*** Settings *** Documentation Tests registration of AE and CSE entities resulting in creation of ... AE and remoteCSE resources. Suite Setup Create Session session http://${ODL_SYSTEM_1_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS_XML} Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions Library RequestsLibrary Library ../../../libraries/Common.py Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.robot Resource ../../../variables/Variables.robot *** Variables *** *** Test Cases *** 1.00 Add Test Cases [Documentation] no all test cases defined [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 1.01 Create AE with resourceName [Documentation] Register AE using request primitive with resourceName specified. The resourceName ... parameter is used as AE-ID. ... Verify successful registration using retrieve operation with the new resource. [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 1.02 Create AE without resourceName [Documentation] Register AE using request primitive without resourceName specified. From parameter ... is used as AE-ID. ... Verify successful registration using retrieve operation with the new resource. [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 1.03 Create AE with conflicting AE-ID and with resourceName [Documentation] Register AE using request primitive with resourceName specified. The resourceName ... parameter is used as AE-ID but it is AE-ID of already registered AE so the registration ... fails. ... Verify the resource in conflict using retrieve operation before and after registration attempt. [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 1.04 Create AE with conflicting AE-ID and without resourceName [Documentation] Register AE using request primitive without resourceName specified. From parameter ... is used as AE-ID but it is AE-ID of already registered AE so the registration ... fails. ... Verify the resource in conflict using retrieve operation before and after registration attempt. [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 2.01 Create remoteCSE with resourceName == CSE-ID [Documentation] Register CSE using request primitive with resourceName specified. The resourceName ... parameter is equal to CSE-ID. ... Verify successful registration using retrieve operation with the new resource. [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 2.02 Create remoteCSE with resourceName != CSE-ID [Documentation] Register CSE using request primitive with resourceName specified. The resourceName ... parameter is different than CSE-ID. ... Verify successful registration using retrieve operation with the new resource. [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 2.03 Create remoteCSE without resourceName [Documentation] Register CSE using request primitive without resourceName specified. ... Verify successful registration using retrieve operation with the new resource. [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 2.04 Create remoteCSE with conflicting CSE-ID and non-conflicting resourceName [Documentation] Register CSE using request primitive with resourceName specified. The resourceName ... parameter is unique but CSE-ID is in conflict with already registered CSE so the registration ... fails. ... Verify the resource in conflict using retrieve operation before and after registration attempt. [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 2.05 Create remoteCSE with conflicting CSE-ID and without resourceName [Documentation] Register CSE using request primitive without resourceName specified. The CSE-ID is in conflict ... with already registered CSE so the registration fails. ... Verify the resource in conflict using retrieve operation before and after registration attempt. [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO 2.06 Create remoteCSE with uniqeu CSE-ID and conflicting resourceName [Documentation] Register CSE using request primitive with resourceName specified. The resourceName ... parameter is conflict with already registered CSE so the registration fails. ... Verify the resource in conflict using retrieve operation before and after registration attempt. [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO *** Keywords *** TODO Fail "Not implemented"