*** Settings *** Documentation Test Suite for verification of HWVTEP usecases Suite Setup Basic Suite Setup Suite Teardown Basic Suite Teardown Test Teardown Get L2gw Debug Info Resource ../../libraries/L2GatewayOperations.robot *** Test Cases *** TC01 Configure Hwvtep Manager OVS Manager Controller And Verify L2GatewayOperations.Add Vtep Manager And Verify ${ODL_IP} TC02 Create First Set Of Network Subnet And Ports OpenStackOperations.Create Network ${NET_1} ${NET_ADDT_ARG} ${NET_1_SEGID} ${output}= OpenStackOperations.List Networks Should Contain ${output} ${NET_1} OpenStackOperations.Create SubNet ${NET_1} ${SUBNET_1} ${SUBNET_RANGE1} ${SUBNET_ADDT_ARG} ${output}= OpenStackOperations.List Subnets Should Contain ${output} ${SUBNET_1} OpenStackOperations.Create And Configure Security Group ${SECURITY_GROUP_L2GW} OpenStackOperations.Create Port ${NET_1} ${OVS_PORT_1} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP_L2GW} OpenStackOperations.Create Neutron Port With Additional Params ${NET_1} ${HWVTEP_PORT_1} ${SECURITY_GROUP_L2GW_NONE} ${port_mac}= Get Port Mac ${OVS_PORT_1} #port_mac[0] ${port_ip}= Get Port Ip ${OVS_PORT_1} #port_ip[0] Append To List ${port_mac_list} ${port_mac} Append To List ${port_ip_list} ${port_ip} ${port_mac}= Get Port Mac ${HWVTEP_PORT_1} #port_mac[1] ${port_ip}= Get Port Ip ${HWVTEP_PORT_1} #port_ip[1] Append To List ${port_mac_list} ${port_mac} Append To List ${port_ip_list} ${port_ip} TC03 Update Port For Hwvtep And Attach Port To Namespace L2GatewayOperations.Update Port For Hwvtep ${HWVTEP_PORT_1} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 2s L2GatewayOperations.Attach Port To Hwvtep Namespace ${port_mac_list[1]} ${HWVTEP_NS1} ${NS_TAP1} TC04 Create Vms On Compute Node OpenStackOperations.Create Nano Flavor ${hostname_compute_node}= Get Hypervisor Hostname From IP ${OVS_IP} OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node ${OVS_PORT_1} ${OVS_VM1_NAME} ${hostname_compute_node} ${vm_ip}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s L2GatewayOperations.Verify Nova VM IP ${OVS_VM1_NAME} Log ${vm_ip} Should Contain ${vm_ip} ${port_ip_list[0]} TC05 Create L2Gateway And Connection And Verify ${output}= L2GatewayOperations.Create Verify L2Gateway ${HWVTEP_BRIDGE} ${NS_PORT1} ${L2GW_NAME1} Log ${output} ${output}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 2s L2GatewayOperations.Create Verify L2Gateway Connection ${L2GW_NAME1} ${NET_1} Log ${output} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 2s L2GatewayOperations.Verify Ovs Tunnel ${HWVTEP_IP} ${OVS_IP} ${output}= ITM Get Tunnels Log ${output} Should Contain ${output} physicalswitch/${HWVTEP_BRIDGE} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 1s L2GatewayOperations.Verify Vtep List ${hwvtep_conn_id} ${TUNNEL_TABLE} enable="true" ${phy_port_out}= Get Vtep List ${PHYSICAL_PORT_TABLE} Validate Regexp In String ${phy_port_out} ${VLAN_BINDING_REGEX} 1 ${list}= Create List ${OVS_IP} ${HWVTEP_IP} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 1s L2GatewayOperations.Verify Vtep List ${hwvtep_conn_id} ${PHYSICAL_LOCATOR_TABLE} @{list} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 1s L2GatewayOperations.Verify Vtep List ${hwvtep_conn_id} ${UCAST_MACS_REMOTE_TABLE} ${port_mac_list[0]} TC06 Dhcp Ip