*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite tests addresing of entities (CSE and AE) and addressing of resources according to: ... TS-0001: 7.2 M2M-SP-ID, CSE-ID, App-ID and AE-ID and resource Identifier formats Suite Setup Create Session session http://${ODL_SYSTEM_1_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS_XML} Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions Library RequestsLibrary Library ../../../libraries/Common.py Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.robot Resource ../../../variables/Variables.robot *** Variables *** *** Test Cases *** 1.01 CRUD cseBase: Target resource ID: Unstructured, CSE-relative [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with cseBase resource using unstructured CSE-relative resource ID of the ... cseBase resource. Format: [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 1.02 CRUD cseBase: Target resource ID: Structured, CSE-relative [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with cseBase resource using structured CSE-relative resource ID of the ... cseBase resource. Format: [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 1.03 CRUD cseBase: Target resource ID: Unstructured, SP-relative [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with cseBase resource using unstructured SP-relative resource ID of the ... cseBase resource. Format: // [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 1.04 CRUD cseBase: Target resource ID: Strucutred, SP-relative [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with cseBase resource using structured SP-relative resource ID of the ... cseBase resource. Format: //resource name> [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 1.05 CRUD cseBase: Target resource ID: Unstructured, Absolute [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with cseBase resource using unstructured absolute resource ID of the ... cseBase resource. Format: //// [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 1.06 CRUD cseBase: Target resource ID: Strucutred, Absolute [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with cseBase resource using structured absolute resource ID of the ... cseBase resource. Format: //// [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 2.00 Create testing resource hierarchy: cseBase/AE/Container/ContentInstances [Documentation] Prepare testing resource hierarchy of cseBase/AE/Container/ContentInstances. Next tests will ... perform operations with the contentInstance resources. cseBase and AE resources must have ... different values set as: resource ID, resource name, CSE-ID / AE-ID. [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 2.01 CRUD contentInstance: Target resource ID: Unstructured, CSE-relative [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using unstructured CSE-relative resource ID of the ... contentInstance resource. Format: [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 2.01-Negative CRUD contentInstance: Target resource ID: Unstructured, CSE-relative [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using invalid unstructured CSE-relative ... resource ID of the contentInstance resource. Verify error result in response and use retrieve ... operation to verify that the resource has not been changed. ... Test these cases: ... 1. resource name instead of resource ID: Format: [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 2.02 CRUD contentInstance: Target resource ID: Structured, CSE-relative [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using structured CSE-relative resource ID of the ... contentInstance resource. Format: /// [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 2.02-Negative CRUD contentInstance: Target resource ID: Structured, CSE-relative [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using invalid structured CSE-relative ... resource ID of the contentInstance resource. Verify error result in response and use retrieve ... operation to verify that the resource has not been changed. ... Test these cases: ... 1. cseBase resource ID instead of name: Format: /// ... 2. cseBase CSE-ID instead of name: Format: /// ... 3. AE resource ID instead of name: Format: /// ... 4. AE AE-ID instead of name: Format: /// ... 5. Container resource ID instead of name: Format: /// ... 6. Target resource ID instead of name: Format: /// [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 2.03 CRUD contentInstance: Target resource ID: Unstructured, SP-relative [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using unstructured SP-relative resource ID of the ... contentInstance resource. Format: // [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 2.03-Negative CRUD contentInstance: Target resource ID: Unstructured, SP-relative [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using invalid unstructured SP-relative ... resource ID of the contentInstance resource. Verify error result in response and use retrieve ... operation to verify that the resource has not been changed. ... Test these cases: ... 1. cseBase resource ID instead of CSE-ID: Format: // ... 