*** Settings *** Documentation Global variables for GBPSFC 6node topology. Some variables are release specific and their value depend on ... ODL_STREAM variable which contains release name and is defined in Jenkins job. Keywords for setting release specific ... data are located in this file. Variables ../../../../variables/Variables.py *** Variables *** ${NEURONMAPPER_BOOT_URL} restconf/config/neutron-mapper:mappings ${OF_OVERLAY_BOOT_URL} restconf/config/ofoverlay:of-overlay-config ${PROMPT_TIMEOUT} ${DEFAULT_TIMEOUT} ${DEVSTACK_BRANCH} ${OPENSTACK_BRANCH} ${DEVSTACK_IP} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${DEVSTACK_USER} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_USER} ${DEVSTACK_PROMPT} ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT} # modify the below var for local testing ${DEVSTACK_DIR} ${DEVSTACK_DEPLOY_PATH} # modify the below var for local testing ${DEVSTACK_PWD} ${EMPTY}