*** Settings *** Documentation PCEP performance suite, uses restconf with configurable authentication. ... ... Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. ... ... This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the ... terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, ... and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html ... ... ... General Overview: ... ... This is a suite which has both scale and performance aspects. ... Given scale target, suite reports failures if functional error ... is detected, or if various time limits expire. ... For passing test cases, their duration is the performance metric. ... ... ODL acts as a translation layer between PCEP capable devices ... and users employing RESTCONF. ... Performance measurement focuses on two different workflows. ... ... The first workflow is initial synchronization, when ODL learns ... the state of PCEP topology as devices connect to it, ... while restconf user reads the state repeatedly. ... The second workflow is mass update, when restconf users issue RPCs ... to updale Layer Switched Paths on Path Computation Clients. ... ... This suite uses pcc-mock (downloaded from Nexus) to simulate PCCs. ... It needs segment of bindable IP addresses, ... one for each simulated PCC; so running pcc-mock from remote machine ... is only viable when just single PCC is simulated. ... Testing with multiple PCCs works best when pcc-mock ... runs on the same VM as ODL, so subnet can be used. ... ... Library AuthStandalone is used directly for restconf reads ... in the first workflow. That library transparently handles several ... http authentication methods, based on credentials and pybot arguments. ... ... In the second workflow, updater.py utility is used for issuing ... rapid restconf requests. It can use multiple worker threads, ... as http requests are blocking. ... Due to CPython interpreter itself being single threaded, ... amounts of threads above 8-16 are actually slightly slower ... (which may roughly correspond to network traffic ... being more limiting factor than CPU). ... This suite starts updater utility bound to single CPU, ... as this setup was the most performant in other tests. ... ... In case of failed test case, other tests are skipped (unless ... this is overriden by [Setup]) to finish test run sooner. ... ... Variables and test case names refer to Controller(ODL_SYSTEM) and Mininet ... (TOOLS_SYSTEM), those are assumed to be separate remote VMs, one to host ODL, ... other to host tools. ... In case updater and pcc-mock are desired to run ... from separate machines, their parameters use Mininet(TOOLS_SYSTEM) ... values as default. ... If both updater VM and pcc-mock VM parameters are specified, ... Mininet(TOOLS_SYSTEM) parameters may be skipped. ... Variable ${USE_TOOLS_SYSTEM} decides the pcc-mock running machine. ... ... Some launch scripts put restrictions on how pybot options ... can be specified, so there are utility variables to help with ... copying Controller related value to apply fo updater of pccmock. ... Having a tool co-located with ODL reduces network latency, ... but puts more pressure on CPU and memory on Controller VM. ... ... In some environments, issues with TIME-WAIT prevent high restconf rates, ... so TCP reuse is temporarily allowed during the suite run, if possible ... (and if not disabled by UPDATERVM_ENABLE_TCP_RW_REUSE option value). ... See http://vincent.bernat.im/en/blog/2014-tcp-time-wait-state-linux.html ... This suite ignores possible failures when changing reuse. ... ... Similarly, in some environments, handling of requests.Session object matters ... try changing RESTCONF_REUSE