2. cseBase resource name instead of CSE-ID: Format: // ... 3. Target resource name instead of ID: Format: // ... 4. missing leading slash: Format: / ... 5. leading double slash: Format: /// [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 2.04 CRUD contentInstance: Target resource ID: Strucutred, SP-relative [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using structured SP-relative resource ID of the ... contentInstance resource. Format: ///// [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 2.04-Negative CRUD contentInstance: Target resource ID: Strucutred, SP-relative [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using invalid structured SP-relative ... resource ID of the contentInstance resource. Verify error result in response and use retrieve ... operation to verify that the resource has not been changed. ... Test these cases: ... 1. missing slash at the begin: Format: //// ... 2. cseBase resource ID instead of CSE-ID: Format: ///// ... 3. cseBase resource name instead of CSE-ID: Format: ///// ... 4. cseBase resource ID instead of name: Format: ///// ... 5. cseBase CSE-ID instead of name: Format: ///// ... 6. target resource ID instead of resource name: Format: ///// ... 7. leading double spash: Format: ////// [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 2.05 CRUD contentInstance: Target resource ID: Unstructured, Absolute [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using unstructured absolute resource ID of the ... contentInstance resource. Format: //// [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 2.05-Negative CRUD contentInstance: Target resource ID: Unstructured, Absolute [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using invalid unstructured absolute ... resource ID of the contentInstance resource. Verify error result in response and use retrieve ... operation to verify that the resource has not been changed. ... Test these cases: ... 1. missing slash at the begin: Format: /// ... 2. missing double slash at the begin: Format: // ... 3. invalid SP FQDN: Format: //// ... 4. cseBase resource ID instead of CSE-ID: Format: //// ... 5. cseBase resource name instead of CSE-ID: Format: //// ... 6. target resource name instead of resource ID: Format: //// [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 2.06 CRUD contentInstance: Target resource ID: Strucutred, Absolute [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using structured absolute resource ID of the ... contentInstance resource. Format: /////// [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 2.06-Negative CRUD contentInstance: Target resource ID: Strucutred, Absolute [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using invalid structured absolute ... resource ID of the contentInstance resource. Verify error result in response and use retrieve ... operation to verify that the resource has not been changed. ... Test these cases: ... 1. cseBase resource ID instead of name: Format: /////// ... 2. cseBase CSE-ID instead of name: Format: /////// ... 3. target resource ID instead of resource name: Format: /////// [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 3.01 CRUD contentInstance: Originator ID: relative AE-ID-Stem, first character 'C' [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using relative AE-ID-Stem starting with 'C' ... set in the originator parameter of requests. Format: [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 3.01-Negative CRUD contentInstance: Originator ID: relative AE-ID-Stem, first character 'C' [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using invalid relative AE-ID-Stem starting ... with 'C' set in the originator parameter of requests. Verify error result in response ... and use retrieve operation to verify that the resource has not been changed. ... Test these cases: ... 1. Leading slash: Format: / ... 2. Leading double slash: Format: // ... 3. AE resource ID instead of AE-ID: Format: ... 4. AE resource name instead of AE-ID: Format: ... 5. Leading slash and AE resource ID instead of AE-ID: Format: / ... 6. Leading slash and AE resource name instead of AE-ID: Format: / ... 7. Leading double slash and AE resource ID instead of AE-ID: Format: // ... 8. Leading double slash AE resource name instead of AE-ID: Format: // [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 3.02 CRUD contentInstance: Originator ID: relative AE-ID-Stem, first character 'S' [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using relative AE-ID-Stem starting with 'S' ... set in the originator parameter of requests. Format: [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 3.02-Negative CRUD contentInstance: Originator ID: relative AE-ID-Stem, first character 'S' [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using invalid relative AE-ID-Stem starting ... with 'S' set in the originator parameter of requests. Verify error result in response ... and use retrieve operation to verify that the resource has not been changed. ... Test these cases (single leading slash is valid case when starting with 'S'): ... 