#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @License EPL-1.0 ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2017 Raghuram Vadapalli, Jaspreet Singh and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html ############################################################################## """ This script is used to parse logs, construct JSON BODY and push it to ELK DB. Usage: python construct_json.py host:port JSON body similar to following is constructed from robot files, jenkins environment and plot files available in workspace available post-build. { "project": "opendaylight", <- fix string for ODL project "subject": "test", <- fix string for ODL test "test-type": "performance", <- if there are csv files, otherwise "functional" "jenkins-silo": "releng" <- from Jenkins $SILO "test-name": "openflowplugin-csit-1node-periodic-bulkomatic-perf-daily-only-carbon", <- from Jenkins $JOB_NAME "test-run": 289, <- from Jenkins $BUILD_NUMBER "start-time": "20170612 16:50:04 GMT-07:00", <- from robot log "duration": "00:01:05.942", <- from robot log "pass-tests": 9, <- from robot log "fail-tests": 0, <- from robot log "plots": { "rate": { <- csv filename "Config DS": 5816.99726601, <- from csv file "OVS Switch": 5757.05238918, <- from csv file "Operational DS": 2654.49139945 <- from csv file }, "time": { <- csv filename "Config DS": 17.191, <- from csv file "OVS Switch": 17.37, <- from csv file "Operational DS": 37.672 <- from csv file } } } """ # stdlib from datetime import datetime import glob import json import os import requests import sys import time import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # 3rd party lib import yaml # ELK DB host and port to be passed as ':' separated argument if len(sys.argv) > 1: if ':' in sys.argv[1]: ELK_DB_HOST = sys.argv[1].split(':')[0] ELK_DB_PORT = sys.argv[1].split(':')[1] else: print('Usage: python push_to_elk.py host:port') print('Unable to publish data to ELK. Exiting.') sys.exit() # Construct json body BODY = {} ts = time.time() formatted_ts = \ datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') BODY['@timestamp'] = formatted_ts # Plots are obtained from csv files (present in archives directory in $WORKSPACE). csv_files = glob.glob('archives/*.csv') BODY['project'] = 'opendaylight' BODY['subject'] = 'test' # If there are no csv files, then it is a functional test. # Parse csv files and fill perfomance parameter values if len(csv_files) == 0: BODY['test-type'] = 'functional' else: BODY['test-type'] = 'performance' BODY['plots'] = {} for f in csv_files: key = (f.split('/')[-1])[:-4] BODY['plots'][key] = {} with open(f) as file: lines = file.readlines() props = lines[0].strip().split(',') vals = lines[1].strip().split(',') BODY['plots'][key][props[0]] = float(vals[0]) BODY['plots'][key][props[1]] = float(vals[1]) BODY['plots'][key][props[2]] = float(vals[2]) # Fill the required parameters whose values are obtained from environment. BODY['jenkins-silo'] = os.environ['SILO'] BODY['test-name'] = os.environ['JOB_NAME'] BODY['test-run'] = os.environ['BUILD_NUMBER'] # Parsing robot log for statistics on no of start-time, pass/fail tests and duration. robot_log = os.environ['WORKSPACE'] + '/output.xml' tree = ET.parse(robot_log) BODY['id'] = '{}-{}'.format(os.environ['JOB_NAME'], os.environ['BUILD_NUMBER']) BODY['start-time'] = tree.getroot().attrib['generated'] BODY['pass-tests'] = tree.getroot().find('statistics')[0][1].get('pass') BODY['fail-tests'] = tree.getroot().find('statistics')[0][1].get('fail') endtime = tree.getroot().find('suite').find('status').get('endtime') starttime = tree.getroot().find('suite').find('status').get('starttime') elap_time = datetime.strptime(endtime, '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S.