*** Settings *** Documentation Simplified netconf clustered CRUD test suite in Bug 8086 setup. ... ... Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. ... ... This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the ... terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, ... and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html ... ... ... Perform basic operations (Create, Read, Update and Delete or CRUD) on device ... data mounted onto a netconf connector and see if they work. ... ... The suite recognizes 3 nodes, "CONFIGURER" (the node that configures the ... device at the beginning and then deconfigures it at the end), "SETTER" (the ... node that manipulates the data on the device) and "CHECKER" (the node that ... checks the data on the device). The configured device and the results of each ... data operation on it is expected to be visible on all nodes so after each ... operation three test cases make sure they can see the result on their ... respective nodes. ... ... The 3 nodes are configured by placing "node1", "node2" or "node3" into the ... ${NODE_CONFIGURER}, ${NODE_SETTER} and ${NODE_CHECKER} to make the node ... a "CONFIGURER", "SETTER" and "CHECKER" respectively. The "nodeX" name refers ... to the node with its IP address configured with the ${ODL_SYSTEM_X_IP} ... variable where the "X" is 1, 2 or 3. ... ... The suite checks the integrity of the presence of the device and the data ... seen on the device only for nodes that have at least one of the roles ... ("CONFIGURER", "SETTER" and "CHECKER") assigned. A better design would have ... a "checker list" of sorts and have only one checking test case that runs ... through the check list and performs the test on each node listed. However ... this currently has fairly low priority due to Beryllium delivery date so ... it was left out. Library RequestsLibrary Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/NetconfKeywords.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/NexusKeywords.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/TemplatedRequests.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/Variables.robot Suite Setup Setup_Everything Suite Teardown Teardown_Everything Test Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing *** Variables *** ${NODE_CONFIGURER} node1 ${NODE_SETTER} node2 ${NODE_CHECKER} node3 ${DEVICE_CHECK_TIMEOUT} 10s ${DEVICE_NAME} netconf-test-device ${directory_with_template_folders} ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/netconf/CRUD ${empty_data} ${original_data} ... Content ${modified_data} ... Modified Content ${SCHEMA_DIRECTORY} /tmp/schema *** Test Cases *** Start_Testtool [Documentation] Deploy and start test tool, then wait for all its devices to become online. NetconfKeywords.Install_And_Start_Testtool ... device-count=1 ... schemas=${CURDIR}/../../../variables/netconf/CRUD/schemas Check_Device_Is_Not_Mounted_At_Beginning [Documentation] Sanity check making sure our device is not there. Fail if found. [Tags] critical NetconfKeywords.Check_Device_Has_No_Netconf_Connector ${DEVICE_NAME} session=${NODE_CONFIGURER} Configure_Device_On_Netconf [Documentation] Make request to configure a testtool device on Netconf connector [Tags] critical NetconfKeywords.Configure_Device_In_Netconf ... ${DEVICE_NAME} ... device_type=bug8086 ... session=${NODE_CONFIGURER} ... schema_directory=${SCHEMA_DIRECTORY} Check_Configurer_Has_Netconf_Connector_For_Device [Documentation] Get the list of mounts and search for our device there. Fail if not found. [Tags] critical BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ... ${DEVICE_CHECK_TIMEOUT} ... 1s ... Check_Device_Instance_Count ... 