order the list in alphabetical order based on the "issue" key _whitelist = [ {"issue": "", "id": "ConflictingModificationAppliedException", "context": [ "Node was created by other transaction", "Optimistic lock failed for path /(urn:opendaylight:inventory?revision=2013-08-19)nodes/node/node" + "[{(urn:opendaylight:inventory?revision=2013-08-19)id=openflow", "table/table[{(urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory?revision=2013-08-19)id=21}]/flow/flow" + "[{(urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory?revision=2013-08-19)id=L3." ]}, # oxygen {"issue": "", "id": "ConflictingModificationAppliedException", "context": [ "Node was created by other transaction", "OptimisticLockFailedException: Optimistic lock failed." "Conflicting modification for path /(urn:opendaylight:inventory?revision=2013-08-19)nodes/node/node" + "[{(urn:opendaylight:inventory?revision=2013-08-19)id=", "table/table[{(urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory?revision=2013-08-19)id=21}]/flow/flow" + "[{(urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory?revision=2013-08-19)id=L3.", ".21.", ".42." ]}, {"issue": "", "id": "ConflictingModificationAppliedException", "context": [ "Node was created by other transaction", "Optimistic lock failed for path /(urn:opendaylight:inventory?revision=2013-08-19)nodes/node/node" + "[{(urn:opendaylight:inventory?revision=2013-08-19)id=openflow:", ]}, # oxygen {"issue": "", "id": "ConflictingModificationAppliedException", "context": [ "OptimisticLockFailedException: Optimistic lock failed." "Conflicting modification for path /(urn:opendaylight:inventory?revision=2013-08-19)nodes/node/node" + "[{(urn:opendaylight:inventory?revision=2013-08-19)id=openflow:", "table/table[{(urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory?revision=2013-08-19)id=47}]/flow/flow" + "[{(urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory?revision=2013-08-19)id=SNAT.", ".47." ]}, {"issue": "", "id": "ConflictingModificationAppliedException", "context": [ "Node was deleted by other transaction", "Optimistic lock failed for path /(urn:opendaylight:netvirt:elan?revision=2015-06-02)elan-" + "forwarding-tables/mac-table/mac-table[{(urn:opendaylight:netvirt:elan?revision=2015-06-02)" + "elan-instance-name=", ]}, # oxygen version of NETVIRT-1136 {"issue": "", "id": "ConflictingModificationAppliedException", "context": [ "Node was deleted by other transaction", "OptimisticLockFailedException: Optimistic lock failed.", "Conflicting modification for path /(urn:opendaylight:netvirt:elan?revision=2015-06-02)elan-" + "forwarding-tables/mac-table/mac-table[{(urn:opendaylight:netvirt:elan?revision=2015-06-02)" + "elan-instance-name=" ]}, {"issue": "", "id": "ConflictingModificationAppliedException", "context": [ "Optimistic lock failed for path /(urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-interfaces?revision=2014-05-08)" + "interfaces/interface/interface[{(urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-interfaces?revision=2014-05-08)name=", ]}, {"issue": "", "id": "ConflictingModificationAppliedException", "context": [ "ConflictingModificationAppliedException: Node children was modified by other transaction", "OptimisticLockFailedException", "Conflicting modification for path /(urn:opendaylight:netvirt:l3vpn?revision=2013-09-11)" + "vpn-instance-op-data/vpn-instance-op-data-entry/vpn-instance-op-data-entry" + "[{(urn:opendaylight:netvirt:l3vpn?revision=2013-09-11)vrf-id=" ]}, {"issue": "", "id": "ExecutionException", "context": [ "OptimisticLockFailedException: Optimistic lock failed", "ConflictingModificationAppliedException: Node children was modified by other transaction", "removeOrUpdateVpnToDpnList: Error removing from dpnToVpnList for vpn " ]}, {"issue": "", "id": "OptimisticLockFailedException", "context": [ "OptimisticLockFailedException: Optimistic lock failed.", "ConflictingModificationAppliedException: Node children was modified by other transaction", "Direct Exception (not failed Future) when executing job, won't even retry: JobEntry{key='VPNINTERFACE-" ]}, {"issue": "", "id": "ConflictingModificationAppliedException", "context": [ "Optimistic lock failed for path /(urn:opendaylight:neutron?revision=2015-07-12)" + "neutron/networks/network/network[{(urn:opendaylight:neutron?revision=2015-07-12)uuid=", "Conflicting modification for path /(urn:opendaylight:neutron?revision=2015-07-12)" + "neutron/networks/network/network[{(urn:opendaylight:neutron?revision=2015-07-12)uuid=" ]}, {"issue": "", "id": "OptimisticLockFailedException", "context": [ "Got OptimisticLockFailedException", "AbstractTranscriberInterface" ]}, {"issue": "", "id": "ConflictingModificationAppliedException", "context": [ "Optimistic lock failed for path /(urn:opendaylight:neutron?revision=2015-07-12)neutron" ]}, # oxygen {"issue": "", "id": "ConflictingModificationAppliedException", "context": [ "OptimisticLockFailedException: Optimistic lock failed.", "Conflicting modification for path /(urn:opendaylight:neutron?revision=2015-07-12)" + "neutron/networks/network/network[{(urn:opendaylight:neutron?revision=2015-07-12)uuid=", ]}, {"issue": "", "id": "IllegalStateException", "context": [ "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Deserializer for key: msgVersion: 4 objectClass: " + "org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.openflow.oxm.rev150225.match.entries.grouping.MatchEntry " + "msgType: 1 oxm_field: 33 experimenterID: null was not found " + "- please verify that all needed deserializers ale loaded correctly" ]} ] _re_ts = re.compile(r"^[0-9]{4}(-[0-9]{2}){2}T([0-9]{2}:){2}[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3}") _re_ts_we = re.compile(r"^[0-9]{4}(-[0-9]{2}){2}T([0-9]{2}:){2}[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3}( \| ERROR \| | \| WARN \| )") _re_ex = re.compile(r"(?i)exception") _ex_map = collections.OrderedDict() _ts_list = [] _fail = [] def get_exceptions(lines): """ Create a map of exceptions that also has a list of warnings and errors preceeding the exception to use as context. The lines are parsed to create a list where all lines related to a timestamp are aggregated. Timestamped lines with exception (case insensitive) are copied to the exception map keyed to the index of the timestamp line. Each exception value also has a list containing WARN and ERROR lines proceeding the exception. :param list lines: :return OrderedDict _ex_map: map of exceptions """ global _ex_map _ex_map = collections.OrderedDict() global _ts_list _ts_list = [] cur_list = [] warnerr_deq = collections.deque(maxlen=5) for line in lines: ts = # Check if this is the start or continuation of a timestamp line if ts: cur_list = [line] _ts_list.append(cur_list) ts_we = # Track WARN and ERROR lines if ts_we: warn_err_index = len(_ts_list) - 1 warnerr_deq.append(warn_err_index) # Append to current timestamp line since this is not a timestamp line else: cur_list.append(line) # Add the timestamp line to the exception map if it has an exception ex = if ex: index = len(_ts_list) - 1 if index not in _ex_map: _ex_map[index] = {"warnerr_list": list(warnerr_deq), 'lines': cur_list} warnerr_deq.clear() # reset the deque to only track new ERROR and WARN lines return _ex_map def check_exceptions(): """ Return a list of exceptions that were not in the whitelist. Each exception found is compared against all the patterns in the whitelist. :return list _fail: list of exceptions not in the whitelist """ global _fail _fail = [] _match = [] for ex_idx, ex in _ex_map.items(): ex_str = "__".join(ex.get("lines")) for whitelist in _whitelist: # skip the current whitelist exception if not in the current exception if whitelist.get("id") not in ex_str: continue whitelist_contexts = whitelist.get("context") num_context_matches = 0 for whitelist_context in whitelist_contexts: for exwe_index in reversed(ex.get("warnerr_list")): exwe_str = "__".join(_ts_list[exwe_index]) if whitelist_context in exwe_str: num_context_matches += 1 # Mark this exception as a known issue if all the context's matched if num_context_matches >= len(whitelist_contexts): ex["issue"] = whitelist.get("issue") _match.append(ex)"known exception was seen: {}".format(ex["issue"])) break # A new exception when it isn't marked with a known issue. if "issue" not in ex: _fail.append(ex) return _fail, _match def verify_exceptions(lines): """ Return a list of exceptions not in the whitelist for the given lines. :param list lines: list of lines from a log :return list, list: one list of exceptions not in the whitelist, and a second with matching issues """ if not lines: return get_exceptions(lines) return check_exceptions() def write_exceptions_map_to_file(testname, filename, mode="a+"): """ Write the exceptions map to a file under the testname header. The output will include all lines in the exception itself as well as any previous contextual warning or error lines. The output will be appended or overwritten depending on the mode parameter. It is assumed that the caller has called verify_exceptions() earlier to populate the exceptions map, otherwise only the testname and header will be printed to the file. :param str testname: The name of the test :param str filename: The file to open for writing :param str mode: Append (a+) or overwrite (w+) """ try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise with open(filename, mode) as fp: fp.write("Starting test: {}\n".format(testname)) fp.write("{}\n".format("-" * 40)) for ex_idx, ex in _ex_map.items(): for exwe_index in ex.get("warnerr_list"): for line in _ts_list[exwe_index]: fp.write(line) fp.writelines(ex.get("lines"))