value to see if it helps. ... ... Variables to override (only if needed) in pybot command: ... (Look into Variables table to see the default values.) ... ... FIRST_PCC_IP: Set in case bind address is different from public pcc-mock VM address. ... LOG_NAME: Filename (without path) to save pcc-mock output into. ... LOG_PATH: Override if not the same as pccmock VM workspace. ... LSPS: Number of LSPs per PCC to simulate and test. ... MOCK_FILE: Filename to use for mock-pcc executable instead of the timestamped one. ... ODL_SYSTEM_IP: Numeric IP address of VM where ODL runs. ... ODL_SYSTEM_USER: Username for ssh login to ODL VM. ... ODL_SYSTEM_PASSWORD: Ssh password, empty means public keys are used instead. ... ODL_SYSTEM_PROMPT: Substring to identify Linux prompt on ODL VM. ... ODL_SYSTEM_WORKSPACE: Path to where files can be written on ODL VM. ... PCCDOWNLOAD_HOSTHEADER: Download server may check checks this header before showing content. ... PCCDOWNLOAD_URLBASE: URL to pcep-pcc-mock folder in Nexus (use numberic IP if DNS has problems). ... PCCMOCK_COLOCATED: If True, set PCCMOCKVM* to mirror ODL_SYSTEM* ... PCCMOCKVM_IP: Override TOOLS_SYSTEM for pcc-mock usage. ... PCCMOCKVM_*: Override corresponding TOOLS_SYSTEM_* for pcc-mock usage. ... PCCS: Number of PCCs to simulate and test. ... PCEP_READY_VERIFY_TIMEOUT: Grace period for pcep-topology to appear. Lower if ODL is ready. ... RESTCONF_*: USER, PASSWORD and SCOPE to authenticate with, REUSE session. ... (Note: If SCOPE is not empty, token-based authentication is used.) ... TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP: Numeric IP address of VM to run pcc-mock and updater from by default. ... TOOLS_SYSTEM_PASSWORD: Linux password to go with the username (empty means keys). ... TOOLS_SYSTEM_PROMPT: Substring to identify Linux prompt on TOOLS_SYSTEM VM. ... TOOLS_SYSTEM_USER: Linux username to SSH to on TOOLS_SYSTEM VM. ... TOOLS_SYSTEM_WORKSPACE: Path to where files may be created on TOOLS_SYSTEM VM. ... UPDATER_COLOCATED: If True, overrides UPDATERVM_* parameters to point at ODL_SYSTEM ... (The purpose is to provide an option without ability to unpack ODL_SYSTEM value.) ... UPDATER_ODLADDRESS: Override if public ODL_SYSTEM address is not best fit. ... UPDATER_REFRESH: Main updater thread may sleep this long. Balance precision with overhead. ... UPDATER_TIMEOUT: If updater stops itself if running more than this time. ... (Set this limit according to your performance target.) ... UPDATERVM_ENABLE_TCP_RW_REUSE: Set to false if changing Linux configuration is not desired. ... UPDATERVM_IP: Override TOOLS_SYSTEM for updater.py usage. ... UPDATERVM_*: Override corresponding TOOLS_SYSTEM_* for updater.py usage. Library SSHLibrary timeout=10s Library RequestsLibrary Library ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/AuthStandalone.py Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/Variables.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/BGPcliKeywords.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/FailFast.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/NexusKeywords.robot # for Deploy_Artifact Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/SSHKeywords.robot # for Require_* and Assure_*, Flexible_SSH_Login Suite Setup Initial Setup Suite Teardown Disconnect Test Setup FailFast.Fail_This_Fast_On_Previous_Error Test Teardown FailFast.Start_Failing_Fast_If_This_Failed *** Variables *** # This Variable decides the pcc mock to run in ODL system or tools system. ${USE_TOOLS_SYSTEM} False # This table acts as an exhaustive list of variables users can modify on pybot invocation. # It also contains commented-out lines for