*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite to verify data types using RPCs Suite Setup Create Session session http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS} Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions Test Setup Set Suite Variable ${RPC_Datatype__current_json} ${EMPTY} Test Teardown Remove Datatype And Check Removal Test Template Check Datatype Library Collections Library OperatingSystem Library RequestsLibrary Library ../../../libraries/Common.py Library ../../../libraries/JsonGenerator.py Variables ../../../variables/Variables.py Resource ../../../libraries/LISPFlowMapping.robot Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.robot *** Test Cases *** IPv4 Prefix [Documentation] Perform mapping operations with an IPv4 EID ipv4: ipv4: ipv4: IPv6 Prefix [Documentation] Perform mapping operations with an IPv6 EID ipv6:2001:db8::1/128 ipv4: ipv6:2001:db8::1/128 MAC Address [Documentation] Perform mapping operations with a MAC address EID mac:00:11:22:33:44:55 ipv4: mac:00:11:22:33:44:55 Distinguished Name [Documentation] Perform mapping operations with a Distinguished Name EID dn:stringAsIs ipv4: dn:stringAsIs AS Number [Documentation] Perform mapping operations with an Autonomous System Number EID as:64500 ipv4: as:64500 Source/Destination [Documentation] Perform mapping operations with a Source/Destination EID srcdst:| ipv4: srcdst:| Key/Value [Documentation] Perform mapping operations with a Key/Value EID kv:> ipv4: kv:> Service Path [Documentation] Perform mapping operations with a Service Path EID sp:42(3) ipv4: sp:42(3) AFI List [Documentation] Perform mapping operations with an IPv4 EID mapped to an AFI List RLOC ipv4: list:{,2001:db8::1} ipv4: Application Data [Documentation] Perform mapping operations with an IPv4 EID mapped to an Application Data RLOC ipv4: appdata:!128!17!80-81!6667-7000 ipv4: Explicit Locator Path [Documentation] Perform mapping operations with an IPv4 EID mapped to an ELP RLOC ipv4: elp:{|lps->|ls} ipv4: *** Keywords *** Check Datatype [Arguments] ${add_mapping_eid} ${add_mapping_rloc} ${get_mapping_eid} [Documentation] Perform CRD operations using a specific datatype ${add_mapping}= Get Mapping JSON ${add_mapping_eid} ${add_mapping_rloc} ${get_mapping}= Get LispAddress JSON And Wrap input ${get_mapping_eid} Set Suite Variable ${RPC_Datatype__current_json} ${get_mapping} Post Log Check ${LFM_RPC_API}:add-mapping ${add_mapping} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 200ms Post Log Check LocatorRecord ${get_mapping} Remove Datatype And Check Removal Variable Should Exist ${RPC_Datatype__current_json} Post Log Check ${LFM_RPC_API}:remove-mapping ${RPC_Datatype__current_json} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 200ms Check Mapping Removal ${RPC_Datatype__current_json} Set Suite Variable ${RPC_Datatype__current_json} ${EMPTY}