Allocation For Hwvtep Tap Port Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 180s 10s L2GatewayOperations.Namespace Dhclient Verify ${HWVTEP_NS1} ${NS_TAP1} ${port_ip_list[1]} TC07 Verify Ping From Compute Node Vm To Hwvtep ${output}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 10s Execute Command on VM Instance ${NET_1} ${port_ip_list[0]} ... ping -c 3 ${port_ip_list[1]} Log ${output} Should Not Contain ${output} ${PACKET_LOSS} ${src_mac_list}= Create List ${port_mac_list[0]} ${dst_mac_list}= Create List ${port_mac_list[1]} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s L2GatewayOperations.Verify Elan Flow Entries ${OVS_IP} ${src_mac_list} ${dst_mac_list} TC08 Ping Verification From Namespace Tap To Ovs Vm Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s L2GatewayOperations.Verify Ping In Namespace Extra Timeout ${HWVTEP_NS1} ${port_mac_list[1]} ${port_ip_list[0]} TC09 Additional Network Subnet Port Creation OpenStackOperations.Create Network ${NET_2} ${NET_ADDT_ARG} ${NET_2_SEGID} ${output}= OpenStackOperations.List Networks Should Contain ${output} ${NET_2} OpenStackOperations.Create SubNet ${NET_2} ${SUBNET_2} ${SUBNET_RANGE2} ${SUBNET_ADDT_ARG} ${output}= OpenStackOperations.List Subnets Should Contain ${output} ${SUBNET_2} OpenStackOperations.Create Port ${NET_2} ${OVS_PORT_2} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP_L2GW} OpenStackOperations.Create Neutron Port With Additional Params ${NET_2} ${HWVTEP_PORT_2} ${SECURITY_GROUP_L2GW_NONE} ${port_mac}= Get Port Mac ${OVS_PORT_2} #port_mac[2] ${port_ip}= Get Port Ip ${OVS_PORT_2} #port_ip[2] Append To List ${port_mac_list} ${port_mac} Append To List ${port_ip_list} ${port_ip} ${port_mac}= Get Port Mac ${HWVTEP_PORT_2} #port_mac[3] ${port_ip}= Get Port Ip ${HWVTEP_PORT_2} #port_ip[3] Append To List ${port_mac_list} ${port_mac} Append To List ${port_ip_list} ${port_ip} TC10 Update And Attach Second Port To Hwvtep Create L2gw Connection L2GatewayOperations.Update Port For Hwvtep ${HWVTEP_PORT_2} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 2s L2GatewayOperations.Attach Port To Hwvtep Namespace ${port_mac_list[3]} ${HWVTEP_NS2} ${NS2_TAP1} ${hostname_compute_node}= Get Hypervisor Hostname From IP ${OVS_IP} OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node ${OVS_PORT_2} ${OVS_VM2_NAME} ${hostname_compute_node} ${vm_ip}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s L2GatewayOperations.Verify Nova VM IP ${OVS_VM2_NAME} Log ${vm_ip} Should Contain ${vm_ip} ${port_ip_list[2]} ${output}= L2GatewayOperations.Create Verify L2Gateway ${HWVTEP_BRIDGE} ${NS_PORT2} ${L2GW_NAME2} Log ${output} ${output}= L2GatewayOperations.Create Verify L2Gateway Connection ${L2GW_NAME2} ${NET_2} Log ${output} ${phy_port_out}= Get Vtep List ${PHYSICAL_PORT_TABLE} Validate Regexp In String ${phy_port_out} ${VLAN_BINDING_REGEX} 2 TC11 Dhcp Ip Allocation And Ping Validation Within Second Network Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 180s 10s L2GatewayOperations.Namespace Dhclient Verify ${HWVTEP_NS2} ${NS2_TAP1} ${port_ip_list[3]} ${output}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 10s Execute Command on VM Instance ${NET_2} ${port_ip_list[2]} ... ping -c 3 ${port_ip_list[3]} Log ${output} Should Not Contain ${output} ${PACKET_LOSS} ${src_mac_list}= Create