%f') \ - datetime.strptime(starttime, '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S.%f') BODY['duration'] = str(elap_time) # Parse JSON BODY to construct PUT_URL PUT_URL_INDEX = '/{}-{}'.format(BODY['project'], BODY['subject']) PUT_URL_TYPE = '/{}'.format(BODY['test-type']) PUT_URL_ID = '/{}-{}'.format(BODY['test-name'], BODY['test-run']) PUT_URL = 'https://{}:{}{}{}{}'.format(ELK_DB_HOST, ELK_DB_PORT, PUT_URL_INDEX, PUT_URL_TYPE, PUT_URL_ID) print(PUT_URL) print(json.dumps(BODY, indent=4)) # Try to send request to ELK DB. try: r = requests.put(PUT_URL, json=BODY) print(r.status_code) print(json.dumps(json.loads(r.content), indent=4)) except: print('Unable to push data to ElasticSearch') # Function to convert JSON object to string. # Python puts 'true' as 'True' etc. which need handling. def JSONToString(jobj): retval = str(jobj) retval = retval.replace('\'', '"') retval = retval.replace(': ', ':') retval = retval.replace(', ', ',') retval = retval.replace('True', 'true') retval = retval.replace('False', 'false') retval = retval.replace('None', 'null') return retval # This function takes # testname (string, eg: 'openflowplugin-csit-1node-periodic-bulkomatic-perf-daily-only-carbon'), # fieldlist (list of fields, eg: ['pass-tests', 'failed-tests']), # plotkey (string, eg: 'rate') # as parameters and constructs a visualization object in JSON format def getVisualization(testname, fieldlist, plotkey=''): vis = {} vis['title'] = testname if plotkey != '': vis['title'] += '-' + plotkey vis['description'] = 'visualization of ' + plotkey \ + ' trends for testplan ' + testname vis['version'] = 1 vis['kibanaSavedObjectMeta'] = {'searchSourceJSON': ''} searchSourceJSON = { 'index': 'opendaylight-test', 'query': { 'query_string': { 'analyze_wildcard': True, 'query': '*' } }, 'filter': [{ 'meta': { 'index': 'opendaylight-test', 'negate': False, 'disabled': False, 'alias': None, 'type': 'phrase', 'key': 'test-name', 'value': testname, }, 'query': { 'match': { 'test-name': { 'query': testname, 'type': 'phrase' } } }, '$state': { 'store': 'appState' } }] } vis['kibanaSavedObjectMeta']['searchSourceJSON'] = \ JSONToString(searchSourceJSON) vis['uiStateJSON'] = '{"vis":{"legendOpen":true, "colors":{"pass-tests":"#7EB26D","failed-tests":"#E24D42"}}}' visState = { 'title': vis['title'], 'type': 'area', 'params': { 'addLegend': True, 'addTimeMarker': False, 'addTooltip': True, 'times': [], 'grid': { 'categoryLines': False, 'style': { 'color': '#eee' } }, 'legendPosition': 'right', 'seriesParams': [], 'categoryAxes': [{ 'id': 'CategoryAxis-1', 'labels': {'show': True, 'truncate': 100}, 'position': 'bottom', 'scale': {'type': 'linear'}, 'show': True, 'style': {}, 'title': {'text': 'Test run number'}, 'type': 'category', }], 'valueAxes': [{ 'id': 'ValueAxis-1', 'labels': { 'filter': False, 'rotate': 0, 'show': True, 'truncate': 100, }, 'name': 'LeftAxis-1', 'position': 'left', 'scale': {'mode': 'normal', 'type': 'linear'}, 'show': True, 'style': {}, 'title': {'text': ''}, 'type': 'value', }], }, 'aggs': [{ 'id': '2', 'enabled': True, 'type': 'histogram', 'schema': 'segment', 'params': { 'field': 'test-run', 'interval': 1, 'extended_bounds': {}, 'customLabel': 'Test run number', }, }], 'listeners': {}, } if plotkey != '': # Performance plot visState['type'] = 'line' for field in fieldlist: seriesParam = { 'show': True, 'mode': 'normal', 'type': 'area', 'drawLinesBetweenPoints': True, 'showCircles': True, 'interpolate': 'linear', 'lineWidth': 2, 'data': { 'id': str(len(visState['params']['seriesParams']) + 1) + '-' + vis['title'], 'label': field.split('.')