*** Settings *** Documentation netconf cluster node outage test suite (CRUD operations). ... ... Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. ... ... This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the ... terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, ... and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html ... ... ... Perform one of the basic operations (Create, Read, Update and Delete or CRUD) ... on device data mounted onto a netconf connector while one of the nodes is ... down and see if they work. Then bring the dead node up and check that it sees ... the operations that were made while it was down are visible on it as well. ... ... The node is brought down before each of the "Create", "Update" and "Delete" ... operations and brought and back up after these operations. Before the dead ... node is brought up, a test case makes sure the operation is properly ... propagated within the cluster. ... ... Currently each of the 3 operations is done once. "Create" is done while ... node 1 is down, "Update" while node 2 is down and "Delete" while node 3 ... is down. Library Collections Library RequestsLibrary Library OperatingSystem Library String Library SSHLibrary timeout=10s Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/ClusterManagement.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/FailFast.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/KarafKeywords.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/NetconfKeywords.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/TemplatedRequests.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/Utils.robot Variables ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/Variables.py Suite Setup Setup_Everything Suite Teardown Teardown_Everything Test Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing *** Variables *** ${DEVICE_CHECK_TIMEOUT} 60s ${DEVICE_BOOT_TIMEOUT} 100s ${DEVICE_NAME} netconf-test-device ${MASTER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT} 15s *** Test Cases *** Start_Testtool [Documentation] Deploy and start test tool, then wait for all its devices to become online. NetconfKeywords.Install_And_Start_Testtool ... device-count=1 ... schemas=${CURDIR}/../../../variables/netconf/CRUD/schemas Check_Device_Is_Not_Mounted_At_Beginning [Documentation] Sanity check making sure our device is not there. Fail if found. NetconfKeywords.Check_Device_Has_No_Netconf_Connector ${DEVICE_NAME} session=node1 NetconfKeywords.Check_Device_Has_No_Netconf_Connector ${DEVICE_NAME} session=node2 NetconfKeywords.Check_Device_Has_No_Netconf_Connector ${DEVICE_NAME} session=node3 Configure_Device_On_Netconf [Documentation] Use node 1 to configure a testtool device on Netconf connector NetconfKeywords.Configure_Device_In_Netconf ... ${DEVICE_NAME} ... device_type=configure-via-topology ... session=node1 [Teardown] Utils.Report_Failure_Due_To_Bug 5089 Wait_For_Device_To_Become_Visible_For_All_Nodes [Documentation] Check that the cluster communication about a new Netconf device configuration works NetconfKeywords.Wait_Device_Connected ${DEVICE_NAME} session=node1 NetconfKeywords.Wait_Device_Connected ${DEVICE_NAME} session=node2 NetconfKeywords.Wait_Device_Connected ${DEVICE_NAME} session=node3 Check_Device_Data_Is_Seen_As_Empty_On_All_Nodes [Documentation] Sanity check against possible data left-overs from previous suites. Also causes the suite to wait until the entire cluster sees the device and its data mount. ${config_topology} ${operational_topology}= Get_Topology session=node1 ${config_topology} ${operational_topology}= Get_Topology session=node2 ${config_topology} ${operational_topology}= Get_Topology session=node3 BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ${DEVICE_CHECK_TIMEOUT} 1s Check_Config_Data node1 ${empty_data} BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ${DEVICE_CHECK_TIMEOUT} 1s Check_Config_Data node2 ${empty_data} BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ${DEVICE_CHECK_TIMEOUT} 1s Check_Config_Data node3 ${empty_data} Kill_node1_Before_Create [Documentation] Simulate node 1 crashes just before device data is created, fail if node 1 survives. ClusterManagement.Kill_Single_Member 1 Create_Device_Data_With_node1_Down [Documentation] Check that the create requests work when node 1 is down. ... As ODL may be in the process of connecting possible new master to the device, ... the action is retried few times. ... TODO: Check exact status before retry. Carbon reports 404 instead of the correct 503. [Tags] critical ${template_as_string}= BuiltIn.Create_Dictionary DEVICE_NAME=${DEVICE_NAME} BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ... ${MASTER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT} ... 