*** Settings *** Documentation This suite verifies availability of ODL features needed for further testing Library SSHLibrary Library OperatingSystem Library RequestsLibrary Resource Variables.robot Resource ../../../../libraries/Utils.robot Resource ../../../../libraries/DevstackUtils.robot Variables ../../../../variables/Variables.py Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions *** Test Cases *** Wait for Renderers and NeutronMapper Create Session session http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:8181 auth=${AUTH} headers=${headers} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60x 5s Renderers And NeutronMapper Initialized session Delete All Sessions *** Keywords *** Renderers And NeutronMapper Initialized [Documentation] Ofoverlay and Neutronmapper features start check via datastore. [Arguments] ${session} Get Data From URI ${session} ${OF_OVERLAY_BOOT_URL} headers=${headers} ${response} RequestsLibrary.Get Request ${session} ${NEURONMAPPER_BOOT_URL} ${headers} Should Be Equal As Strings 404 ${response.status_code}