*** Settings *** Library SSHLibrary Resource Variables.robot Resource ../../../../libraries/Utils.robot Resource ../../../../libraries/GBP/ConnUtils.robot Variables ../../../../variables/Variables.py *** Keywords *** Setup Node [Arguments] ${GBPSFC} ${sw_index} ${suite_dir} ${timeout}=10s [Documentation] Configures underlying infrastructure composed of Docker containers and OVS switches on remote VM. ... Python and Bash scripts are used. ConnUtils.Connect and Login ${GBPSFC} timeout=${timeout} SSHLibrary.Put File ${suite_dir}/* ${VM_HOME_FOLDER}${/}${VM_SCRIPTS_FOLDER}/ mode=0755 ${stdout} ${stderr} ${rc} Execute in VE python ${VM_HOME_FOLDER}${/}${VM_SCRIPTS_FOLDER}/infrastructure_launch.py ${ODL} ${sw_index} timeout=${timeout} Should Be Equal As Numbers ${rc} 0 ${stderr} Set Variable # Flows for GBPSFC3 and GBPSFC5 have to be written manually. # GBPSFC2 is SFF for GBPSFC3 and GBPSFC4 is SFF for GBPSFC5 Run Keyword If "${GBPSFC}" == "${GBPSFC3}" Write SF Flows ${GBPSFC2} ${stderr} ... ELSE IF "${GBPSFC}" == "${GBPSFC5}" Write SF Flows ${GBPSFC4} ${stderr} Should Be Empty ${stderr} SSHLibrary.Close Connection Write SF Flows [Arguments] ${SFF} ${stderr} [Documentation] Writes flows to SF node. SFF for given SF has to be specified in arguments. ${stderr} SSHLibrary.Execute Command ${VM_HOME_FOLDER}${/}${VM_SCRIPTS_FOLDER}/sf-flows.sh ${SFF} return_stderr=True return_stdout=False Teardown Node [Arguments] ${GBPSFC} ${suite_dir} ${timeout}=3s [Documentation] Clears underlying infrastructure composed of Docker containers and OVS switches from remote VM. ... Python and Bash scripts are used. ConnUtils.Connect and Login ${GBPSFC} timeout=${timeout} ${stderr} SSHLibrary.Execute Command rm ${VM_HOME_FOLDER}${/}${VM_SCRIPTS_FOLDER}/infrastructure_config.py return_stderr=True return_stdout=False Should Be Empty ${stderr} ${stderr} SSHLibrary.Execute Command rm ${VM_HOME_FOLDER}${/}${VM_SCRIPTS_FOLDER}/sf-flows.sh return_stderr=True return_stdout=False Should Be Empty ${stderr} ${stderr} SSHLibrary.Execute Command ${VM_HOME_FOLDER}${/}${VM_SCRIPTS_FOLDER}/clean-demo.sh return_stderr=True return_stdout=False Should Be Empty ${stderr} SSHLibrary.Close Connection Setup Nodes [Arguments] ${GBPSFCs} ${init_scripts_dir} ${sw_index} Set Variable 0 FOR ${GBPSFC} IN @{GBPSFCs} Setup Node ${GBPSFC} ${sw_index} ${init_scripts_dir} timeout=10s ${sw_index} Evaluate ${sw_index} + 1 END