*** Settings *** Documentation Metconf MDSAL Northbound test suite. ... ... Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. ... ... This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the ... terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, ... and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html ... ... ... The request produced by test cases "Get Config Running", "Get Config Running ... To Confirm No_Edit Before Commit", "Get Config Running To Confirm Delete ... After Commit" and "Get Config Candidate To Confirm Discard" all use the same ... message id ("empty") for their requests. This is possible because the ... requests produced by this suite are strictly serialized. The RFC 6241 does ... not state that these IDs are unique, it only requires that each ID used is ... "XML attribute normalized" if the client wants it to be returned unmodified. ... The RFC specifically says that "the content of this attribute is not ... interpreted in any way, it only is stored to be returned with the reply to ... the request. The reuse of the "empty" string for the 4 test cases was chosen ... for simplicity. ... ... TODO: Change the 4 testcases to use unique message IDs. Suite Setup Setup_Everything Suite Teardown Teardown_Everything Test Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Fast_Failing Test Teardown FailFast.Start_Failing_Fast_If_This_Failed Library RequestsLibrary Library SSHLibrary Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/FailFast.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/SSHKeywords.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/Utils.robot Variables ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/Variables.py *** Variables *** ${datadir} ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/netconf/MDSAL ${dataext} msg ${ssh_netconf_pid} -1 *** Test Cases *** Connect_To_ODL_Netconf [Documentation] Connect to ODL Netconf and fail if that is not possible. Open_ODL_Netconf_Connection ${hello_message}= Get_Data hello Transmit_Message ${hello_message} Get_Config_Running [Documentation] Make sure the configuration has only the default elements in it. ${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message get-config BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} name0 BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} name1 BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} name2 BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} name3 BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} name4 BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${empty_config} ${reply} Missing_Message_ID_Attribute [Documentation] Check that messages with missing "message-ID" attribute are rejected with the correct error (RFC 6241, section 4.1). Perform_Test missing-attr Additional_Attributes_In_Message [Documentation] Check that additional attributes in messages are returned properly (RFC 6241, sections 4.1 and 4.2). ${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message additional-attr BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} message-id="1" BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} attribute="something" BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} additional="otherthing" BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} xmlns:prefix="http://www.example.com/my-schema-example.html" Edit_Config_Modules_Merge [Documentation] Request a "merge" operation adding an element in candidate configuration and check the reply. Perform_Test config-modules-merge-1 Get_Config_Running_To_Confirm_No_Edit_Before_Commit [Documentation] Make sure the running configuration is still unchanged as the change was not commited yet. Send_And_Check get-config-no-edit-before-commit ${empty_config} Commit_Edit [Documentation] Commit the change and check the reply. Perform_Test commit-edit name0_In_Config_Running_To_Confirm_Edit_After_Commit [Documentation] Check that the change is now in the configuration. ${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message get-config-edit-after-commit BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} name0 name0_In_Config_Modules_Via_Restconf [Documentation] Check that the change is also visible through Restconf. ${data}= Utils.Get_Data_From_URI config config:modules headers=${ACCEPT_XML} BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${data} name0 Edit_Config_Modules_Create_Shall_Fail_Now [Documentation] Request a "create" operation of an element that already exists and check that it fails with the correct error (RFC 6241, section 7.2, operation "create"). Perform_Test config-modules-create Delete_Modules [Documentation] Delete the created element from the candidate configuration and check the reply. Perform_Test config-modules-delete Get_Config_Running_To_Confirm_No_Delete_Before_Commit [Documentation] Make sure the element is still present in the running configuration as the delete command was not committed yet. ${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message get-config-no-delete-before-commit BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} name0 Commit_Delete [Documentation] Commit the deletion of the element and check the reply. Perform_Test commit-delete Get_Config_Running_To_Confirm_Delete_After_Commit [Documentation] Check that the element is gone. Send_And_Check get-config-delete-after-commit ${empty_config} Restconf_Get_Modules_Shall_Return_404 [Documentation] Check that "Not Found" is returned when Restconf is asked for the deleted element. ${response}= RequestsLibrary.Get config config:modules ${ACCEPT_XML} BuiltIn.Should_Be_Equal_As_Strings ${response.status_code} 404 Commit_No_Transaction [Documentation] Attempt to perform "commit" when there are no changes in the candidate configuration and check that it fails with the correct error. Test_Commit_With_No_Transactions Edit_Config_Another_Modules_Merge [Documentation] Create the element in the candidate configuration again and check the reply. Perform_Test config-modules-merge-2 Get_Config_Candidate [Documentation] Check that the element is present in the candidate configuration. ${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message get-config-candidate BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} name1 BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} name0 Discard_Changes [Documentation] Ask the server to discard the candidate and check the reply. Perform_Test commit-discard Get_Config_Candidate_To_Confirm_Discard [Documentation] Check that the element was really discarded. Send_And_Check get-config-candidate-discard ${empty_config} Edit_Config_Modules_Multiple_Modules_Merge_1 [Documentation] Create the element with "name2" subelement again and check the reply. Perform_Test merge-multiple-1 Edit_Config_Modules_Multiple_Modules_Merge_2 [Documentation] Add a "name3" subelement to the element and check the reply. Perform_Test merge-multiple-2 Edit_Config_Modules_Multiple_Modules_Merge_3 [Documentation] Add a "name4" subelement to the element and check the reply. Perform_Test merge-multiple-3 Commit_Multiple_Modules_Merge [Documentation] Commit the changes and check the reply. Perform_Test merge-multiple-commit name2_name3_name4_In_Running_Config [Documentation] Check that the 3 subelements are now present in the running configuration. ${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message merge-multiple-check BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} name2 BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} name3 BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} name4 name2_name3_name4_In_Config_Modules_Via_Restconf [Documentation] Check that the 3 subelements are visible via Restconf. ${data}= Utils.Get_Data_From_URI config config:modules headers=${ACCEPT_XML} BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${data} name2 BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${data} name3 BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${data} name4 Edit_Multiple_Modules_Merge [Documentation] Add another subelement named "test" to the element and check the reply. Perform_Test merge-multiple-edit Commit_Multiple_Modules_Merge_Edit [Documentation] Commit the addition of the "test" subelement and check the reply. Perform_Test merge-multiple-edit-commit Check_Multiple_Modules_Merge_Edit [Documentation] Check that the "test" subelement exists and has correct value for "port" subelement. ${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message merge-multiple-edit-check BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} 2022 Update_Multiple_Modules_Merge [Documentation] Update the value of the "port" subelement of the "test" subelement and check the reply. Perform_Test merge-multiple-update Commit_Multiple_Modules_Merge_Update [Documentation] Commit the update and check the reply. Perform_Test merge-multiple-update-commit Check_Multiple_Modules_Merge_Update [Documentation] Check that the value of the "port" was really updated. ${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message merge-multiple-update-check BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} 3000 Replace_Multiple_Modules_Merge [Documentation] Replace the content of the "test" with another completely different and check the reply. Perform_Test merge-multiple-replace Commit_Multiple_Modules_Merge_Replace [Documentation] Commit the replace and check the reply. Perform_Test merge-multiple-replace-commit Check_Multiple_Modules_Merge_Replace [Documentation] Check that the new content is there and the old content is gone. ${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message merge-multiple-replace-check BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} test BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply}
BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} false BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} 4000 BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} admin BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} admin BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} global-event-executor BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} binding-osgi-broker BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} dom-broker BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} global-netconf-dispatcher BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} global-netconf-processing-executor Remove_Multiple_Modules [Documentation] Remove the testing "module" element and all its subelements and check the reply. Perform_Test merge-multiple-remove Commit_Multiple_Modules_Removal [Documentation] Commit the removal and check the reply. Perform_Test merge-multiple-remove-commit Delete_Not_Existing_Module [Documentation] Attempt to delete the "module" element again and check that it fails with the correct error. Perform_Test delete-not-existing Commit_Delete_Not_Existing_Module [Documentation] Attempt to commit and check the reply. Test_Commit_With_No_Transactions [Teardown] Utils.Report_Failure_Due_To_Bug 4455 Remove_Not_Existing_Module [Documentation] Attempt to remove the "module" element again and check that the operation is "silently ignored". Perform_Test remove-not-existing Commit_Remove_Not_Existing_Module [Documentation] Attempt to commit and check the reply. Perform_Test remove-not-existing-commit Close_Session [Documentation] Close the session and check that it was closed properly. Perform_Test close-session *** Keywords *** Get_Data [Arguments] ${name} [Documentation] Load the specified data from the data directory and return it. ${data}= OperatingSystem.Get_File ${datadir}${/}${name}.