*** Settings *** Documentation Test for measuring execution time of MD-SAL DataStore operations in cluster. ... ... Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. ... ... This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the ... terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, ... and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html ... ... This test suite requires odl-restconf and odl-clustering-test-app modules. ... The script cluster_rest_script.py is used for generating requests for ... operations on people, car and car-people DataStore test models. ... (see the https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/MD-SAL_Clustering_Test_Plan) ... ... Reported bugs: ... https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4220 Suite Setup Start Suite Suite Teardown Stop Suite Test Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing Library RequestsLibrary Library SSHLibrary Library XML Variables ../../../variables/Variables.py Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.robot Resource ../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot Resource ../../../libraries/ClusterManagement.robot Resource ../../../libraries/CarPeople.robot *** Variables *** ${ITEM_COUNT} ${10000} ${ITEM_BATCH} ${10000} ${PROCEDURE_TIMEOUT} 5m ${threads} 6 # threads are assigned to cluster nodes in round robin way ${addcarcmd} python cluster_rest_script.py --port ${RESTCONFPORT} add --itemtype car --itemcount ${ITEM_COUNT} --ipr ${ITEM_BATCH} ${addpeoplecmd} python cluster_rest_script.py --port ${RESTCONFPORT} add-rpc --itemtype people --itemcount ${ITEM_COUNT} --threads 6 ${purchasecmd} python cluster_rest_script.py --port ${RESTCONFPORT} add-rpc --itemtype car-people --itemcount ${ITEM_COUNT} --threads 6 ${carurl} /restconf/config/car:cars ${peopleurl} /restconf/config/people:people ${carpeopleurl} /restconf/config/car-people:car-people ${CONTROLLER_LOG_LEVEL} INFO ${TOOL_OPTIONS} ${EMPTY} *** Test Cases *** Add Cars [Documentation] Request to add ${ITEM_COUNT} cars (timeout in ${PROCEDURE_TIMEOUT}). ${car_leader_ip}= ClusterManagement.Resolve_IP_Address_For_Member member_index=${car_leader_index} Start Tool ${addcarcmd} --host ${car_leader_ip} ${TOOL_OPTIONS} Wait Until Tool Finish ${PROCEDURE_TIMEOUT} Verify Cars [Documentation] Store logs and verify result Stop Tool Store File To Workspace cluster_rest_script.log cluster_rest_script_add_cars.log ${rsp}= RequestsLibrary.Get Request ${car_leader_session} ${carurl} headers=${ACCEPT_XML} ${count}= XML.Get Element Count ${rsp.content} xpath=car-entry Should Be Equal As Numbers ${count} ${ITEM_COUNT} Add People [Documentation] Request to add ${ITEM_COUNT} people (timeout in ${PROCEDURE_TIMEOUT}). Start Tool ${addpeoplecmd} --host ${ODL_SYSTEM_1_IP},${ODL_SYSTEM_2_IP},${ODL_SYSTEM_3_IP} ${TOOL_OPTIONS} Wait Until Tool Finish ${PROCEDURE_TIMEOUT} Verify People [Documentation] Store logs and verify result Stop Tool Store File To Workspace cluster_rest_script.log cluster_rest_script_add_people.log ${rsp}= RequestsLibrary.Get Request ${car_leader_session} ${peopleurl} headers=${ACCEPT_XML} ${count}= XML.Get Element Count ${rsp.content} xpath=person Should Be Equal As Numbers ${count} ${ITEM_COUNT} Purchase Cars [Documentation] Request to purchase ${ITEM_COUNT} cars (timeout in ${PROCEDURE_TIMEOUT}). Start Tool ${purchasecmd} --host ${ODL_SYSTEM_1_IP},${ODL_SYSTEM_2_IP},${ODL_SYSTEM_3_IP} ${TOOL_OPTIONS} Wait Until Tool Finish ${PROCEDURE_TIMEOUT} Verify Purchases [Documentation] Store logs and verify result Stop Tool Store File To Workspace cluster_rest_script.log cluster_rest_script_purchase_cars.log Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${PROCEDURE_TIMEOUT} 1 Purchase Is Completed ${ITEM_COUNT} Delete Cars [Documentation] Remove cars from the datastore ${rsp}= RequestsLibrary.Delete Request ${car_leader_session} ${carurl} Should Be Equal As Numbers 200 ${rsp.status_code} ${rsp}= RequestsLibrary.Get Request ${car_leader_session} ${carurl} Should Be Equal As Numbers 404 ${rsp.status_code} Delete People [Documentation] Remove people from the datastore ${rsp}= RequestsLibrary.Delete Request ${car_leader_session} ${peopleurl} Should Be Equal As Numbers 200 ${rsp.status_code} ${rsp}= RequestsLibrary.Get Request ${car_leader_session} ${peopleurl} Should Be Equal As Numbers 404 ${rsp.status_code} Delete CarPeople [Documentation] Remove car-people entries from the datastore ${rsp}= RequestsLibrary.Delete Request ${car_leader_session} ${carpeopleurl} Should Be Equal As Numbers 200 ${rsp.status_code} ${rsp}= RequestsLibrary.Get Request ${car_leader_session} ${carpeopleurl} Should Be Equal As Numbers 404 ${rsp.status_code} *** Keywords *** Start Suite [Documentation] Suite setup keyword SetupUtils.Setup_Utils_For_Setup_And_Teardown ClusterManagement.ClusterManagement_Setup CarPeople.Set_Variables_For_Shard shard_name=car KarafKeywords.Execute_Controller_Karaf_Command_On_Background log:set ${CONTROLLER_LOG_LEVEL} ${mininet_conn_id}= SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} prompt=${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT} timeout=6s Builtin.Set Suite Variable ${mininet_conn_id} Utils.Flexible Mininet Login ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_USER} SSHLibrary.Put File ${CURDIR}/../../../../tools/odl-mdsal-clustering-tests/scripts/cluster_rest_script.py . ${stdout} ${stderr} ${rc}= SSHLibrary.Execute Command ls return_stdout=True return_stderr=True ... return_rc=True Stop Suite [Documentation] Suite teardown keyword SSHLibrary.Close All Connections RequestsLibrary.Delete All Sessions Start_Tool [Arguments] ${command} ${tool_opt} [Documentation] Start the tool ${command} ${tool_opt} BuiltIn.Log ${command} ${output}= SSHLibrary.Write ${command} ${tool_opt} BuiltIn.Log ${output} Wait_Until_Tool_Finish [Arguments] ${timeout} [Documentation] Wait ${timeout} for the tool exit. BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 1s SSHLibrary.Read Until Prompt Purchase Is Completed [Arguments] ${item_count} [Documentation] Check purchase of ${item_count} is completed. ${rsp}= RequestsLibrary.Get Request ${car_leader_session} ${carpeopleurl} headers=${ACCEPT_XML} ${count}= XML.Get Element Count ${rsp.content} xpath=car-person Should Be Equal As Numbers ${count} ${item_count} Stop_Tool [Documentation] Stop the tool if still running. Utils.Write_Bare_Ctrl_C ${output}= SSHLibrary.Read delay=1s BuiltIn.Log ${output} Store_File_To_Workspace [Arguments] ${source_file_name} ${target_file_name} [Documentation] Store the ${source_file_name} to the workspace as ${target_file_name}. ${output_log}= SSHLibrary.Execute_Command cat ${source_file_name} BuiltIn.Log ${output_log} Create File ${target_file_name} ${output_log}