*** Settings *** Documentation This test restarts all controllers to verify recovery of car data from persistene Default Tags 3-node-cluster Resource ../../../libraries/ClusterKeywords.robot Resource ../../../libraries/CarsAndPeople.robot Variables ../../../variables/Variables.py *** Variables *** ${CAR_SHARD} shard-car-config ${NUM_CARS} ${50} ${KARAF_HOME} ${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER} @{controllers} ${CONTROLLER} ${CONTROLLER1} ${CONTROLLER2} ${START_TIMEOUT} 300s ${STOP_TIMEOUT} 180s *** Test Cases *** Get Car Leader [Documentation] Find leader in the car shard ${CAR_LEADER} Get Leader And Verify ${CAR_SHARD} Set Suite Variable ${CAR_LEADER} Delete Cars From Leader [Documentation] Delete cars in Leader Delete All Cars And Verify ${CAR_LEADER} Stop All Controllers After Delete [Documentation] Stop all controllers Stop One Or More Controllers @{controllers} Wait For Cluster Down ${STOP_TIMEOUT} @{controllers} Start All Controllers After Delete [Documentation] Start all controller Start One Or More Controllers @{controllers} Wait For Cluster Sync ${START_TIMEOUT} @{controllers} Get Car Leader After First Restart [Documentation] Find leader in the car shard ${CAR_LEADER} Get Leader And Verify ${CAR_SHARD} Set Suite Variable ${CAR_LEADER} Verify No Cars On Leader After Restart [Documentation] Verify no cars after restart Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${START_TIMEOUT} 2s Check Cars Deleted ${CAR_LEADER} Add Cars On Leader [Documentation] Add cars in Leader Add Cars And Verify ${CAR_LEADER} ${NUM_CARS} Stop All Controllers After Add [Documentation] Stop all controllers Stop One Or More Controllers @{controllers} Wait For Cluster Down ${STOP_TIMEOUT} @{controllers} Start All Controllers After Add [Documentation] Start all controllers Start One Or More Controllers @{controllers} Wait For Cluster Sync ${START_TIMEOUT} @{controllers} Get Car Leader After Second Restart [Documentation] Find leader in the car shard ${CAR_LEADER} Get Leader And Verify ${CAR_SHARD} Set Suite Variable ${CAR_LEADER} Get Cars From Leader After Restart [Documentation] Get cars from Leader and verify Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${START_TIMEOUT} 2s Get Cars And Verify ${CAR_LEADER} ${NUM_CARS} Get Car Followers [Documentation] Find followers in the car shard ${CAR_FOLLOWERS} Get All Followers ${CAR_SHARD} Set Suite Variable ${CAR_FOLLOWERS} Get Cars From Follower1 After Restart [Documentation] Get cars in follower and verify Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${START_TIMEOUT} 2s Get Cars And Verify @{CAR_FOLLOWERS}[0] ${NUM_CARS} Get Cars From Follower2 After Restart [Documentation] Get cars in follower and verify Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${START_TIMEOUT} 2s Get Cars And Verify @{CAR_FOLLOWERS}[1] ${NUM_CARS}