*** Settings *** Documentation Test Suite for Interface manager Suite Setup Genius Suite Setup Suite Teardown Genius Suite Teardown Test Setup Genius Test Setup Test Teardown Genius Test Teardown ${data_models} Library OperatingSystem Library String Library RequestsLibrary Library Collections Library re Variables ../../variables/genius/Modules.py Resource ../../libraries/DataModels.robot Resource ../../libraries/Genius.robot Resource ../../libraries/Utils.robot Resource ../../variables/Variables.robot *** Variables *** ${genius_config_dir} ${CURDIR}/../../variables/genius ${interface_name} l2vlan-trunk ${trunk_json} l2vlan.json ${trunk_member_json} l2vlan_member.json *** Test Cases *** Create l2vlan transparent interface [Documentation] This testcase creates a l2vlan transparent interface between 2 dpns. Create Interface ${trunk_json} transparent @{l2vlan} create list l2vlan-trunk l2vlan transparent l2vlan true Check For Elements At URI ${CONFIG_API}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/ ${l2vlan} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 50 5 get operational interface ${interface_name} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 40 10 table0 entry ${conn_id_1} ${Bridge} Delete l2vlan transparent interface [Documentation] This testcase deletes the l2vlan transparent interface created between 2 dpns. Remove All Elements At URI And Verify ${CONFIG_API}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/ No Content From URI session ${OPERATIONAL_API}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 10 no table0 entry Create l2vlan trunk interface [Documentation] This testcase creates a l2vlan trunk interface between 2 DPNs. Create Interface ${trunk_json} trunk @{l2vlan} create list l2vlan-trunk l2vlan trunk tap8ed70586-6c true Check For Elements At URI ${CONFIG_API}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/ ${l2vlan} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 50 5 get operational interface ${interface_name} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 10 table0 entry ${conn_id_1} ${Bridge} Create l2vlan Trunk member interface [Documentation] This testcase creates a l2vlan Trunk member interface for the l2vlan trunk interface created in 1st testcase. ${body} OperatingSystem.Get File ${genius_config_dir}/l2vlan_member.json ${post_resp} RequestsLibrary.Post Request session ${CONFIG_API}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/ data=${body} Log ${post_resp.content} Log ${post_resp.status_code} Should Be Equal As Strings ${post_resp.status_code} 204 @{l2vlan} create list l2vlan-trunk1 l2vlan trunk-member 1000 l2vlan-trunk ... true Check For Elements At URI ${CONFIG_API}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/ ${l2vlan} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10 5 get operational interface ${l2vlan[0]} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 40 10 ovs check for member interface creation ${conn_id_1} ${Bridge} Bind service on Interface [Documentation] This testcase binds service to the interface created . ${body} OperatingSystem.Get File ${genius_config_dir}/bind_service.json ${body} replace string ${body} service1 VPN ${body} replace string ${body} service2 elan log ${body} ${service_mode} Set Variable interface-service-bindings:service-mode-ingress ${post_resp} RequestsLibrary.Post Request session ${CONFIG_API}/interface-service-bindings:service-bindings/services-info/${interface_name}/${service_mode}/ data=${body} log ${post_resp.content} log ${post_resp.status_code} Should Be Equal As Strings ${post_resp.status_code} 204 @{bind_array} create list 2 3 VPN elan 50 ... 21 Check For Elements At URI ${CONFIG_API}/interface-service-bindings:service-bindings/services-info/${interface_name}/${service_mode}/ ${bind_array} ${command} Set Variable sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows ${Bridge} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 40 10 table entry ${command} unbind service on interface [Documentation] This testcase Unbinds the service which is binded by the 3rd testcase. ${service-priority-1} Set Variable 3 ${service-priority-2} Set Variable 4 ${service_mode} Set Variable interface-service-bindings:service-mode-ingress Remove All Elements At URI And Verify ${CONFIG_API}/interface-service-bindings:service-bindings/services-info/${interface_name}/${service_mode}/bound-services/${service-priority-1}/ ${table-id} Set Variable 21 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10 2 no goto_table entry ${table-id} Remove All Elements At URI And Verify ${CONFIG_API}/interface-service-bindings:service-bindings/services-info/${interface_name}/${service_mode}/bound-services/${service-priority-2}/ No Content From URI session ${CONFIG_API}/interface-service-bindings:service-bindings/services-info/${interface_name}/${service_mode}/bound-services/${service-priority-2}/ ${table-id} Set Variable 50 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10 2 no goto_table entry ${table-id} Delete l2vlan trunk interface [Documentation] Deletion of l2vlan trunk interface is done. Remove All Elements At URI And Verify ${CONFIG_API}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/ No Content From URI session ${OPERATIONAL_API}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 10 no table0 entry *** Keywords *** get operational interface [Arguments] ${interface_name} [Documentation] checks operational status of the interface. ${get_oper_resp} RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${OPERATIONAL_API}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state/interface/${interface_name}/ ${respjson} RequestsLibrary.To Json ${get_oper_resp.content} pretty_print=True log ${respjson} log ${get_oper_resp.status_code} Should Be Equal As Strings ${get_oper_resp.status_code} 200 Should not contain ${get_oper_resp.content} down Should Contain ${get_oper_resp.content} up up table entry [Arguments] ${command} [Documentation] Checks for tables entry wrt the service the Interface is binded. switch connection ${conn_id_1} ${result} execute command ${command} log ${result} should contain ${result} table=17 should contain ${result} goto_table:21 should contain ${result} goto_table:50 no table0 entry [Documentation] After Deleting trunk interface, checking for absence of table 0 in the flow dumps switch connection ${conn_id_1} ${ovs-check} execute command sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows ${Bridge} log ${ovs-check} should not contain ${ovs-check} table=0 should not contain ${ovs-check} goto_table:17 no goto_table entry [Arguments] ${table-id} [Documentation] Checks for absence of no goto_table after unbinding the service on the interface. switch connection ${conn_id_1} ${ovs-check1} execute command sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows ${Bridge} Log ${ovs-check1} should not contain ${ovs-check1} goto_table:${table-id} table0 entry [Arguments] ${connection-id} ${bridgename} [Documentation] After Creating the trunk interface , checking for table 0 entry exist in the flow dumps switch connection ${connection-id} log switch connection ${ovs-check} execute command sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows ${bridgename} log sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows ${bridgename} log ${ovs-check} should contain ${ovs-check} table=0 ovs check for member interface creation [Arguments] ${connection-id} ${bridgename} [Documentation] This keyword verifies the member interface created on OVS by checking the table0 ,vlan and action=pop_vlan entries switch connection ${connection-id} ${ovs-check} execute command sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows ${bridgename} log ${ovs-check} should contain ${ovs-check} table=0 should contain ${ovs-check} dl_vlan=1000 should contain ${ovs-check} actions=pop_vlan Create Interface [Arguments] ${json_file} ${interface_mode} [Documentation] Creates an trunk/transparent interface based on input provided to the json body ${body} OperatingSystem.Get File ${genius_config_dir}/${json_file} log ${genius_config_dir}/${json_file} ${body} replace string ${body} "l2vlan-mode":"trunk" "l2vlan-mode":"${interface_mode}" log "l2vlan-mode":"${interface_mode}" log ${body} ${post_resp} RequestsLibrary.Post Request session ${CONFIG_API}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/ data=${body} Log ${post_resp.content} Log ${post_resp.status_code} Should Be Equal As Strings ${post_resp.status_code} 204