1. Leading double slash: Format: // [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 3.03 CRUD contentInstance: Originator ID: SP-relative AE-ID, first character 'C' [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using SP-relative AE-ID-Stem starting with 'C' ... set in the originator parameter of requests. Format: // [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 3.03-Negative CRUD contentInstance: Originator ID: SP-relative AE-ID, first character 'C' [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using invalid SP-relative AE-ID-Stem ... starting with 'C' set in the originator parameter of requests. Verify error result in response ... and use retrieve operation to verify that the resource has not been changed. ... Test these cases: ... 1. missing leading slash: Format: / ... 2. cseBase resource name instead of CSE-ID: Format: // ... 3. cseBase resource ID instead of CSE-ID: Format: // ... 4. AE resource ID instead of AE-ID: Format: // ... 5. AE resource name instead of AE-ID: Format: // ... 6. leading double slash: Format: /// [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 3.04 CRUD contentInstance: Originator ID: SP-relative AE-ID, first character 'S' [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using SP-relative AE-ID-Stem starting with 'S' ... set in the originator parameter of requests. Format: / [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 3.05 CRUD contentInstance: Originator ID: Absolute AE-ID, first character 'C' [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using Absolute AE-ID starting with 'C' ... set in the originator parameter of requests. Format: //// [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 3.05-Negative CRUD contentInstance: Originator ID: Absolute AE-ID, first character 'C' [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using invalid Absolute AE-ID starting with 'C' ... set in the originator parameter of requests. Verify error result in response ... and use retrieve operation to verify that the resource has not been changed. ... Test these cases: ... 1. Missing leading slash: Format: /// ... 2. Missing leading double slash: Format: // ... 3. Invalid SP FQDN: Format: //// ... 4. cseBase resource name instead of CSE-ID: Format: //// ... 5. cseBase resource ID instead of CSE-ID: Format: //// ... 6. AE resource ID instead of AE-ID: Format: //// ... 7. AE resource name instead of AE-ID: Format: //// [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 3.06 CRUD contentInstance: Originator ID: Absolute AE-ID, first character 'S' [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using Absolute AE-ID starting with 'S' ... set in the originator parameter of requests. Format: /// [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 3.06-Negative CRUD contentInstance: Originator ID: Absolute AE-ID, first character 'S' [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using invalid Absolute AE-ID starting with 'S' ... set in the originator parameter of requests. Verify error result in response ... and use retrieve operation to verify that the resource has not been changed. ... Test these cases: ... 1. Missing leading slash: Format: // ... 2. Missing leading double slash: Format: / ... 3. Invalid SP FQDN: Format: /// ... 4. AE resource ID instead of AE-ID: Format: /// ... 5. AE resource name instead of AE-ID: Format: /// [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 4.01 CRUD contentInstance: Originator ID: SP-relative CSE-ID [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using SP-relative CSE-ID ... set in the originator parameter of requests. Format: / [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 4.01-Negative CRUD contentInstance: Originator ID: SP-relative CSE-ID [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using invalid SP-relative CSE-ID ... set in the originator parameter of requests. Verify error result in response ... and use retrieve operation to verify that the resource has not been changed. ... Test these cases: ... 1. missing leading slash: Format: ... 2. leading double slash: Format: // ... 3. remoteCSE resource name instead of CSE-ID: Format: / ... 4. remoteCSE resource id instead of CSE-ID: Format: / [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 4.02 CRUD contentInstance: Originator ID: Absolute CSE-ID [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using Absolute CSE-ID ... set in the originator parameter of requests. Format: /// [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 4.02-Negative CRUD contentInstance: Originator ID: Absolute CSE-ID [Documentation] Perform CRUD operations with contentInstance resource using invalid Absolute CSE-ID ... set in the originator parameter of requests. Verify error result in response ... and use retrieve operation to verify that the resource has not been changed. ... Test these cases: ... 1. missing leading slash: Format: // ... 2. missing leading double slash: Format: / ... 3. remoteCSE resource name instead of CSE-ID: Format: /// ... 4. remoteCSE resource id instead of CSE-ID: Format: /// [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO *** Keywords *** TODO Fail "Not implemented"