*** Settings *** Suite Teardown Kill The Tree ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} InCSE1 admin admin Library ../../../libraries/criotdm.py Library Collections *** Variables *** ${httphost} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${httpuser} admin ${httppass} admin ${rt_ae} 2 ${rt_container} 3 ${rt_contentInstance} 4 *** Test Cases *** Set Suite Variable [Documentation] set a suite variable ${iserver} #================================================== # Container Mandatory Attribute Test #================================================== # mandatory attribute: content # cse # | # ---Container1 # | # ----conIn1 ${iserver} = Connect To Iotdm ${httphost} ${httpuser} ${httppass} http Set Suite Variable ${iserver} 1.1 After Created, test whether all the mandatory attribtues are exist. [Documentation] create 1 conIn test whether all the mandatory attribtues are exist ${attr} = Set Variable "rn":"Container1" ${r}= Create Resource ${iserver} InCSE1 ${rt_container} ${attr} ${container} = Location ${r} ${status_code} = Status Code ${r} Should Be Equal As Integers ${status_code} 201 ${attr} = Set Variable "con":"102CSS","rn":"conIn1" Create Resource ${iserver} InCSE1/Container1 ${rt_contentInstance} ${attr} ${text} = Text ${r} Should Contain ${text} "ri": "rn": "cs": Should Contain ${text} "lt": "pi": "con": Should Contain ${text} "ct": "rty":4 Should Not Contain S{text} "lbl" "creator" "or" 1.21 Missing content should return error [Documentation] Missing content should return error ${attr} = Set Variable ${error} = Run Keyword And Expect Error * Create Resource ${iserver} InCSE1/Container1 ${rt_contentInstance} ... ${attr} Should Start with ${error} Cannot create this resource [400] Should Contain ${error} CONTENT missing #=========================================================== # ContentInstance Optional Attribute Test (Allowed) #=========================================================== # create--> delete # Cannot be updated # Optional attribute: [aa,at],contentInfo, ontologyRef, label, creator 2.11 ContentInfo (cnf) can be added when create [Documentation] ContentInfo (cnf) can be added when create ${attr} = Set Variable "cnf": "1","con":"102CSS","rn":"conIn2" # create conIn under Container1 ${r}= Create Resource ${iserver} InCSE1/Container1 ${rt_contentInstance} ${attr} ${text} = Check Create and Retrieve ContentInstance ${r} Should Contain ${text} cnf Delete the ContenInstance 2.1 ${deleteRes} = Delete Resource ${iserver} InCSE1/Container1/conIn2 2.12 ContentInfo (cnf) cannot be updated [Documentation] ContentInfo (cnf) cannot be updated ${attr} = Set Variable "cnf": "1" ${error} = Cannot Update ContentInstance Error ${attr} Should Contain ${error} Not permitted to update content 2.21 OntologyRef (or) can be added when create [Documentation] OntologyRef (or) can be added when create ${attr} = Set Variable "or": "http://cisco.com","con":"102CSS","rn":"conIn2" # create conIn under Container1 ${r}= Create Resource ${iserver} InCSE1/Container1 ${rt_contentInstance} ${attr} ${text} = Check Create and Retrieve ContentInstance ${r} Should Contain ${text} or Delete the ContenInstance 2.2 ${deleteRes} = Delete Resource ${iserver} InCSE1/Container1/conIn2 2.22 OntologyRef (or) cannot be updated [Documentation] OntologyRef (or) cannot be updated ${attr} = Set Variable "or": "1" ${error} = Cannot Update ContentInstance Error ${attr} Should Contain ${error} Not permitted to update content 2.31 labels[single] can be added when create [Documentation] create conIn under Container1, labels[single] can be added when create ${attr} = Set Variable "lbl":["ds"],"con":"102CSS","rn":"conIn2" ${r}= Create Resource ${iserver} InCSE1/Container1 ${rt_contentInstance} ${attr} ${text} = Check Create and Retrieve ContentInstance ${r} Should Contain ${text} lbl Delete the ContenInstance 2.31 ${deleteRes} = Delete Resource ${iserver} InCSE1/Container1/conIn2 2.32 labels (single) cannot be updated [Documentation] update labels then expect error ${attr} = Set Variable "lbl":["1"] ${error} = Cannot Update ContentInstance Error ${attr} Should Contain ${error} Not permitted to update content 2.33 labels (multiple) can be added when create [Documentation] labels (multiple) can be added when create ${attr} = Set Variable "lbl":["http://cisco.com","dsds"],"con":"102CSS","rn":"conIn2" # create conIn under Container1 ${r}= Create Resource ${iserver} InCSE1/Container1 ${rt_contentInstance} ${attr} ${text} = Check Create and Retrieve ContentInstance ${r} Should Contain ${text} lbl Delete the ContenInstance 2.33 ${deleteRes} = Delete Resource ${iserver} InCSE1/Container1/conIn2 2.34 labels (multiple) cannot be updated [Documentation] labels (multiple) cannot be updated ${attr} = Set Variable "lbl":["1"] ${error} = Cannot Update ContentInstance Error ${attr} Should Contain ${error} Not permitted to update content #================================================================= # contentInstance Disturbing Attribute Test, Not Allowed Update #================================================================= # using non-valid attribtue to create then expext error 3.11 Mulitiple labels should return error [Documentation] Mulitiple labels should return error ${attr} = Set Variable "con": "1", "lbl":["label1"],"lbl":["label2"] ${error} = Cannot Craete