${dataext} [Return] ${data} Open_ODL_Netconf_Connection [Arguments] ${host}=${CONTROLLER} ${port}=${ODL_NETCONF_PORT} ${user}=${ODL_NETCONF_USER} ${password}=${ODL_NETCONF_PASSWORD} [Documentation] Open a netconf connecion to the given machine. # The "-s netconf" flag (see the "SSHLibrary.Write" line below) is not # supported by SSHLibrary, therefore we need to use this elaborate and # pretty tricky way to connect to the ODL Netconf port. # TODO: Extract into NetconfKeywords as there are other tests that are # going to need to use this operation (Netconf Performance and Scaling # comes to my mind now as one of the things tested is the performance # of the direct netconf connection. ${control}= SSHLibrary.Open_Connection ${host} prompt=${ODL_SYSTEM_PROMPT} timeout=10s Utils.Flexible_Controller_Login BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${ssh_control} ${control} ${netconf}= SSHLibrary.Open_Connection ${host} prompt=${ODL_SYSTEM_PROMPT} timeout=10s Utils.Flexible_Controller_Login BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${ssh_netconf} ${netconf} SSHLibrary.Write sshpass -p ${password} ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${user}\@ -p ${port} -s netconf ${hello}= SSHLibrary.Read_Until ${ODL_NETCONF_PROMPT} SSHLibrary.Switch_Connection ${ssh_control} SSHLibrary.Write ps -A | grep sshpass | cut -b 1-6 ${pid}= SSHKeywords.Read_Command_Response BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${ssh_netconf_pid} ${pid} SSHLibrary.Switch_Connection ${ssh_netconf} [Return] ${hello} Transmit_Message [Arguments] ${message} [Documentation] Transmit message to Netconf connection and discard the echo of the message. SSHLibrary.Write ${message} SSHLibrary.Write ${ODL_NETCONF_PROMPT} SSHLibrary.Read_Until ${ODL_NETCONF_PROMPT} Send_Message [Arguments] ${message} [Documentation] Send message to Netconf connection and get the reply. Transmit_Message ${message} ${reply}= SSHLibrary.Read_Until ${ODL_NETCONF_PROMPT} [Return] ${reply} Prepare_For_Search [Arguments] ${searched_string} [Documentation] Prepare the specified string for searching in Netconf connection replies. ... The string passed to this keyword is coming from a data ... file which has different end of line conventions than ... the actual Netconf reply. This keyword patches the string ... to match what Netconf actually returns. ${result}= BuiltIn.Evaluate "\\r\\n".join("""${searched_string}""".split("\\n")) [Return] ${result} Load_And_Send_Message [Arguments] ${name} [Documentation] Load a message from the data file set, send it to Netconf and return the reply. ${request}= Get_Data ${name}-request ${reply}= Send_Message ${request} [Return] ${reply} Load_Expected_Reply [Arguments] ${name} [Documentation] Load the expected reply from the data file set and return it. ${expected_reply}= Get_Data ${name}-reply ${expected}= Prepare_For_Search ${expected_reply} [Return] ${expected} Close_ODL_Netconf_Connection [Documentation] Correctly close the Netconf connection and make sure it is really dead. BuiltIn.Return_From_Keyword_If ${ssh_netconf_pid} == -1 ${kill_command}= BuiltIn.Set_Variable kill ${ssh_netconf_pid} BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${ssh_netconf_pid} -1 SSHLibrary.Switch_Connection ${ssh_control} SSHLibrary.Write ${kill_command} SSHLibrary.Read_Until_Prompt SSHLibrary.Switch_Connection ${ssh_netconf} SSHLibrary.Read_Until_Prompt Setup_Everything [Documentation] Setup resources and create session for Restconf checking. SetupUtils.Setup_Utils_For_Setup_And_Teardown RequestsLibrary.Create_Session config http://${CONTROLLER}:${RESTCONFPORT}${CONFIG_API} auth=${AUTH} Teardown_Everything [Documentation] Close the Netconf connection and destroy all sessions in the requests library. Close_ODL_Netconf_Connection RequestsLibrary.Delete_All_Sessions Perform_Test [Arguments] ${name} [Documentation] Load and send the request from the dataset and compare the returned reply to the one stored in the dataset. ${actual}= Load_And_Send_Message ${name} ${expected}= Load_Expected_Reply ${name} ${newline}= BuiltIn.Evaluate "\\r\\n" BuiltIn.Should_Be_Equal ${actual} ${newline}${expected}${ODL_NETCONF_PROMPT} [Return] ${actual} Send_And_Check [Arguments] ${name} ${expected} ${actual}= Load_And_Send_Message ${name} BuiltIn.Should_Be_Equal ${actual} ${expected} Test_Commit_With_No_Transactions [Documentation] Issue a "commit" RPC request and check that it fails with "No current transactions" error. ${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message commit-no-transaction ${expected}= Load_Expected_Reply commit-no-transaction BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} ${expected}