#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @License EPL-1.0 ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2017 Raghuram Vadapalli, Jaspreet Singh and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html ############################################################################## """ This script is used to parse logs, construct JSON BODY and push it to ELK DB. Usage: python construct_json.py host:port JSON body similar to following is \ constructed from robot files, jenkins environment and plot files available in workspace available post-build. { "project": "opendaylight", <- fix string for ODL project "subject": "test", <- fix string for ODL test "test-type": "performance", <- if there are csv files, \ otherwise "functional" "jenkins-silo": "releng" <- from Jenkins $SILO "test-name": "openflowplugin-csit-1node-periodic \ -bulkomatic-perf-daily-only-carbon", <- from Jenkins $JOB_NAME "test-run": 289, <- from Jenkins $BUILD_NUMBER "start-time": "20170612 16:50:04 GMT-07:00", <- from robot log "duration": "00:01:05.942", <- from robot log "pass-tests": 9, <- from robot log "fail-tests": 0, <- from robot log "plots": { "rate": { <- csv filename "Config DS": 5816.99726601, <- from csv file "OVS Switch": 5757.05238918, <- from csv file "Operational DS": 2654.49139945 <- from csv file }, "time": { <- csv filename "Config DS": 17.191, <- from csv file "OVS Switch": 17.37, <- from csv file "Operational DS": 37.672 <- from csv file } } } """ # stdlib import json import os import sys import glob # 3rd party lib from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, RequestsHttpConnection, exceptions import yaml import glob # User defined libs import generate_visState as vis_gen import generate_uiStateJSON as uiStateJSON_gen import generate_dashVis as dash_gen import generate_searchSourceJSON as searchSourceJSON_gen import data_generate as data_gen def p(x): print(json.dumps(x, indent=6, sort_keys=True)) # ELK DB host and port to be passed as ':' separated argument if len(sys.argv) > 1: if ':' in sys.argv[1]: ELK_DB_HOST = sys.argv[1].split(':')[0] ELK_DB_PORT = sys.argv[1].split(':')[1] else: print('Usage: python push_to_elk.py host:port') print('Unable to publish data to ELK. Exiting.') sys.exit() # Construct json body # BODY = {} try: es = Elasticsearch( hosts=[{'host': ELK_DB_HOST, 'port': int(ELK_DB_PORT)}], scheme='https', connection_class=RequestsHttpConnection ) except Exception as e: print('Unexpected Error Occurred. Exiting') print(e) # print(es.info()) # get data from the user defined script BODY = data_gen.generate() print(json.dumps(BODY, indent=4)) # Try to send request to ELK DB. try: index = '{}-{}'.format(BODY['project'], BODY['subject']) ES_ID = '{}:{}-{}'.format(BODY['test-type'], BODY['test-name'], BODY['test-run']) res = es.index(index=index, doc_type='doc', id=ES_ID, body=BODY) print(json.dumps(res, indent=4)) except Exception as e: print(e) print('Unable to push data to ElasticSearch') # sys.exit() # Function to convert JSON object to string. # Python puts 'true' as 'True' etc. which need handling. def JSONToString(jobj): retval = str(jobj) retval = retval.replace('\'', '"') retval = retval.replace(': ', ':') retval = retval.replace(', ', ',') retval = retval.replace('True', 'true') retval = retval.replace('False', 'false') retval = retval.replace('None', 'null') return retval # Clear .kibana index before pushing visualizations try: index = '.kibana' res = es.indices.delete(index=index) except Exception as e: print(e) # raise e print('Unable to push data to ElasticSearch') # Create and push index-pattern to be used by visualizations INDEX_PATTERN_BODY = { "type": "index-pattern", "index-pattern": { "timeFieldName": "@timestamp", "title": '{}-{}'.format(BODY['project'], BODY['subject']) } } KIBANA_CONFIG = {'config': { 'defaultIndex': 'pattern-for-{}-{}'.format(BODY['project'], BODY['subject']), 'timepicker:timeDefaults': '{\n "from": "now-5y",\n \ "to": "now",\n "mode": "quick"\n}', 'xPackMonitoring:showBanner': False}, 'type': 'config', } res = es.index(index='.kibana', doc_type='doc', id='config:6.2.4', body=KIBANA_CONFIG) try: index = '.kibana' ES_ID = 'index-pattern:pattern-for-{}-{}'.format( BODY['project'], BODY['subject']) res = es.index(index=index, doc_type='doc', id=ES_ID, body=INDEX_PATTERN_BODY) p(json.dumps(INDEX_PATTERN_BODY, indent=4)) print(json.dumps(res, indent=4)) except Exception as e: print(e) # raise e print('Unable to push data to ElasticSearch') # Create and push visualizations try: viz_config_path = glob.glob('**/dashboard/viz_config.yaml')[0] except IndexError: print('Visualization template file not found!') sys.exit() try: dash_config_path = glob.glob('**/dashboard/dash_config.yaml')[0] except IndexError: print('Dashboard configuration file not found!') sys.exit() with open(dash_config_path, 'r') as f: dash_config = yaml.safe_load(f) with open(viz_config_path, 'r') as f: viz_config = yaml.safe_load(f) for dashboard_id, dashboard_content in dash_config.items(): for _, i in dash_config[dashboard_id]['viz'].items(): intermediate_format, visState = vis_gen.generate( i, viz_config[i['viz-template']]) searchSourceJSON = searchSourceJSON_gen.generate( i, viz_config[i['viz-template']], intermediate_format['index_pattern']) uiStateJSON = uiStateJSON_gen.generate( i, viz_config[i['viz-template']]) # p(intermediate_format) # p(visState) VIZ_BODY = { 'type': 'visualization', 'visualization': { "title": None, "visState": None, "uiStateJSON": "{}", "description": None, "version": 1, "kibanaSavedObjectMeta": { "searchSourceJSON": None } } } VIZ_BODY['visualization']['title'] = intermediate_format['title'] VIZ_BODY['visualization']['visState'] = JSONToString(visState) VIZ_BODY['visualization']['uiStateJSON'] = JSONToString(uiStateJSON) VIZ_BODY['visualization']['description'] = intermediate_format['desc'] VIZ_BODY['visualization']['kibanaSavedObjectMeta']['searchSourceJSON']\ = JSONToString( searchSourceJSON) p(VIZ_BODY) index = '.kibana' ES_ID = 'visualization:{}'.format(i['id']) res = es.index(index=index, doc_type='doc', id=ES_ID, body=VIZ_BODY) print(json.dumps(res, indent=4)) # Create and push dashboards DASH_BODY = { 'type': 'dashboard', 'dashboard': { 'title': None, 'description': None, 'panelsJSON': None, 'optionsJSON': '{\"darkTheme\":false,\ \"hidePanelTitles\":false,\"useMargins\":true}', 'version': 1, 'kibanaSavedObjectMeta': { 'searchSourceJSON': '{\"query\":{\"language\":\"lucene\", \ \"query\":\"\"}, \ \"filter\":[],\"highlightAll\" \ :true,\"version\":true}' } } } DASH_BODY['dashboard']['title'] = dashboard_content['title'] DASH_BODY['dashboard']['description'] = dashboard_content['desc'] DASH_BODY['dashboard']['panelsJSON'] = JSONToString( dash_gen.generate(dashboard_content['viz'])) p(DASH_BODY) index = '.kibana' ES_ID = 'dashboard:{}'.format(dashboard_content['id']) res = es.index(index=index, doc_type='doc', id=ES_ID, body=DASH_BODY) print(json.dumps(res, indent=4))