*** Settings *** Documentation Test Suite for BFD tunnel monitoring Suite Setup Genius Suite Setup Suite Teardown BFD Suite Stop Test Setup Genius Test Setup Test Teardown Genius Test Teardown ${data_models} Library OperatingSystem Library String Library RequestsLibrary Library Collections Library re Library SSHLibrary Variables ../../variables/genius/Modules.py Resource ../../libraries/DataModels.robot Resource ../../libraries/Genius.robot Resource ../../libraries/KarafKeywords.robot Resource ../../libraries/OVSDB.robot Resource ../../libraries/Utils.robot Resource ../../libraries/VpnOperations.robot Resource ../../variables/Variables.robot *** Variables *** @{itm_created} TZA ${genius_config_dir} ${CURDIR}/../../variables/genius ${Bridge-1} BR1 ${Bridge-2} BR2 ${TEP_SHOW} tep:show ${TEP_SHOW_STATE} tep:show-state ${TUNNEL_MONITOR_ON} Tunnel Monitoring (for VXLAN tunnels): On ${DEFAULT_MONITORING_INTERVAL} Tunnel Monitoring Interval (for VXLAN tunnels): 1000 ${TUNNEL_MONITOR_OFF} Tunnel Monitoring (for VXLAN tunnels): Off ${INTERVAL_5000} {"tunnel-monitor-interval":{"interval":5000}} ${OK_201} 201 ${ENABLE_MONITORING} {"tunnel-monitor-params":{"enabled":true,"monitor-protocol":"odl-interface:tunnel-monitoring-type-bfd"}} ${DISABLE_MONITORING} {"tunnel-monitor-params":{"enabled":"false","monitor-protocol":"odl-interface:tunnel-monitoring-type-bfd"}} ${TUNNEL_MONI_PARAMS_TRUE} true ${TUNNEL_MONI_PARAMS_FALSE} false ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_FALSE} "odl-interface:monitor-enabled": false ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_TRUE} "odl-interface:monitor-enabled": true ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_1000} "odl-interface:monitor-interval": 1000 ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_5000} "odl-interface:monitor-interval": 5000 ${TUNNEL_MONI_PROTO} tunnel-monitoring-type-bfd *** Test Cases *** BFD_TC00 Create ITM between DPNs Verify_BFD_Enablement [Documentation] Create ITM between DPNs Verify_BFD_Enablement ${Dpn_id_1} Genius.Get Dpn Ids ${conn_id_1} ${Dpn_id_2} Genius.Get Dpn Ids ${conn_id_2} ${vlan}= Set Variable 0 ${gateway-ip}= Set Variable Genius.Create Vteps ${Dpn_id_1} ${Dpn_id_2} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_2_IP} ${vlan} ${gateway-ip} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Genius.Verify Tunnel Status as UP TZA BFD_TC01 Verify by default BFD monitoring is enabled on Controller [Documentation] Verify by default BFD monitoring is enabled on Controller Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Tunnel Monitoring Is On Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Config Ietf Interface Output ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_TRUE} ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_1000} ${TUNNEL_MONI_PROTO} BFD_TC02 Verify that BFD tunnel monitoring interval is set with appropriate default value i.e.,1000 [Documentation] This will verify BFD tunnel monitoring default interval ${output} = Issue Command On Karaf Console ${TEP_SHOW} ${tunnel_monitoring} = Get Lines Containing String ${output} Tunnel Monitoring Interval Should Be Equal ${tunnel_monitoring} ${DEFAULT_MONITORING_INTERVAL} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Config Ietf Interface Output ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_TRUE} ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_1000} ${TUNNEL_MONI_PROTO} BFD_TC04 Verify that in controller tunnel status is up when ITM tunnel interface is brought up. [Documentation] Verify that in controller tunnel status is up when ITM tunnel interface is brought up. Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Tunnel Monitoring Is On Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 1s Genius.Verify Tunnel Status as UP TZA Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Config Ietf Interface Output ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_TRUE} ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_1000} ${TUNNEL_MONI_PROTO} BFD_TC05 Verify BFD tunnel monitoring interval can be changed. [Documentation] Verify BFD tunnel monitoring interval can be changed. ${oper_int} RequestsLibrary.Put Request session ${CONFIG_API}/itm-config:tunnel-monitor-interval/ data=${INTERVAL_5000} ${Bfd_updated_value}= Create List 5000 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 10s Check For Elements At Uri ${OPERATIONAL_API}/itm-config:tunnel-monitor-interval/ ${Bfd_updated_value} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 10s Check For Elements At Uri ${CONFIG_API}/itm-config:tunnel-monitor-interval/ ${Bfd_updated_value} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Config Ietf Interface Output ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_TRUE} ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_5000} ${TUNNEL_MONI_PROTO} ${tun_name} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 