*** Settings *** Documentation Tests for Node resource attributes Suite Teardown Kill The Tree ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} InCSE1 admin admin Resource ../../../libraries/SubStrings.robot Library ../../../libraries/criotdm.py Library Collections *** Variables *** ${httphost} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${httpuser} admin ${httppass} admin ${rt_ae} 2 ${rt_container} 3 ${rt_contentInstance} 4 ${rt_acp} 1 ${rt_node} 14 *** Test Cases *** Set Suite Variable [Documentation] set a suite variable ${iserver} ${iserver} = Connect To Iotdm ${httphost} ${httpuser} ${httppass} http Set Suite Variable ${iserver} #================================================== # Container Mandatory Attribute Test #================================================== # For Creation, there are no mandatory input attribute 1.1 After Created, test whether all the mandatory attribtues exist. [Documentation] After Created, test whether all the mandatory attribtues exist. ${attr} = Set Variable "rn":"Container1" ${r}= Create Resource With Command ${iserver} InCSE1 ${rt_container} rcn=3 ${attr} ${container} = Location ${r} ${status_code} = Status Code ${r} Should Be Equal As Integers ${status_code} 201 ${text} = Convert To String ${r.text} Should Contain All Sub Strings ${text} "ri": "rn": "cni" "lt": "pi": ... "st": "ct": "ty":3 cbs" Should Not Contain Any Sub Strings ${text} "lbl" "creator" "or"