*** Settings *** Documentation Verification that DLUX cotains Yangman submenu when logged in. ... Verification that when Yangman submenu entered, there are certain elements displayed. ... Verification that the selected operation is displayed and relevant code mirror(s) is/are displayed. Suite Teardown Close Browser Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/YangmanKeywords.robot *** Variables *** *** Test Cases *** Open dlux and login and verify yangman submenu has been loaded GUIKeywords.Open Or Launch DLUX Page And Log In To DLUX Verify yangman submenu elements GUIKeywords.Navigate To URL ${YANGMAN_SUBMENU_URL} YangmanKeywords.Verify Yangman Home Page Elements Verify Operations Presence In Operation Select Menu YangmanKeywords.Exit Opened Application Dialog Verify operation selection and code mirror displaying works correctly Select Each Operation And Verify That Code Mirrors Has Been Displayed Correctly Verify that selecting/deselecting show data checkboxes in json view results in displaying/hiding the corresponding code mirror Verify Displaying And Hiding Of CMs When Selecting Show Data Checkboxes *** Keywords *** Verify Operations Presence In Operation Select Menu YangmanKeywords.Expand Operation Select Menu Selenium2Library.Wait Until Page Contains Element ${GET_OPTION} Selenium2Library.Wait Until Page Contains Element ${PUT_OPTION} Selenium2Library.Wait Until Page Contains Element ${POST_OPTION} Selenium2Library.Wait Until Page Contains Element ${DELETE_OPTION} Select Each Operation And Verify That Code Mirrors Has Been Displayed Correctly ${operation_ids}= YangmanKeywords.Return List Of Operation IDs ${operation_names}= YangmanKeywords.Return List Of Operation Names : FOR ${i} IN RANGE 0 len(${operation_ids}) \ ${operation_id}= Collections.Get From List ${operation_ids} ${i} \ ${operation_name}= Collections.Get From List ${operation_names} ${i} \ YangmanKeywords.Expand Operation Select Menu And Select Operation ${operation_id} ${operation_name} \ Run Keyword If "${operation_name}"=="PUT" or "${operation_name}"=="POST" BuiltIn.Run Keywords YangmanKeywords.Verify Sent Data CM Is Displayed \ ... AND YangmanKeywords.Verify Received Data CM Is Displayed \ Run Keyword If "${operation_name}"=="GET" or "${operation_name}"=="DELETE" YangmanKeywords.Verify Received Data CM Is Displayed Verify Displaying And Hiding Of CMs When Selecting Show Data Checkboxes YangmanKeywords.Select Json View YangmanKeywords.Expand Operation Select Menu And Select Operation ${GET_OPTION} GET YangmanKeywords.Verify Sent Data CM Is Not Displayed YangmanKeywords.Verify Received Data CM Is Displayed GUIKeywords.Patient Click ${SHOW_SENT_DATA_CHECKBOX_UNSELECTED} ${SHOW_SENT_DATA_CHECKBOX_SELECTED} YangmanKeywords.Verify Sent Data CM Is Displayed YangmanKeywords.Verify Received Data CM Is Displayed GUIKeywords.Patient Click ${SHOW_RECEIVED_DATA_CHECKBOX_SELECTED} ${SHOW_RECEIVED_DATA_CHECKBOX_UNSELECTED} YangmanKeywords.Verify Sent Data CM Is Displayed YangmanKeywords.Verify Received Data CM Is Not Displayed GUIKeywords.Patient Click ${SHOW_SENT_DATA_CHECKBOX_SELECTED} ${SHOW_SENT_DATA_CHECKBOX_UNSELECTED} YangmanKeywords.Verify Sent Data CM Is Not Displayed YangmanKeywords.Verify Received Data CM Is Not Displayed