List ${port_mac_list[2]} ${dst_mac_list}= Create List ${port_mac_list[3]} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s L2GatewayOperations.Verify Elan Flow Entries ${OVS_IP} ${src_mac_list} ${dst_mac_list} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s L2GatewayOperations.Verify Ping In Namespace Extra Timeout ${HWVTEP_NS2} ${port_mac_list[3]} ${port_ip_list[2]} TC12 Ping Between Vm In Second Network To Namespace In First Network ${output}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 10s Execute Command on VM Instance ${NET_2} ${port_ip_list[2]} ... ping -c 3 ${port_ip_list[1]} Log ${output} Should Contain ${output} ${PACKET_LOSS} TC13 Ping Between Namespace In Second Network To Vm In First Network Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s L2GatewayOperations.Verify Ping Fails In Namespace ${HWVTEP_NS2} ${port_mac_list[3]} ${port_ip_list[0]} TC99 Cleanup L2Gateway Connection Itm Tunnel Port Subnet And Network L2GatewayOperations.Delete L2Gateway Connection ${L2GW_NAME1} L2GatewayOperations.Delete L2Gateway Connection ${L2GW_NAME2} L2GatewayOperations.Delete L2Gateway ${L2GW_NAME1} L2GatewayOperations.Delete L2Gateway ${L2GW_NAME2} OpenStackOperations.Delete Vm Instance ${OVS_VM1_NAME} OpenStackOperations.Delete Vm Instance ${OVS_VM2_NAME} OpenStackOperations.Delete Port ${OVS_PORT_1} OpenStackOperations.Delete Port ${OVS_PORT_2} OpenStackOperations.Delete Port ${HWVTEP_PORT_1} OpenStackOperations.Delete Port ${HWVTEP_PORT_2} OpenStackOperations.Delete SubNet ${SUBNET_1} OpenStackOperations.Delete SubNet ${SUBNET_2} OpenStackOperations.Delete Network ${NET_1} OpenStackOperations.Delete Network ${NET_2} *** Keywords *** Basic Suite Setup [Documentation] Basic Suite Setup required for the HWVTEP Test Suite OpenStackOperations.OpenStack Suite Setup OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection Write Commands Until Prompt cd ${DEVSTACK_DEPLOY_PATH}; source openrc admin admin 30s ${port_mac_list}= Create List Set Suite Variable ${port_mac_list} ${port_ip_list}= Create List Set Suite Variable ${port_ip_list} Start Suite Basic Suite Teardown Stop Suite OpenStackOperations.OpenStack Suite Teardown Start Suite [Documentation] Suite Setup to configure HWVTEP Emulator for L2 Gateway Testcase Verification. ${hwvtep_conn_id}= Create And Set Hwvtep Connection Id ${HWVTEP_IP} Set Suite Variable ${hwvtep_conn_id} Hwvtep Cleanup ${hwvtep_conn_id} ${HWVTEP_BRIDGE} Namespace Cleanup Hwvtep Initiate ${hwvtep_conn_id} ${HWVTEP_IP} ${HWVTEP_BRIDGE} Namespace Intiate Hwvtep1 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 1s Hwvtep Validation Stop Suite [Documentation] Stop Suite to cleanup Hwvtep configuration Hwvtep Cleanup ${hwvtep_conn_id} ${HWVTEP_BRIDGE} Namespace Cleanup Hwvtep Cleanup [Arguments] ${conn_id} ${hwvtep_bridge} [Documentation] Cleanup any existing VTEP, VSWITCHD or OVSDB processes. Switch Connection ${conn_id} Write Commands Until Prompt ${DEL_OVS_BRIDGE} ${hwvtep_bridge} 30s Write Commands Until Prompt ${KILL_VTEP_PROC} 30s Write Commands Until Prompt ${KILL_VSWITCHD_PROC} 30s Write Commands Until Prompt ${KILL_OVSDB_PROC} 30s ${stdout}= Write Commands Until Prompt ${GREP_OVS} 30s Log ${stdout} Write Commands Until Prompt ${REM_OVSDB} 30s Write Commands Until