[-1] }, 'valueAxis': 'ValueAxis-1', } if plotkey != '': # Performance plot seriesParam['type'] = 'line' agg = { 'id': str(len(visState['params']['seriesParams']) + 1) + '-' + vis['title'], 'enabled': True, 'type': 'sum', 'schema': 'metric', 'params': { 'field': field, 'customLabel': field.split('.')[-1] }, } visState['params']['seriesParams'].append(seriesParam) visState['aggs'].append(agg) vis['visState'] = JSONToString(visState) return vis vis_ids = [] if BODY['test-type'] == 'performance': # Create visualizations for performance tests # One visualization for one plot for key in BODY['plots']: fieldlist = [] for subkey in BODY['plots'][key]: fieldlist.append('plots.' + key + '.' + subkey) vis = getVisualization(BODY['test-name'], fieldlist, key) vis_ids.append(BODY['test-name'] + '-' + key) PUT_URL = \ 'https://{}:{}/.kibana/visualization/{}-{}'.format(ELK_DB_HOST, ELK_DB_PORT, BODY['test-name'], key) print(PUT_URL) print(json.dumps(vis, indent=4)) try: r = requests.put(PUT_URL, json=vis) print(r.status_code) print(json.dumps(json.loads(r.content), indent=4)) except: print('Unable to push visualization to Kibana') vis = getVisualization(BODY['test-name'], ['pass-tests', 'failed-tests']) vis_ids.append(BODY['test-name']) PUT_URL = 'https://{}:{}/.kibana/visualization/{}'.format(ELK_DB_HOST, ELK_DB_PORT, BODY['test-name']) print(PUT_URL) print(json.dumps(vis, indent=4)) try: r = requests.put(PUT_URL, json=vis) print(r.status_code) print(json.dumps(json.loads(r.content), indent=4)) except: print('Unable to push dashboard to Kibana') # Create dashboard and add above created visualizations to it DASHBOARD_NAME = BODY['test-name'].split('-')[0] dashboard = {} dashboard['title'] = DASHBOARD_NAME dashboard['description'] = 'Dashboard for visualizing ' \ + DASHBOARD_NAME dashboard['uiStateJSON'] = '{}' dashboard['optionsJSON'] = '{"darkTheme":false}' dashboard['version'] = 1 dashboard['timeRestore'] = False dashboard['kibanaSavedObjectMeta'] = { 'searchSourceJSON': '{"filter":[{"query":{"query_string":{"query":"*","analyze_wildcard":true}}}],' '"highlightAll":true,"version":true}' } # Check if visualizations already present in dashboard. If present, don't add, else, add at end GET_URL = 'https://{}:{}/.kibana/dashboard/{}'.format(ELK_DB_HOST, ELK_DB_PORT, DASHBOARD_NAME) r = requests.get(GET_URL) response = json.loads(r.content) dashboard_found = response['found'] vis_ids_present = set() panelsJSON = [] print json.dumps(response, indent=4) if dashboard_found: panelsJSON = yaml.safe_load(response['_source']['panelsJSON']) for vis in panelsJSON: vis_ids_present.add(vis['id']) size_x = 6 size_y = 3 xpos = (len(vis_ids_present) % 2) * 6 + 1 ypos = (len(vis_ids_present) / 2) * 3 + 1 for (i, vis_id) in enumerate(vis_ids): if (not dashboard_found or vis_id not in vis_ids_present): panelJSON = { 'size_x': size_x, 'size_y': size_y, 'panelIndex': len(vis_ids_present) + i, 'type': 'visualization', 'id': vis_id, 'col': xpos, 'row': ypos, } xpos += size_x if xpos > 12: xpos = 1 ypos += size_y panelsJSON.append(panelJSON) else: print('visualization ' + vis_id + ' already present in dashboard') dashboard['panelsJSON'] = JSONToString(panelsJSON) PUT_URL = 'https://{}:{}/.kibana/dashboard/{}'.format(ELK_DB_HOST, ELK_DB_PORT, DASHBOARD_NAME) print(PUT_URL) print(json.dumps(dashboard, indent=4)) r = requests.put(PUT_URL, json=dashboard) print(r.status_code) print(json.dumps(json.loads(r.content), indent=4))