20 5 Ovs Tunnel Get ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_1_IP} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 20s 5 OVSDB.Verify Ovs-vsctl Output list interface ${tun_name} 5000 ovs_system=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_1_IP} ${tun_name} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 20 5 Ovs Tunnel Get ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_2_IP} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 20s 5 OVSDB.Verify Ovs-vsctl Output list interface ${tun_name} 5000 ovs_system=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_2_IP} BFD_TC06 Verify that the tunnel state goes to UNKNOWN when DPN is disconnected [Documentation] Verify that the tunnel state goes to UNKNOWN when DPN is disconnected Issue Command On Karaf Console ${TEP_SHOW} Issue Command On Karaf Console ${TEP_SHOW_STATE} SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${conn_id_1} Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl del-controller BR1 SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${conn_id_2} Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl del-controller BR2 Issue Command On Karaf Console ${TEP_SHOW} Issue Command On Karaf Console ${TEP_SHOW_STATE} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 1s Verify Tunnel Status as UNKNOWN Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Config Ietf Interface Output ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_TRUE} ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_5000} ${TUNNEL_MONI_PROTO} SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${conn_id_1} Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl set-controller BR1 tcp:${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${ODL_OF_PORT} SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${conn_id_2} Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl set-controller BR2 tcp:${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${ODL_OF_PORT} Log "After connecting CSS with controller" Issue Command On Karaf Console ${TEP_SHOW} Issue Command On Karaf Console ${TEP_SHOW_STATE} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 1s Genius.Verify Tunnel Status as UP TZA Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Config Ietf Interface Output ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_TRUE} ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_5000} ${TUNNEL_MONI_PROTO} BFD_TC07 Verify that BFD monitoring is disabled on Controller [Documentation] Verify that BFD monitoring is disabled on Controller ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Put Request session ${CONFIG_API}/itm-config:tunnel-monitor-params/ data=${DISABLE_MONITORING} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 201 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Tunnel Monitoring Params ${TUNNEL_MONI_PARAMS_FALSE} ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console ${TEP_SHOW} Should Contain ${output} ${TUNNEL_MONITOR_OFF} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Config Ietf Interface Output ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_FALSE} ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_5000} ${TUNNEL_MONI_PROTO} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 1s Genius.Verify Tunnel Status as UP TZA ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Put Request session ${CONFIG_API}/itm-config:tunnel-monitor-params/ data=${ENABLE_MONITORING} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Tunnel Monitoring Params ${TUNNEL_MONI_PARAMS_TRUE} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Tunnel Monitoring Is On Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Verify Config Ietf Interface Output ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_TRUE} ${INTERFACE_DS_MONI_INT_5000} ${TUNNEL_MONI_PROTO} *** Keywords *** Verify Config Ietf Interface Output [Arguments] ${state} ${interval} ${proto} ${int_resp} RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${CONFIG_API}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/ ${respjson} RequestsLibrary.To Json ${int_resp.content} pretty_print=True Log ${respjson} Should Contain ${respjson} ${state} Should Contain ${respjson} ${interval} Should Contain ${respjson} ${proto} Ovs Tunnel Get [Arguments] ${tools_ip} [Documentation] This keyword will return the tunnel name on OVS ${list_interface} Utils.Run Command On Remote System ${tools_ip} sudo ovs-vsctl list interface ${tun_line} ${tun_name} Should Match Regexp ${list_interface} name\\s+: "(tun.*)" log ${tun_name} Should Not Be Empty ${tun_name} [Return] ${tun_name} Verify Tunnel Monitoring Params [Arguments] ${flag} @{checklist} create list ${flag} Check For Elements At URI ${OPERATIONAL_API}/itm-config:tunnel-monitor-params/ ${checklist}