*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite for GBP Tenants, Operates functions from Restconf APIs. Library RequestsLibrary Library OperatingSystem Variables ../../../../../variables/Variables.py Resource ../../../../../libraries/Utils.robot Resource ../Variables.robot Suite Setup Create Session session http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS} Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions Default Tags single-tenant setup single-tenant-setup *** Test Cases *** Put Tunnels [Documentation] Send tunnel augmentation to ODL ${json_to_edit} OperatingSystem.Get File ${TUNNELS_FILE} ${edited_json} Replace String ${json_to_edit} _CLASSIFIER1 ${GBP1} ${edited_json} Replace String ${edited_json} _CLASSIFIER2 ${GBP2} ${edited_json} Replace String ${edited_json} _CLASSIFIER3 ${GBP3} Add Elements To URI And Verify ${TUNNELS_PATH} ${edited_json} ${HEADERS_YANG_JSON} Register Endpoints [Documentation] Endpoints registration @{endpoint_files} OperatingSystem.List Files In Directory ${ENDPOINTS_GBP1_DIR} vethl*.*json absolute FOR ${endpoint_file} IN @{endpoint_files} Post Elements To URI From File ${ENDPOINT_REG_PATH} ${endpoint_file} ${HEADERS_YANG_JSON} END Put Tenant [Documentation] Send GBP policy to ODL Add Elements To URI From File ${TENANT1_PATH} ${TENANT1_FILE} ${HEADERS_YANG_JSON}