1s ... TemplatedRequests.Post_As_Xml_Templated ... ${directory_with_template_folders}${/}dataorig ... ${template_as_string} ... session=node2 Check_New_Device_Data_Is_Visible_On_Nodes_Without_node1 [Documentation] Check that the new device data is propagated in the cluster even when node 1 is down. [Tags] critical BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ... ${DEVICE_CHECK_TIMEOUT} ... 1s ... Check_Config_Data ... node2 ... ${original_data} BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ... ${DEVICE_CHECK_TIMEOUT} ... 1s ... Check_Config_Data ... node3 ... ${original_data} Restart_node1_After_Create_And_Dump_Its_Topology_Data [Documentation] Simulate node 1 restarted by admin just after device data is created and the change propagated in the cluster, fail if node 1 fails to boot. ClusterManagement.Start_Single_Member 1 ${config_topology} ${operational_topology}= Get_Topology session=node1 Check_New_Device_Data_Is_Visible_On_node1 [Documentation] Check that the created device data is propagated to node 1 as well. [Tags] critical BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ... ${DEVICE_BOOT_TIMEOUT} ... 1s ... Check_Config_Data ... node1 ... ${original_data} [Teardown] Utils.Report_Failure_Due_To_Bug 5761 Kill_node2_Before_Modify [Documentation] Simulate node 2 crashes just before device data is modified, fail if node 2 survives. ClusterManagement.Kill_Single_Member 2 Modify_Device_Data_With_node2_Down [Documentation] Check that the modification requests work when node 2 is down. ... As ODL may be in the process of connecting possible new master to the device, ... the action is retried few times. ... TODO: Check exact status before retry. Carbon reports 404 instead of the correct 503. [Tags] critical BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ... ${MASTER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT} ... 1s ... TemplatedRequests.Put_As_Xml_Templated ... ${directory_with_template_folders}${/}datamod1 ... {'DEVICE_NAME': '${DEVICE_NAME}'} ... session=node3 [Teardown] Utils.Report_Failure_Due_To_Bug 5762 Check_Modified_Device_Data_Is_Visible_On_Nodes_Without_node2 [Documentation] Check that the device data modification is propagated in the cluster even when node 2 is down. [Tags] critical BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ... ${DEVICE_CHECK_TIMEOUT} ... 1s ... Check_Config_Data ... node1 ... ${modified_data} BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ... ${DEVICE_CHECK_TIMEOUT} ... 1s ... Check_Config_Data ... node3 ... ${modified_data} [Teardown] Utils.Report_Failure_Due_To_Bug 5762 Restart_node2_After_Modify_And_Dump_Its_Topology_Data [Documentation] Simulate node 2 restarted by admin just after device data is modified and the change propagated in the cluster, fail if node 2 fails to boot. ClusterManagement.Start_Single_Member 2 ${config_topology} ${operational_topology}= Get_Topology session=node2 Check_Modified_Device_Data_Is_Visible_On_node2 [Documentation] Check that the device data modification is propagated to node 2 as well. [Tags] critical BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ... ${DEVICE_BOOT_TIMEOUT} ... 1s ... Check_Config_Data ... node2 ... ${modified_data} [Teardown] Utils.Report_Failure_Due_To_Bug 5761 Kill_node3_Before_Delete [Documentation] Simulate node 3 crashes just before device data is deleted, fail if node 3 survives. ClusterManagement.Kill_Single_Member 3 Delete_Device_Data_With_node3_Down [Documentation] Check that the data removal requests work when node 3 is down. ... As ODL may be in the process of connecting possible new master to the device, ... the action is retried few times. ... TODO: Check exact status before retry. Carbon reports 404 instead of the correct 503. [Tags] critical BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ... ${MASTER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT} ... 1s ... TemplatedRequests.Delete_Templated ... ${directory_with_template_folders}${/}datamod1 ... {'DEVICE_NAME': '${DEVICE_NAME}'} ... session=node1 [Teardown] Utils.Report_Failure_Due_To_Bug 5762 Check_Device_Data_Removal_Is_Visible_On_Nodes_Without_node3 [Documentation] Check that the device data removal is propagated in the cluster even when node 3 is down. [Tags] critical BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ${DEVICE_CHECK_TIMEOUT} 1s Check_Config_Data node1 ${empty_data} BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ${DEVICE_CHECK_TIMEOUT} 1s Check_Config_Data node2 ${empty_data} [Teardown] Utils.Report_Failure_Due_To_Bug 5762 Restart_node3_After_Delete_And_Dump_Its_Topology_Data [Documentation] Simulate node 3 restarted by admin