ContentInstance Error ${attr} Should Contain ${error} Duplicate lbl 3.12 Multiple creator should return error [Documentation] Multiple creator should return error ${attr} = Set Variable "con": "1", "cr":null, "cr":null ${error} = Cannot Craete ContentInstance Error ${attr} Should Contain ${error} Duplicate cr 3.13 Multiple contentInfo should return error [Documentation] Multiple contentInfo should return error ${attr} = Set Variable "con": "1", "cnf":"1","cnf":"2" ${error} = Cannot Craete ContentInstance Error ${attr} Should Contain ${error} Duplicate cnf 3.14 Multiple ontologyRef should return error [Documentation] Multiple ontologyRef should return error ${attr} = Set Variable "con": "1", "or":"http://cisco.com","or":"http://google.com" ${error} = Cannot Craete ContentInstance Error ${attr} Should Contain ${error} Duplicate or 3.15 Mulptiple content should return error [Documentation] Mulptiple content should return error ${attr} = Set Variable "con": "1", "con":"2313" ${error} = Cannot Craete ContentInstance Error ${attr} Should Contain ${error} Duplicate con #----------------All attributes cannot be updated---------- 3.21 resourceType cannot be updated. [Documentation] update resourceType and expect error ${attr} = Set Variable "rt": 3 ${error} = Cannot Update ContentInstance Error ${attr} Should Contain ${error} Not permitted to update content 3.22 resourceId cannot be updated. [Documentation] update resourceId and expect error ${attr} = Set Variable "ri": "e4e43" ${error} = Cannot Update ContentInstance Error ${attr} Should Contain ${error} Not permitted to update content 3.23 resourceName cannot be updated. [Documentation] update resourceName and expect error ${attr} = Set Variable "rn": "4343" ${error} = Cannot Update ContentInstance Error ${attr} Should Contain ${error} Not permitted to update content 3.24 parentId cannot be updated. [Documentation] update parentID and expect error ${attr} = Set Variable "pi": "InCSE2/ERE" ${error} = Cannot Update ContentInstance Error ${attr} Should Contain ${error} Not permitted to update content 3.25 cretionTime cannot be updated. [Documentation] update createTime and expect error ${attr} = Set Variable "ct": "343434T34322" ${error} = Cannot Update ContentInstance Error ${attr} Should Contain ${error} Not permitted to update content 3.26 lastmodifiedTime cannot be updated. [Documentation] update lt then expect error ${attr} = Set Variable "lt": "434343T23232" ${error} = Cannot Update ContentInstance Error ${attr} Should Contain ${error} Not permitted to update content 3.27 contentSize cannot be updated. [Documentation] update contentSize then expect error ${attr} = Set Variable "cs": 232 ${error} = Cannot Update ContentInstance Error ${attr} Should Contain ${error} Not permitted to update content 3.28 content cannot be updated [Documentation] update content then expect error ${attr} = Set Variable "con": "1" ${error} = Cannot Update ContentInstance Error ${attr} Should Contain ${error} Not permitted to update content 4.11 GetLatest Test [Documentation] Set mni to 1 when creating a container, then continue creating "get latest" should always return the last created 's "con" value. ${attr} = Set Variable "mni":1,"rn":"Container2" ${r}= Create Resource ${iserver} InCSE1 ${rt_container} ${attr} ${container} = Location ${r} ${random} = Evaluate random.randint(0,50) modules=random ${attr} = Set Variable "cnf": "1","or": "http://hey/you","con":"${random}" Create Resource ${iserver} ${container} ${rt_contentInstance} ${attr} ${latestCon} = Get Latest ${container} Should Be Equal As Strings ${random} ${latestCon} 4.12 GetLatest Loop 50 times Test [Documentation] Just like 4.11, but do 50 times. ${attr} = Set Variable "mni":1,"rn":"Container3" ${r}= Create Resource ${iserver} InCSE1 ${rt_container} ${attr} ${container} = Location ${r} : FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 1 100 \ Latest Con Test ${container} Delete the test Container1 [Documentation] Delete the test Container1 ${deleteRes} = Delete Resource ${iserver} InCSE1/Container1 *** Keywords *** Cannot Update ContentInstance Error [Arguments] ${attr} ${error} = Run Keyword And Expect Error * update Resource ${iserver} InCSE1/Container1/conIn1 ${rt_contentInstance} ... ${attr} Should Start with ${error} Cannot update this resource [405] [Return] ${error} Cannot Craete ContentInstance Error [Arguments] ${attr} ${error} = Run Keyword And Expect Error * create Resource ${iserver} InCSE1/Container1/conIn1 ${rt_contentInstance} ... ${attr} Should Start with ${error} Cannot create this resource [400] [Return] ${error} Check Create and Retrieve ContentInstance [Arguments] ${r} ${con} = Location ${r} ${status_code} = Status Code ${r} Should Be Equal As Integers ${status_code} 201 ${rr} = Retrieve Resource ${iserver} ${con} ${text} = Text ${rr} [Return] ${text} Get Latest [Arguments] ${resourceURI} ${latest} = Retrieve Resource ${iserver} ${resourceURI}/latest [Return] ${latest.json()['m2m:cin']['con']} Latest Con Test [Arguments] ${resourceURI} ${random} = Evaluate random.randint(0,50) modules=random ${attr} = Set Variable "cnf": "1","or": "http://hey/you","con":"${random}" Create Resource ${iserver} ${resourceURI} ${rt_contentInstance} ${attr} ${latestCon} = Get Latest ${resourceURI} Should Be Equal As Strings ${random} ${latestCon}