1 ... session=${NODE_CONFIGURER} Wait_For_Device_To_Become_Visible_For_Configurer [Documentation] Wait until the device becomes visible on configurer node. NetconfKeywords.Wait_Device_Connected ${DEVICE_NAME} session=${NODE_CONFIGURER} Wait_For_Device_To_Become_Visible_For_Checker [Documentation] Wait until the device becomes visible on checker node. NetconfKeywords.Wait_Device_Connected ${DEVICE_NAME} session=${NODE_CHECKER} Wait_For_Device_To_Become_Visible_For_Setter [Documentation] Wait until the device becomes visible on setter node. NetconfKeywords.Wait_Device_Connected ${DEVICE_NAME} session=${NODE_SETTER} Check_Device_Data_Is_Seen_As_Empty_On_Configurer [Documentation] Get the device data as seen by configurer and make sure it is empty. BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ... ${DEVICE_CHECK_TIMEOUT} ... 1s ... Check_Config_Data ... ${NODE_CONFIGURER} ... ${empty_data} Check_Device_Data_Is_Seen_As_Empty_On_Checker [Documentation] Get the device data as seen by checker and make sure it is empty. BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ... ${DEVICE_CHECK_TIMEOUT} ... 1s ... Check_Config_Data ... ${NODE_CHECKER} ... ${empty_data} Check_Device_Data_Is_Seen_As_Empty_On_Setter [Documentation] Get the device data as seen by setter and make sure it is empty. BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ... ${DEVICE_CHECK_TIMEOUT} ... 1s ... Check_Config_Data ... ${NODE_SETTER} ... ${empty_data} Create_Device_Data [Documentation] Send some sample test data into the device and check that the request went OK. ${template_as_string}= BuiltIn.Create_Dictionary DEVICE_NAME=${device_name} TemplatedRequests.Post_As_Xml_Templated ... ${directory_with_template_folders}${/}dataorig ... ${template_as_string} ... session=${NODE_SETTER} Check_New_Device_Data_Is_Visible_On_Setter [Documentation] Get the device data and make sure it contains the created content. BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ... ${DEVICE_CHECK_TIMEOUT} ... 1s ... Check_Config_Data ... ${NODE_SETTER} ... ${original_data} Check_New_Device_Data_Is_Visible_On_Checker [Documentation] Check that the created device data make their way into the checker node. BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ... ${DEVICE_CHECK_TIMEOUT} ... 1s ... Check_Config_Data ... ${NODE_CHECKER} ... ${original_data} Check_New_Device_Data_Is_Visible_On_Configurer [Documentation] Check that the created device data make their way into the configurer node. BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ... ${DEVICE_CHECK_TIMEOUT} ... 1s ... Check_Config_Data ... ${NODE_CONFIGURER} ... ${original_data} Modify_Device_Data [Documentation] Send a request to change the sample test data and check that the request went OK. ${template_as_string}= BuiltIn.Create_Dictionary DEVICE_NAME=${device_name} TemplatedRequests.Put_As_Xml_Templated ... ${directory_with_template_folders}${/}datamod1 ... ${template_as_string} ... session=${NODE_SETTER} Check_Device_Data_Is_Modified [Documentation] Get the device data and make sure it contains the modified content. Check_Config_Data ${NODE_SETTER} ${modified_data} Check_Modified_Device_Data_Is_Visible_On_Checker [Documentation] Check that the modified device data make their way into the checker node. BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 60s 1s Check_Config_Data ${NODE_CHECKER} ${modified_data} Check_Modified_Device_Data_Is_Visible_On_Configurer [Documentation] Check that the modified device data make their way into the configurer node. BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 60s 1s Check_Config_Data ${NODE_CONFIGURER} ${modified_data} Delete_Device_Data [Documentation] Send a request to delete the sample test data on the device and check that the request went OK. ${template_as_string}= BuiltIn.Create_Dictionary DEVICE_NAME=${device_name} TemplatedRequests.Delete_Templated ... ${directory_with_template_folders}${/}datamod1 ... ${template_as_string} ... session=${NODE_SETTER} Check_Device_Data_Is_Deleted [Documentation] Get the device data and make sure it is empty again. Check_Config_Data ${NODE_SETTER} ${empty_data} Check_Device_Data_Deletion_Is_Visible_On_Checker [Documentation] Check that the device data deletion makes its way into the checker node. BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 60s 1s Check_Config_Data ${NODE_CHECKER} ${empty_data} Check_Device_Data_Deletion_Is_Visible_On_Configurer [Documentation] Check that the device data deletion makes its way