variables defined elswhere. # Keep this list in alphabetical order. ${BLOCKING-THREAD} 1 ${DELAY_TIME} 10 ${FIRST_PCC_IP} ${PCCMOCKVM_IP} # ${LOG_FILE} is reserved for location of pybot-created log.html ${INIT_PCC_DEVICE_COUNT} ${100} ${LOG_NAME} throughpcep.log ${LOG_PATH} ${PCCMOCKVM_WORKSPACE} ${LSPS} 65535 #Reduced max pcc device count to 100 for BGPCEP-901 ${MAX_PCC_DEVICE_COUNT} ${100} ${ODL_SYSTEM_WORKSPACE} /tmp ${PARALLEL_ITERATION} 10 ${PCC_DEVICE_INCREMENT} ${50} ${PCCDOWNLOAD_HOSTHEADER} nexus.opendaylight.org ${PCCDOWNLOAD_URLBASE} ... http://${PCCDOWNLOAD_HOSTHEADER}/content/repositories/opendaylight.snapshot/org/opendaylight/bgpcep/pcep-pcc-mock/ ${PCCMOCK_COLOCATED} False ${PCCMOCKVM_IP} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${PCCMOCKVM_PASSWORD} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_PASSWORD} ${PCCMOCKVM_PROMPT} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} ${PCCMOCKVM_USER} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_USER} ${PCCMOCKVM_WORKSPACE} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_WORKSPACE} ${PCCS} 1 ${PCEP_READY_VERIFY_TIMEOUT} 300s # Yes, the default timeout is 5 minutes, as this suite might be started eagerly just after ODL starts booting up. ${RESTCONF_PASSWORD} ${PWD} # from Variables.robot ${RESTCONF_REUSE} True ${RESTCONF_SCOPE} ${EMPTY} ${RESTCONF_USER} ${USER} # from Variables.robot ${SEQUENTIAL_ITERATION} 15 ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_WORKSPACE} /tmp ${UPDATER_COLOCATED} False ${UPDATER_ODLADDRESS} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${UPDATER_REFRESH} 0.1 # Updater timeout is overwritten in releng/builder ${UPDATER_TIMEOUT} 300 ${UPDATERVM_ENABLE_TCP_RW_REUSE} True ${UPDATERVM_IP} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${UPDATERVM_PASSWORD} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_PASSWORD} ${UPDATERVM_PROMPT} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} ${UPDATERVM_USER} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_USER} ${UPDATERVM_WORKSPACE} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_WORKSPACE} *** Test Cases *** Put_Updater [Documentation] Open SSH session to updater VM, copy the utility there, including dependencies, also prepare direct http session. IF ${UPDATER_COLOCATED} Updater_From_Controller SSHLibrary.Open_Connection ${UPDATERVM_IP} alias=updater SSHLibrary.Set_Client_Configuration timeout=20s SSHLibrary.Set_Client_Configuration prompt=${UPDATERVM_PROMPT} SSHKeywords.Flexible_SSH_Login ${UPDATERVM_USER} ${UPDATERVM_PASSWORD} delay=4s SSHKeywords.Require_Python SSHLibrary.Put_File ${CURDIR}/../../../../tools/pcep_updater/updater.py ${UPDATERVM_WORKSPACE}/ SSHLibrary.Put_File ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/AuthStandalone.py ${UPDATERVM_WORKSPACE}/ SSHKeywords.Assure_Library_Counter target_dir=${UPDATERVM_WORKSPACE} SSHKeywords.Assure_Library_Ipaddr target_dir=${UPDATERVM_WORKSPACE} # Done preparation of Updater VM, now use AuthStandalone to create session from robot VM too. BuiltIn.Log_Many ${RESTCONF_USER} ${RESTCONF_PASSWORD} ${RESTCONF_SCOPE} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${session} = AuthStandalone.Init_Session ... ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ... ${RESTCONF_USER} ... ${RESTCONF_PASSWORD} ... ${RESTCONF_SCOPE} BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${rest_session} ${session} # TODO: Define http timeouts. Save_And_Enable_Tcp_Rw_Reuse [Documentation] If requested, temporarily enable TCP port reuse on Updater VM to allow for high rate of TCP connections. Do not start failing fast. BuiltIn.Pass_Execution_If not ${UPDATERVM_ENABLE_TCP_RW_REUSE} Manipulation of tcp_rw_reuse is not requested. ${old_value} = SSHLibrary.Execute_Command cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_tw_reuse # The next line may be skipped if the previous line failed. BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${tcp_rw_reuse} ${old_value} ${out} ${rc} = SSHLibrary.Execute_Command ... sudo bash -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_tw_reuse" ... return_rc=True BuiltIn.Should_Be_Equal ${rc} ${0} # Lack of sudo access should not prevent the rest of suite from trying without TCP reuse. [Teardown] Do_Not_Start_Failing_If_This_Failed Topology_Precondition [Documentation] Verify that within timeout, PCEP topology is present, with no PCC connected. [Tags] critical Set_Hop 0 Builtin.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ${PCEP_READY_VERIFY_TIMEOUT} 1s Pcep_Off # Yes, timeout is 5 minutes, as this suite might be started eagerly just after ODL starts booting up. Topology_Intercondition [Documentation] Verify that within timeout, PCEP topology contains correct numbers of LSPs. [Tags] critical [Setup] Start_Pcc_Mock ${localsize} = Evaluate int(${PCCS})*int(${LSPS}) Builtin.Set_Suite_Variable ${size} ${localsize} BuiltIn.Log ${size} Builtin.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 120s 1s Pcep_On # TODO: Make timeout value scale with ${size}? Updater_1 [Documentation] Run updater tool to change hops, using 1 blocking http thread. [Tags] critical Updater 1 1 [Teardown] Do_Not_Start_Failing_If_This_Failed Verify_1 [Documentation] Verify that within timeout, the correct number of new hops is in PCEP topology. [Tags] critical Verify 1 Updater_2 [Documentation] Run updater tool to change hops again, using 2 blocking http threads. [Tags] critical Updater 2 1 [Teardown] Do_Not_Start_Failing_If_This_Failed Verify_2 [Documentation] Verify that within timeout, the correct number of new hops is in PCEP topology. [Tags] critical Verify 2 Updater_3 [Documentation] Run updater tool to change hops again, using 4 blocking http threads. [Tags] critical Updater 3 4 [Teardown] Do_Not_Start_Failing_If_This_Failed Verify_3 [Documentation] Verify that within timeout, the correct number of new hops is in PCEP topology. [Tags] critical Verify 3 Updater_4 [Documentation] Run updater tool to change hops again, using 8 blocking http threads. [Tags] critical Updater 4 8 [Teardown] Do_Not_Start_Failing_If_This_Failed Verify_4 [Documentation] Verify that within timeout, the correct number of new hops is in PCEP topology. [Tags] critical Verify 4 Updater_5 [Documentation] Run updater tool to change hops again, using 16 blocking http threads. [Tags] critical Updater 5 16 [Teardown] Do_Not_Start_Failing_If_This_Failed Verify_5 [Documentation] Verify that within timeout, the correct number of new hops is in PCEP topology. [Tags] critical Verify 5 Updater_6 [Documentation] Run updater tool to change hops again, using 32 blocking http threads. [Tags] critical Updater 6 32 [Teardown] Do_Not_Start_Failing_If_This_Failed Verify_6 [Documentation] Verify that within timeout, the correct number of new hops is in PCEP topology. [Tags] critical Verify 6 Updater_7 [Documentation] Run updater tool to change hops again, using 64 blocking http threads. [Tags] critical Updater 7 64 [Teardown] Do_Not_Start_Failing_If_This_Failed Verify_7 [Documentation] Verify that within timeout, the correct number of new hops is in PCEP topology. [Tags] critical Verify 7 Updater_8 [Documentation] Run updater tool to change hops again, using 128 blocking http threads. [Tags] critical Updater 8 128 [Teardown] Do_Not_Start_Failing_If_This_Failed Verify_8 [Documentation] Verify