just after device data is deleted and the change propagated in the cluster, fail if node 3 fails to boot. ClusterManagement.Start_Single_Member 3 ${config_topology} ${operational_topology}= Get_Topology session=node3 Check_Device_Data_Removal_Is_Visible_On_node3 [Documentation] Check that the device data removal is propagated to node 3 as well. [Tags] critical BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ${DEVICE_BOOT_TIMEOUT} 1s Check_Config_Data node3 ${empty_data} [Teardown] Utils.Report_Failure_Due_To_Bug 5761 Deconfigure_Device_In_Netconf [Documentation] Make request to deconfigure the device on Netconf connector to clean things up and also check that it still works after all the node outages. [Setup] SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing NetconfKeywords.Remove_Device_From_Netconf ${DEVICE_NAME} session=node1 Check_Device_Deconfigured [Documentation] Check that the device deconfiguration is propagated throughout the cluster correctly. NetconfKeywords.Wait_Device_Fully_Removed ${DEVICE_NAME} session=node1 NetconfKeywords.Wait_Device_Fully_Removed ${DEVICE_NAME} session=node2 NetconfKeywords.Wait_Device_Fully_Removed ${DEVICE_NAME} session=node3 *** Keywords *** Setup_Everything [Documentation] Setup everything needed for the test cases. # Setup resources used by the suite. SetupUtils.Setup_Utils_For_Setup_And_Teardown ClusterManagement.ClusterManagement_Setup NetconfKeywords.Setup_Netconf_Keywords create_session_for_templated_requests=False # TODO: Refactor the suite to use ClusterManagement.Resolve_Http_Session_For_Member instead of these 3 "hardcoded" sessions. RequestsLibrary.Create_Session ... node1 ... http://${ODL_SYSTEM_1_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT} ... headers=${HEADERS_XML} ... auth=${AUTH} RequestsLibrary.Create_Session ... node2 ... http://${ODL_SYSTEM_2_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT} ... headers=${HEADERS_XML} ... auth=${AUTH} RequestsLibrary.Create_Session ... node3 ... http://${ODL_SYSTEM_3_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT} ... headers=${HEADERS_XML} ... auth=${AUTH} BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${directory_with_template_folders} ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/netconf/CRUD BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${empty_data} BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ... ${original_data} ... Content BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ... ${modified_data} ... Modified Content ${url}= Builtin.Set_Variable /network-topology:network-topology/topology=topology-netconf BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${config_topology_url} ${REST_API}${url} BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${operational_topology_url} ${REST_API}${url} Get_Topology_Core [Documentation] Get both versions of topology (config and operational), log them and return them for further processing. [Arguments] ${session} ${config_topology}= TemplatedRequests.Get_As_Json_From_Uri ${config_topology_url} session=${session} BuiltIn.Log ${config_topology} ${operational_topology}= TemplatedRequests.Get_As_Json_From_Uri ... ${operational_topology_url} ... session=${session} BuiltIn.Log ${operational_topology} RETURN ${config_topology} ${operational_topology} Get_Topology [Documentation] Repeatedly try to get the topologies using Get_Topology_Core until either the request succeeds or boot timeout period expires. [Arguments] ${session} ${result}= BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds ... ${DEVICE_BOOT_TIMEOUT} ... 1s ... Get_Topology_Core ... ${session} RETURN ${result} Teardown_Everything [Documentation] Teardown the test infrastructure, perform cleanup and release all resources. RequestsLibrary.Delete_All_Sessions NetconfKeywords.Stop_Testtool Check_Device_Instance_Count [Documentation] Check that the specified session sees the specified count of instances of the test tool device. [Arguments] ${expected} ${session} ${count}= NetconfKeywords.Count_Netconf_Connectors_For_Device ${DEVICE_NAME} session=${session} Builtin.Should_Be_Equal_As_Strings ${count} ${expected} Check_Config_Data [Documentation] Check that the specified session sees the specified data in the test tool device. [Arguments] ${node} ${expected} ${contains}=False ${url}= Builtin.Set_Variable ... ${REST_API}/network-topology:network-topology/topology=topology-netconf/node=${DEVICE_NAME}/yang-ext:mount?content=config ${data}= TemplatedRequests.Get_As_Xml_From_Uri ${url} session=${node} IF not ${contains} BuiltIn.Should_Be_Equal_As_Strings ${data} ${expected} END IF ${contains} BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${data} ${expected}