*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite for verifying basic export with inclusions Resource ../../libraries/DaeximKeywords.robot Suite Setup ClusterManagement Setup Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions *** Test Cases *** Create Module Include Export [Documentation] schedule a basic export/backup with applied inclusion pattern [Tags] inclusions export # Module is just included ${file1} DaeximKeywords.Schedule Include Export ... ${FIRST_CONTROLLER_INDEX} ... config ... network-topology ... ${FALSE} ${lines1} OperatingSystem.Grep File ${file1} network-topology: Builtin.Should Not Be Empty ${lines1} # Module is both included and excluded ${file1} DaeximKeywords.Schedule Include Export ... ${FIRST_CONTROLLER_INDEX} ... config ... network-topology ... ${TRUE} ${lines1} OperatingSystem.Grep File ${file1} network-topology: Builtin.Should Be Empty ${lines1}