that within timeout, the correct number of new hops is in PCEP topology. [Tags] critical Verify 8 Updater_9 [Documentation] Run updater tool to change hops again, using 256 blocking http threads. [Tags] critical Updater 9 256 [Teardown] Do_Not_Start_Failing_If_This_Failed Verify_9 [Documentation] Verify that within timeout, the correct number of new hops is in PCEP topology. [Tags] critical Verify 9 Updater_10 [Documentation] Run updater tool to change hops again, using 512 blocking http threads. [Tags] critical Updater 10 512 [Teardown] Do_Not_Start_Failing_If_This_Failed Verify_10 [Documentation] Verify that within timeout, the correct number of new hops is in PCEP topology. [Tags] critical Verify 10 Updater_with delegate [Documentation] Run updater tool to revoke the delegate for the given hop, using 1 blocking http thread. [Tags] critical Updater 10 1 ${PCCS} ${LSPS} True false 2 Verify 10 [Teardown] Do_Not_Start_Failing_If_This_Failed PCEP_sessions_from_multiple_machines [Documentation] Download and start PCC Mock in tools vm and do updation Download_Pcc_Mock ... ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ... ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_USER} ... ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_PASSWORD} ... ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} ... pccmock_toolsvm Set_Hop 0 Start_Pcc_Mock pccmock_toolsvm ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${PCCS} ${LSPS} throughpcep_tools.log ${total_size} = BuiltIn.Evaluate int(${size})+int(${LSPS}) Builtin.Set_Suite_Variable ${size} ${total_size} BuiltIn.Log ${size} Builtin.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 120s 1s Pcep_On ${second_pcc_lsp_size} = BuiltIn.Evaluate int(${LSPS}) Builtin.Set_Suite_Variable ${size} ${second_pcc_lsp_size} Updater 10 1 ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} Builtin.Set_Suite_Variable ${size} ${total_size} Verify 10 SSHLibrary.Switch_Connection pccmock_toolsvm SSHLibrary.Get_File ${LOG_PATH}/throughpcep_tools.log throughpcep_tools.log BGPcliKeywords.Stop_Console_Tool_And_Wait_Until_Prompt Kill all pcc mock simulator processes pccmock_toolsvm [Teardown] Run Keywords BGPcliKeywords.Stop_Console_Tool_And_Wait_Until_Prompt AND Kill all pcc mock simulator processes Stop_Pcc_Mock [Documentation] Send ctrl+c to pcc-mock, see prompt again within timeout. [Setup] Run_Even_When_Failing_Fast SSHLibrary.Switch_Connection pccmock BGPcliKeywords.Stop_Console_Tool_And_Wait_Until_Prompt [Teardown] Run Keywords Kill all pcc mock simulator processes AND Builtin.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ${PCEP_READY_VERIFY_TIMEOUT} 5s Pcep_Off PCEP Sessions Flapped with LSP updates [Documentation] Flapping PCEP sessions and perform LSP updates within flapping IF '${USE_TOOLS_SYSTEM}' == 'True' BuiltIn.Pass Execution Pcc Mock should not run in ODL System END FOR ${devices} IN RANGE ${INIT_PCC_DEVICE_COUNT} ${MAX_PCC_DEVICE_COUNT+1} ${PCC_DEVICE_INCREMENT} Flap Pcc Mock sessions continuously with LSP updates ${devices} 150 END [Teardown] Run Keywords Kill all pcc mock simulator processes AND BGPcliKeywords.Stop_Console_Tool_And_Wait_Until_Prompt PCEP Sessions Flapped alongside LSP updates [Documentation] Flapping PCEP sessions and perform LSP updates alongside flapping IF '${USE_TOOLS_SYSTEM}' == 'True' BuiltIn.Pass Execution Pcc Mock should not run in ODL System END FOR ${devices} IN RANGE ${INIT_PCC_DEVICE_COUNT} ${MAX_PCC_DEVICE_COUNT+1} ${PCC_DEVICE_INCREMENT} Flap Pcc Mock sessions parallelly with LSP updates ${devices} 150 BGPcliKeywords.Stop_Console_Tool_And_Wait_Until_Prompt END [Teardown] Run Keywords Kill all pcc mock simulator