into the checker node. BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 60s 1s Check_Config_Data ${NODE_CONFIGURER} ${empty_data} Deconfigure_Device_In_Netconf [Documentation] Make request to deconfigure the device on Netconf connector. [Tags] critical [Setup] SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing NetconfKeywords.Remove_Device_From_Netconf ${DEVICE_NAME} session=${NODE_CONFIGURER} Check_Device_Deconfigured_On_Configurer [Documentation] Check that the device is really going to be gone. Fail if still there after one minute. ... This is an expected behavior as the unmount request is sent to the config subsystem which ... then triggers asynchronous disconnection of the device which is reflected in the operational ... data once completed. This test makes sure this asynchronous operation does not take ... unreasonable amount of time. [Tags] critical NetconfKeywords.Wait_Device_Fully_Removed ${DEVICE_NAME} session=${NODE_CONFIGURER} Check_Device_Deconfigured_On_Checker [Documentation] Check that the device is going to be gone from the checker node. Fail if still there after one minute. [Tags] critical NetconfKeywords.Wait_Device_Fully_Removed ${DEVICE_NAME} session=${NODE_CHECKER} Check_Device_Deconfigured_On_Setter [Documentation] Check that the device is going to be gone from the setter node. Fail if still there after one minute. [Tags] critical NetconfKeywords.Wait_Device_Fully_Removed ${DEVICE_NAME} session=${NODE_SETTER} *** Keywords *** Setup_Everything [Documentation] Initialize resources, sreate sessions, on each ODL machine create a directory and copy the car model there. # Setup resources used by the suite. SetupUtils.Setup_Utils_For_Setup_And_Teardown NetconfKeywords.Setup_Netconf_Keywords create_session_for_templated_requests=False RequestsLibrary.Create_Session ... node1 ... http://${ODL_SYSTEM_1_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT} ... headers=${HEADERS_XML} ... auth=${AUTH} RequestsLibrary.Create_Session ... node2 ... http://${ODL_SYSTEM_2_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT} ... headers=${HEADERS_XML} ... auth=${AUTH} RequestsLibrary.Create_Session ... node3 ... http://${ODL_SYSTEM_3_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT} ... headers=${HEADERS_XML} ... auth=${AUTH} ${index_list}= ClusterManagement.List_All_Indices ClusterManagement.Safe_With_Ssh_To_List_Or_All_Run_Keyword ... ${index_list} ... Populate_Schema_Directory_Over_Active_Connection Teardown_Everything [Documentation] Teardown the test infrastructure, perform cleanup and release all resources. RequestsLibrary.Delete_All_Sessions NetconfKeywords.Stop_Testtool Check_Device_Instance_Count [Documentation] Count device instances over ${session} and check the count is ${expected}. [Arguments] ${expected} ${session} ${count}= NetconfKeywords.Count_Netconf_Connectors_For_Device ${DEVICE_NAME} session=${session} Builtin.Should_Be_Equal_As_Strings ${count} ${expected} Check_Config_Data [Documentation] Get device data from ${node}. Match against ${expected}, strictness given by ${contains}. [Arguments] ${node} ${expected} ${contains}=False ${url}= Builtin.Set_Variable ... ${REST_API}/network-topology:network-topology/topology=topology-netconf/node=${DEVICE_NAME}/yang-ext:mount?content=config ${data}= TemplatedRequests.Get_As_Xml_From_Uri ${url} session=${node} IF not ${contains} BuiltIn.Should_Be_Equal_As_Strings ${data} ${expected} END IF ${contains} BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${data} ${expected} Populate_Schema_Directory_Over_Active_Connection [Documentation] Create ${SCHEMA_DIRECTORY}, unpack car.yang there from temporarily downloaded sources jar. ... TODO: Make this configurable and move to NexusKeywords. ${filename}= NexusKeywords.Deploy_Artifact ... component=carpeople ... artifact=clustering-it-model ... name_suffix=-sources.jar ${dir}= BuiltIn.Set_Variable '${SCHEMA_DIRECTORY}' SSHKeywords.Execute_Command_Should_Pass ... mkdir -p '${SCHEMA_DIRECTORY}' && unzip -j '${filename}' META-INF/yang/car@2014-08-18.yang -d '${SCHEMA_DIRECTORY}/' && rm '${filename}'