Prompt ${REM_VTEPDB} 30s Namespace Cleanup [Documentation] Cleanup the existing namespaces and ports. Switch Connection ${hwvtep_conn_id} ${stdout}= Write Commands Until Prompt ${IP_LINK} 30s Log ${stdout} Write Commands Until Prompt ${IP_LINK_DEL} ${NS_PORT1} 30s Write Commands Until Prompt ${IP_LINK_DEL} ${NS_PORT2} 30s ${stdout}= Write Commands Until Prompt ${NETNS} 30s Log ${stdout} Write Commands Until Prompt ${NETNS_DEL} ${HWVTEP_NS1} 30s Write Commands Until Prompt ${NETNS_DEL} ${HWVTEP_NS2} 30s ${stdout}= Write Commands Until Prompt ${IP_LINK} 30s Log ${stdout} Hwvtep Initiate [Arguments] ${conn_id} ${hwvtep_ip} ${hwvtep_bridge} [Documentation] Configure the Hwvtep Emulation Switch Connection ${conn_id} Write Commands Until Prompt ${CREATE_OVSDB} 30s Write Commands Until Prompt ${CREATE VTEP} 30s Write Commands Until Prompt ${START_OVSDB_SERVER} 30s ${stdout}= Write Commands Until Prompt ${GREP_OVS} 30s Log ${stdout} Write Commands Until Prompt ${INIT_VSCTL} 30s Write Commands Until Prompt ${DETACH_VSWITCHD} 30s Write Commands Until Prompt ${CREATE_OVS_BRIDGE} ${hwvtep_bridge} 30s ${stdout}= Write Commands Until Prompt ${OVS_SHOW} 30s Log ${stdout} Write Commands Until Prompt ${ADD_VTEP_PS} ${hwvtep_bridge} 30s Write Commands Until Prompt ${SET_VTEP_PS} ${hwvtep_bridge} tunnel_ips=${hwvtep_ip} 30s Write Commands Until Prompt ${START_OVSVTEP} ${hwvtep_bridge} 30s ${stdout}= Write Commands Until Prompt ${GREP_OVS} 30s Log ${stdout} Namespace Intiate Hwvtep1 [Documentation] Create and configure the namespace, bridges and ports. Switch Connection ${hwvtep_conn_id} Create Configure Namespace ${HWVTEP_NS1} ${NS_PORT1} ${NS_TAP1} ${HWVTEP_BRIDGE} Create Configure Namespace ${HWVTEP_NS2} ${NS_PORT2} ${NS2_TAP1} ${HWVTEP_BRIDGE} Create Configure Namespace [Arguments] ${ns_name} ${ns_port_name} ${tap_port_name} ${hwvtep_bridge} Write Commands Until Prompt ${NETNS_ADD} ${ns_name} 30s Write Commands Until Prompt ${IP_LINK_ADD} ${tap_port_name} type veth peer name ${ns_port_name} 30s Write Commands Until Prompt ${CREATE_OVS_PORT} ${hwvtep_bridge} ${ns_port_name} 30s Write Commands Until Prompt ${IP_LINK_SET} ${tap_port_name} netns ${ns_name} 30s Write Commands Until Prompt ${NETNS_EXEC} ${ns_name} ${IPLINK_SET} ${tap_port_name} up 30s Write Commands Until Prompt sudo ${IPLINK_SET} ${ns_port_name} up 30s ${stdout}= Write Commands Until Prompt ${NETNS_EXEC} ${ns_name} ${IFCONF} 30s Log ${stdout} Hwvtep Validation [Documentation] Initial validation of the Hwvtep Configuration to confirm Phyisical_Switch table entries Switch Connection ${hwvtep_conn_id} ${stdout}= Write Commands Until Prompt ${VTEP LIST} ${PHYSICAL_SWITCH_TABLE} 30s Should Contain ${stdout} ${HWVTEP_BRIDGE} Should Contain ${stdout} ${HWVTEP_IP} ${stdout}= Write Commands Until Prompt ${VTEP LIST} ${PHYSICAL_PORT_TABLE} 30s Should Contain ${stdout} ${NS_PORT1} Should Contain ${stdout} ${NS_PORT2} Create And Set Hwvtep Connection Id [Arguments] ${hwvtep_ip} [Documentation] To create connection and return connection id for hwvtep_ip received ${conn_id}= SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${hwvtep_ip} prompt=${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT} timeout=30s Log ${conn_id} Flexible SSH Login ${DEFAULT_USER} ${DEFAULT_PASSWORD} [Return] ${conn_id}