*** Settings *** Documentation Test Suite for BFD tunnel monitoring Suite Setup Genius Suite Setup Suite Teardown BFD Suite Teardown Test Setup Genius Test Setup Test Teardown Genius Test Teardown ${data_models} Library OperatingSystem Library String Library RequestsLibrary Library Collections Library SSHLibrary Resource ../../libraries/DataModels.robot Resource ../../libraries/Genius.robot Resource ../../libraries/KarafKeywords.robot Resource ../../libraries/OVSDB.robot Resource ../../libraries/ToolsSystem.robot Resource ../../libraries/Utils.robot Resource ../../libraries/VpnOperations.robot Resource ../../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot Resource ../../variables/Variables.robot Resource ../../libraries/CompareStream.robot Variables ../../variables/genius/Modules.py *** Variables *** ${TUNNEL_MONITOR_ON} Tunnel Monitoring (for VXLAN tunnels): On ${DEFAULT_MONITORING_INTERVAL} Tunnel Monitoring Interval (for VXLAN tunnels): 1000 ${TUNNEL_MONITOR_OFF} Tunnel Monitoring (for VXLAN tunnels): Off ${INTERVAL_5000} {"tunnel-monitor-interval":{"interval":5000}} ${ENABLE_MONITORING} {"tunnel-monitor-params":{"enabled":true,"monitor-protocol":"odl-interface:tunnel-monitoring-type-bfd"}} ${DISABLE_MONITORING} {"tunnel-monitor-params":{"enabled":"false","monitor-protocol":"odl-interface:tunnel-monitoring-type-bfd"}} ${TUNNEL_MONI_PARAMS_TRUE} true ${TUNNEL_MONI_PARAMS_FALSE} false ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_FALSE} "odl-interface:monitor-enabled": false ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_TRUE} "odl-interface:monitor-enabled": true ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_1000} "odl-interface:monitor-interval": 1000 ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_5000} "odl-interface:monitor-interval": 5000 ${TUNNEL_MONI_PROTO} tunnel-monitoring-type-bfd *** Test Cases *** BFD_TC00 Create ITM between DPNs [Documentation] Create ITM between DPNs Genius.Create Vteps ${NO_VLAN} ${gateway_ip} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Genius.Verify Tunnel Status As Up BFD_TC01 Verify default BFD monitoring status on Controller [Documentation] Verify the default value of BFD monitoring \ on the Controller CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Neon BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Genius.Verify Tunnel Monitoring Status ${TUNNEL_MONITOR_OFF} CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Neon BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Genius.Verify Tunnel Monitoring Status ${TUNNEL_MONITOR_ON} CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Neon BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Config Ietf Interface Output ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_FALSE} ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_1000} ... ${TUNNEL_MONI_PROTO} CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Neon BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Config Ietf Interface Output ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_TRUE} ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_1000} ... ${TUNNEL_MONI_PROTO} BFD_TC02 Enable BFD Monitoring And Verify On Controller [Documentation] Enable BFD monitoring in branches greater than neon and verify that BFD is enabled in the controller. CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Neon BuiltIn.Pass Execution Test case valid only for versions Neon and above Enable BFD And Verify ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_1000} BFD_TC03 Verify that BFD tunnel monitoring interval is set with appropriate default value i.e.,1000 [Documentation] This will verify BFD tunnel monitoring default interval ${output} = KarafKeywords.Issue Command On Karaf Console ${TEP_SHOW} ${tunnel_monitoring} = String.Get Lines Containing String ${output} Tunnel Monitoring Interval BuiltIn.Should Be Equal ${tunnel_monitoring} ${DEFAULT_MONITORING_INTERVAL} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Config Ietf Interface Output ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_TRUE} ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_1000} ${TUNNEL_MONI_PROTO} BFD_TC04 Verify that in controller tunnel status is up when ITM tunnel interface is brought up. [Documentation] Verify that in controller tunnel status is up when ITM tunnel interface is brought up. BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Genius.Verify Tunnel Monitoring Status ${TUNNEL_MONITOR_ON} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 1s Genius.Verify Tunnel Status As Up BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Config Ietf Interface Output ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_TRUE} ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_1000} ${TUNNEL_MONI_PROTO} BFD_TC05 Verify BFD tunnel monitoring interval can be changed. [Documentation] Verify BFD tunnel monitoring interval can be changed. ${oper_int} = RequestsLibrary.Put Request session ${CONFIG_API}/itm-config:tunnel-monitor-interval/ data=${INTERVAL_5000} ${Bfd_updated_value}= BuiltIn.Create List 5000 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 10s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${OPERATIONAL_API}/itm-config:tunnel-monitor-interval/ ${Bfd_updated_value} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 10s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${CONFIG_API}/itm-config:tunnel-monitor-interval/ ${Bfd_updated_value} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Config Ietf Interface Output ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_TRUE} ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_5000} ${TUNNEL_MONI_PROTO} : FOR ${tool_system_index} IN RANGE ${NUM_TOOLS_SYSTEM} \ ${tun_names} Genius.Get Tunnels On OVS ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_ALL_CONN_IDS[${tool_system_index}]} \ Verify ovs-vsctl Output For Each Tunnel ${tun_names} ${tool_system_index} BFD_TC06 Verify that the tunnel state goes to UNKNOWN when DPN is disconnected [Documentation] Verify that the tunnel state goes to UNKNOWN when DPN is disconnected ToolsSystem.Run Command On All Tools Systems sudo ovs-vsctl del-controller ${Bridge} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 1s VpnOperations.Verify Tunnel Status as UNKNOWN BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Config Ietf Interface Output ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_TRUE} ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_5000} ${TUNNEL_MONI_PROTO} ToolsSystem.Run Command On All Tools Systems sudo ovs-vsctl set-controller ${Bridge} tcp:${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${ODL_OF_PORT} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 1s Genius.Verify Tunnel Status As Up BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Config Ietf Interface Output ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_TRUE} ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_5000} ${TUNNEL_MONI_PROTO} BFD_TC07 Set BFD monitoring To Default Value [Documentation] Disable BFD monitoring(setting it to default value) and verify that BFD is disabled on the controller. CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Neon Disable BFD And Verify CompareStream.Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than_Neon Enable BFD And Verify ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_5000} *** Keywords *** Verify Config Ietf Interface Output [Arguments] ${state} ${interval} ${proto} [Documentation] This keyword will get request from config ietf interface and verifies state, interval and proto are present ${int_resp} = RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${CONFIG_API}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/ ${respjson} = RequestsLibrary.To Json ${int_resp.content} pretty_print=True BuiltIn.Should Contain ${respjson} ${state} BuiltIn.Should Contain ${respjson} ${interval} BuiltIn.Should Contain ${respjson} ${proto} Ovs Tunnel Get [Arguments] ${tools_ip} [Documentation] This keyword will return the tunnel name on OVS ${list_interface} = Utils.Run Command On Remote System ${tools_ip} sudo ovs-vsctl list interface ${tun_line} = ${tun_name} BuiltIn.Should Match Regexp ${list_interface} name\\s+: "(tun.*)" BuiltIn.Log ${tun_name} BuiltIn.Should Not Be Empty ${tun_name} [Return] ${tun_name} Verify Tunnel Monitoring Params [Arguments] ${flag} [Documentation] This keyword will verify the tunnel monitoring is true or false @{checklist} BuiltIn.Create List ${flag} Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${OPERATIONAL_API}/itm-config:tunnel-monitor-params/ ${checklist} Enable BFD And Verify [Arguments] ${interface_ds_moni_int} [Documentation] Enable BFD Monitoring And Verify On Controller. ${resp} = RequestsLibrary.Put Request session ${CONFIG_API}/itm-config:tunnel-monitor-params/ data=${ENABLE_MONITORING} BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 201 BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Tunnel Monitoring Params ${TUNNEL_MONI_PARAMS_TRUE} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Genius.Verify Tunnel Monitoring Status ${TUNNEL_MONITOR_ON} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Config Ietf Interface Output ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_TRUE} ${interface_ds_moni_int} ${TUNNEL_MONI_PROTO} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 1s Genius.Verify Tunnel Status As Up Disable BFD And Verify [Documentation] Disable BFD Monitoring And Verify On Controller. ${resp} = RequestsLibrary.Put Request session ${CONFIG_API}/itm-config:tunnel-monitor-params/ data=${DISABLE_MONITORING} BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Tunnel Monitoring Params ${TUNNEL_MONI_PARAMS_FALSE} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Genius.Verify Tunnel Monitoring Status ${TUNNEL_MONITOR_OFF} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Config Ietf Interface Output ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_FALSE} ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_5000} ${TUNNEL_MONI_PROTO} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 1s Genius.Verify Tunnel Status As Up Verify ovs-vsctl Output For Each Tunnel [Arguments] ${tun_names} ${tool_system_index} ${no of tunnels} = BuiltIn.Get Length ${tun_names} : FOR ${each_tun} IN RANGE ${no of tunnels} \ ${tun} Collections.Get From List ${tun_names} ${each_tun} \ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 20 5 OVSDB.Verify Ovs-vsctl Output list interface ${tun} 5000 \ ... ovs_system=@{TOOLS_SYSTEM_ALL_IPS}[${tool_system_index}]