processes AND BGPcliKeywords.Stop_Console_Tool_And_Wait_Until_Prompt Download_Pccmock_Log [Documentation] Transfer pcc-mock output from pcc-mock VM to robot VM. [Setup] Run_Even_When_Failing_Fast SSHLibrary.Get_File ${LOG_PATH}/${LOG_NAME} ${LOG_NAME} SSHLibrary.Get_File ${LOG_PATH}/serial_execution.log serial_execution.log SSHLibrary.Get_File ${LOG_PATH}/throughpcep_parallel_Execution.log Topology_Postcondition [Documentation] Verify that within timeout, PCEP topology contains no PCCs again. [Tags] critical [Setup] Run_Even_When_Failing_Fast Builtin.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 90s 5s Pcep_Off_Again Restore_Tcp_Rw_Reuse [Documentation] If requested, restore the old value if enabling TCP reuse was successful on Updater VM. [Setup] Run_Even_When_Failing_Fast BuiltIn.Pass_Execution_If not ${UPDATERVM_ENABLE_TCP_RW_REUSE} Manipulation of tcp_rw_reuse is not requested. SSHLibrary.Switch_Connection updater BuiltIn.Variable_Should_Exist ${tcp_rw_reuse} ${out} ${rc} = SSHLibrary.Execute_Command ... sudo bash -c "echo ${tcp_rw_reuse} > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_tw_reuse" ... return_rc=True BuiltIn.Should_Be_Equal ${rc} ${0} *** Keywords *** Initial Setup FailFast.Do_Not_Fail_Fast_From_Now_On Select_mock_machine_and_Download_PCC_Mock Select_mock_machine_and_Download_PCC_Mock Select_MOCK_Machine Download_Pcc_Mock Select_MOCK_Machine [Documentation] Check the tools system variable and assigns the PCC Mock IF '${USE_TOOLS_SYSTEM}' == 'False' Pccmock_From_Odl_System Updater_From_Odl_System END BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${FIRST_PCC_IP} ${PCCMOCKVM_IP} Download_Pcc_Mock [Documentation] SSH login to pcc-mock VM, download latest pcc-mock executable from Nexus. [Arguments] ${pcc_ip}=${PCCMOCKVM_IP} ${pcc_user}=${PCCMOCKVM_USER} ${pcc_password}=${PCCMOCKVM_PASSWORD} ${pcc_prompt}=${PCCMOCKVM_PROMPT} ${ssh_alias}=pccmock IF ${PCCMOCK_COLOCATED} Pccmock_From_Controller NexusKeywords.Initialize_Artifact_Deployment_And_Usage tools_system_connect=False SSHLibrary.Open_Connection ${pcc_ip} alias=${ssh_alias} SSHLibrary.Set_Client_Configuration timeout=10s SSHLibrary.Set_Client_Configuration prompt=${pcc_prompt} SSHKeywords.Flexible_SSH_Login ${pcc_user} ${pcc_password} delay=4s ${file_name} = NexusKeywords.Deploy_Test_Tool bgpcep pcep-pcc-mock BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${mock_location} ${file_name} Start_Pcc_Mock [Documentation] Launch pcc-mock on background so simulated PCCs start connecting to controller. [Arguments] ${ssh_alias}=pccmock ${mock-ip}=${FIRST_PCC_IP} ${pccs}=${PCCS} ${lsps}=${LSPS} ${log_name}=${LOG_NAME} SSHLibrary.Switch_Connection ${ssh_alias} ${command} = NexusKeywords.Compose_Full_Java_Command ... -jar ${mock_location} --local-address ${mock-ip} --remote-address ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} --pcc ${pccs} --lsp ${lsps} &> ${LOG_PATH}/${log_name} BuiltIn.Log ${command} SSHLibrary.Write ${command} # The pccmock SSH session is left alive, but no data will be exchanged for a while. # We need this connection to stay alive to send ctrl+c later. # SSHLibrary.Start_Command would not do that for us. Pccmock_From_Odl_System [Documentation] Copy Odl_System values to Pccmock VM variables. BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${PCCMOCKVM_IP} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${PCCMOCKVM_PASSWORD} ${ODL_SYSTEM_PASSWORD} BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${PCCMOCKVM_PROMPT} ${ODL_SYSTEM_PROMPT} BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${PCCMOCKVM_WORKSPACE} ${ODL_SYSTEM_WORKSPACE} BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${LOG_PATH} ${ODL_SYSTEM_WORKSPACE} Updater_From_Odl_System [Documentation] Copy Odl_System values to Uprater VM variables. BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${UPDATERVM_IP} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${UPDATERVM_PASSWORD} ${ODL_SYSTEM_PASSWORD} BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${UPDATERVM_PROMPT} ${ODL_SYSTEM_PROMPT} BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${UPDATERVM_WORKSPACE} ${ODL_SYSTEM_WORKSPACE} Disconnect [Documentation] Explicitly close all SSH connections. SSHLibrary.Close_All_Connections # TODO: Make AuthStandalone session object closable? Get_Pcep_Topology_Data [Documentation] Use session object to download PCEP topology JSON. Check status and return Response object. ${resp} = AuthStandalone.Get_Using_Session ... ${rest_session} ... data/${TOPOLOGY_URL}\=pcep-topology?content\=nonconfig # Not Logging content, as it may be huge. BuiltIn.Should_Be_Equal ${resp.status_code} ${200} RETURN ${resp} Get_Pcep_Topology_Count [Documentation] Get topology data, return number of pattern matches. [Arguments] ${pattern} ${resp} = Get_Pcep_Topology_Data # BuiltIn.Log ${resp.text} ${count} = BuiltIn.Evaluate len(re.findall('${pattern}', '''${resp.text}''')) modules=re BuiltIn.Log ${count} RETURN ${count} Pcep_Off [Documentation] Get topology data, Log content and assert the exact JSON of empty topology. ${resp} = Get_Pcep_Topology_Data # Used before topology had chance to grow huge. Be aware when creating a longevity suite from this. BuiltIn.Log ${resp.text} BuiltIn.Should_Be_Equal ... ${resp.text} ... {"network-topology:topology":[{"topology-id":"pcep-topology","topology-types":{"network-topology-pcep:topology-pcep":{}}}]} Pcep_On [Documentation] Get topology count of current hop, assert the number of matches. # Suite variables ${size} and ${hop} are set elsewhere. ${resp} = Get_Pcep_Topology_Count ${hop} BuiltIn.Should_Be_Equal ${resp} ${size} Pcep_Off_Again [Documentation] Get topology count of final hop, assert there is none. ... This is more log friendly than Pcep_Off keyword, as it does not Log possibly large content. Set_Hop 0 ${resp} = Get_Pcep_Topology_Count ${hop} BuiltIn.Should_Be_Equal ${resp} ${0} Set_Hop [Documentation] Set pattern to match the currently expected hop. [Arguments] ${iteration} ${i} = BuiltIn.Evaluate str(1 + int(${iteration})) # Regular Expressions need a dot to be escaped to represent a dot. BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${hop} ${i}\.${i}\.${i}\.${i}/32 BuiltIn.Log ${hop} Updater [Documentation] Compute number of workers, call updater.py, assert its response. [Arguments] ${iteration} ${workers} ${mock-ip}=${FIRST_PCC_IP} ${pccs}=${PCCS} ${lsps}=${LSPS} ${parallel}=False ${delegate}=true ${pccip}=${none} ${tunnel_no}=${none} SSHLibrary.Switch_Connection pccmock # In some systems, inactive SSH sessions get severed. ${command} = BuiltIn.Set_Variable echo "still alive" ${output} = SSHLibrary.Execute_Command bash -c '${command}' # The previous line relies on a fact that Execute_Command spawns separate shels, so running pcc-mock is not affected. Set_Hop ${iteration} SSHLibrary.Switch_Connection updater ${response} = SSHLibrary.Execute_Command ... bash -c "cd ${UPDATERVM_WORKSPACE}; taskset 0x00000001 python3 updater.py --workers '${workers}' --odladdress '${UPDATER_ODLADDRESS}' --user '${RESTCONF_USER}' --password '${RESTCONF_PASSWORD}' --scope '${RESTCONF_SCOPE}' --pccaddress '${mock-ip}' --pccs '${pccs}' --lsps '${lsps}' --hop '${hop}' --timeout '${UPDATER_TIMEOUT}' --refresh '${UPDATER_REFRESH}' --reuse '${RESTCONF_REUSE}' --delegate '${delegate}' --pccip '${pccip}' --tunnelnumber '${tunnel_no}' 2>&1" Check Updater response ${response} ${parallel} Check Updater response [Arguments] ${response} ${parallel} BuiltIn.Log ${response} ${expected_value_continuous_execution} = BuiltIn.Set_Variable Counter({'pass': ${size}}) ${not_expected_value_for_parallel_execution} = BuiltIn.Set_Variable Counter({'pass': 0}) BuiltIn.Log ${expected_value_continuous_execution} IF '${parallel}' == 'False' BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${response} ${expected_value_continuous_execution} ELSE BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${response} ${not_expected_value_for_parallel_execution} END Verify [Documentation] Set hop and verify that within timeout, all LSPs in topology are updated. [Arguments] ${iteration} Set_Hop ${iteration} Builtin.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 30s 1s Pcep_On Flap Pcc Mock sessions continuously with LSP updates [Arguments] ${mock-ip}=${FIRST_PCC_IP} ${pccs}=${PCCS} ${lsps}=${LSPS} ${localsize} = Evaluate int(${pccs})*int(${lsps}) Builtin.Set_Suite_Variable ${size} ${localsize} ${workers} = Set Variable ${BLOCKING-THREAD} FOR ${i} IN RANGE ${SEQUENTIAL_ITERATION} ${workers} = Evaluate ${workers}*${workers} Set_Hop 0 Builtin.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ${PCEP_READY_VERIFY_TIMEOUT} 5s Pcep_Off Start_Pcc_Mock pccmock ${mock-ip} ${pccs} ${lsps} serial_execution.log Builtin.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 60s 5s Pcep_On ${i} = Evaluate ${i}+1 Updater ${i} ${workers} ${pccs} ${lsps} Verify ${i} SSHLibrary.Switch_Connection pccmock BGPcliKeywords.Stop_Console_Tool_And_Wait_Until_Prompt END Check PCEP is stable Flap Pcc Mock sessions parallelly with LSP updates [Arguments] ${mock-ip}=${FIRST_PCC_IP} ${pccs}=${PCCS} ${lsps}=${LSPS} SSHLibrary.Switch_Connection pccmock SSHLibrary.Put File ${CURDIR}/../../../../tools/pcep_updater/mock.sh /tmp/mock.sh Set_Hop 0 Builtin.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ${PCEP_READY_VERIFY_TIMEOUT} 5s Pcep_Off SSHLibrary.Start Command ... sh /tmp/mock.sh ${mock_location} ${mock-ip} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${pccs} ${lsps} parallel_Execution ${DELAY_TIME} &>1 FOR ${i} IN RANGE ${PARALLEL_ITERATION} ${pid} = SSHLibrary.Execute Command ... ps -fu ${ODL_SYSTEM_USER} | grep "/home/${ODL_SYSTEM_USER}/${mock_location}" | grep -v "grep" | awk '{print $2}' IF '${pid}'!= "" Log ${pid} ${i} = Evaluate ${i}+1 IF '${pid}'!= "" Updater ${i} 1 ${pccs} ${lsps} True END END BGPcliKeywords.Stop_Console_Tool_And_Wait_Until_Prompt Kill all pcc mock simulator processes Check PCEP is stable Check PCEP is stable [Documentation] Check PCEP topology with default pcc and lsp values ${localsize} = Evaluate int(${PCCS})*int(${LSPS}) Builtin.Set_Suite_Variable ${size} ${localsize} Builtin.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 90s 5s Pcep_Off_Again Start_Pcc_Mock Builtin.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 60s 5s Pcep_On Updater 2 1 Verify 2 SSHLibrary.Switch_Connection pccmock BGPcliKeywords.Stop_Console_Tool_And_Wait_Until_Prompt Kill all pcc mock simulator processes [Arguments] ${ssh_alias}=pccmock SSHLibrary.Switch_Connection ${ssh_alias} ${mock_pid} = Get pid /home/${ODL_SYSTEM_USER}/${mock_location} SSHLibrary.Execute_Command kill -9 ${mock_pid} ${script_pid_1} = Get pid bash -c sh /tmp/mock.sh SSHLibrary.Execute_Command kill -9 ${script_pid_1} ${script_pid_2} = Get pid sh /tmp/mock.sh SSHLibrary.Execute_Command kill -9 ${script_pid_2} Get pid [Arguments] ${process_name} ${pid} = SSHLibrary.Execute Command ... ps -fu ${ODL_SYSTEM_USER} | grep "${process_name}" | grep -v "grep" | awk '{print $2}' RETURN ${pid}