*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite for ARP Request. More test cases to be added in subsequent patches. Suite Setup Start Suite Suite Teardown End Suite Test Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing Test Teardown Get Test Teardown Debugs Library RequestsLibrary Resource ../../../libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot Resource ../../../libraries/DevstackUtils.robot Resource ../../../libraries/VpnOperations.robot Resource ../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot Resource ../../../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot Resource ../../../variables/Variables.robot *** Variables *** ${SECURITY_GROUP} sg-vpnservice-arp @{VPN_INSTANCE_ID} 4ae8cd92-48ca-49b5-94e1-b2921a261111 4ae8cd92-48ca-49b5-94e1-b2921a261112 @{VPN_NAME} vpn1 vpn2 ${CREATE_RD} ["2200:2"] ${CREATE_RD1} ["2200:3"] ${CREATE_EXPORT_RT} ["2200:2","2200:3"] ${CREATE_IMPORT_RT} ["2200:2","2200:3"] *** Test Cases *** TC00 Verify Setup [Documentation] Verify that VMs received ip and ping is happening between different VM ${VM_INSTANCES} = Create List @{VM_INSTANCES_NET1} @{VM_INSTANCES_NET2} @{VM_INSTANCES_NET3} : FOR ${VM} IN @{VM_INSTANCES} \ Poll VM Is ACTIVE ${VM} ${VM_IP_NET1} ${DHCP_IP1} Collect VM IP Addresses false @{VM_INSTANCES_NET1} ${VM_IP_NET2} ${DHCP_IP2} Collect VM IP Addresses false @{VM_INSTANCES_NET2} ${VM_IP_NET3} ${DHCP_IP3} Collect VM IP Addresses false @{VM_INSTANCES_NET3} ${VM_INSTANCES}= Collections.Combine Lists ${VM_INSTANCES_NET1} ${VM_INSTANCES_NET2} ${VM_INSTANCES_NET3} ${VM_IPS}= Collections.Combine Lists ${VM_IP_NET1} ${VM_IP_NET2} ${VM_IP_NET3} ${LOOP_COUNT} Get Length ${VM_INSTANCES_NET1} : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${LOOP_COUNT} \ ${status} ${message} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Not Contain @{VM_IPS}[${index}] None \ Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' Write Commands Until Prompt openstack console log show @{VM_INSTANCES}[${index}] 30s Set Suite Variable ${VM_IP_NET1} Set Suite Variable ${VM_IP_NET2} Set Suite Variable ${VM_IP_NET3} Should Not Contain ${VM_IP_NET1} None Should Not Contain ${VM_IP_NET2} None Should Not Contain ${VM_IP_NET3} None ${vm_instances} = Create List @{VM_IP_NET1} @{VM_IP_NET2} @{VM_IP_NET3} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Check For Elements At URI ${FIB_ENTRIES_URL} ${vm_instances} Verify Ping On Same Networks Verify Ping On Different Networks TC01 Verify GARP Requests [Documentation] Verify that GARP request are sent to controller Set Suite Variable ${FIB_ENTRY_1} ${VM_IP_NET1[0]} Set Suite Variable ${FIB_ENTRY_3} ${VM_IP_NET1[1]} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 1s Verify Flows Are Present ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 1s Verify Flows Are Present ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} ${output}= Get Fib Entries session ${resp}= Should Match Regexp ${output} destPrefix\\":\\"${FIB_ENTRY_3}\/32".*"${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP}\\" ${resp}= Should Match Regexp ${output} destPrefix\\":\\"${FIB_ENTRY_1}\/32".*"${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP}\\" ${rx_packet1_before} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET1[1]} ifconfig eth0 ${rx_packet0_before} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET1[0]} ifconfig eth0 ${CONFIG_EXTRA_ROUTE_IP1} = Catenate sudo ifconfig eth0:1 @{EXTRA_NW_IP}[0] netmask up ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET1[1]} ${CONFIG_EXTRA_ROUTE_IP1} ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET1[1]} ifconfig Should Contain ${output} eth0:1 ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET1[1]} ${RPING_MIP_IP} Should Contain ${output} broadcast Should Contain ${output} Received 0 reply ${rx_packet1_after} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET1[1]} ifconfig eth0 ${rx_packet0_after} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET1[0]} ifconfig eth0 Should Not Be Equal ${rx_packet0_before} ${rx_packet0_after} Should Not Be Equal ${rx_packet1_before} ${rx_packet1_after} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify Flows Are Present ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify Flows Are Present ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Verify Learnt IP ${FIB_ENTRY_2} session ${output}= Get Fib Entries session ${resp}= Should Match Regexp ${output} destPrefix\\":\\"${FIB_ENTRY_3}\\/32".*"${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP}\\" ${resp}= Should Match Regexp ${output} destPrefix\\":\\"${FIB_ENTRY_1}\\/32".*"${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP}\\" ${resp}= Should Match Regexp ${output} destPrefix\\":\\"${FIB_ENTRY_2}\\/32".*"${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP}\\" Verify Ping To Sub Interface ${FIB_ENTRY_2} TC02 Verify MIP Migration [Documentation] Verify that after migration of movable ip across compute nodes, the controller updates the routes ${UNCONFIG_EXTRA_ROUTE_IP1} = Catenate sudo ifconfig eth0:1 down ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET1[1]} ${UNCONFIG_EXTRA_ROUTE_IP1} ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET1[1]} ifconfig Should Not Contain ${output} eth0:1 ${CONFIG_EXTRA_ROUTE_IP1} = Catenate sudo ifconfig eth0:1 @{EXTRA_NW_IP}[0] netmask up ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET1[0]} ${CONFIG_EXTRA_ROUTE_IP1} ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET1[0]} ifconfig Should Contain ${output} eth0:1 ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET1[0]} ifconfig eth0:1 ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET1[0]} ${RPING_MIP_IP} Should Contain ${output} Received 0 reply Should Contain ${output} broadcast Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Verify Learnt IP ${FIB_ENTRY_2} session ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET1[0]} ${RPING_MIP_IP} ${output} Get Fib Entries session ${resp}= Should Match Regexp ${output} destPrefix\\":\\"${FIB_ENTRY_2}\\/32".*"${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP}\\" Verify Ping To Sub Interface ${FIB_ENTRY_2} ${UNCONFIG_EXTRA_ROUTE_IP1} = Catenate sudo ifconfig eth0:1 down ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET1[0]} ${UNCONFIG_EXTRA_ROUTE_IP1} TC03 Verify ping to subnet gateway [Documentation] Verify pig happens to subnet gateway. To be sobmitted in next patch [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO TC04 If anything other than subnet ip then no reply [Documentation] If anything other than subnet ip then no reply. To be sobmitted in next patch [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO TC05 Validate multiple mip migration [Documentation] Validate multiple mip migration. To be sobmitted in next patch [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO TC06 Same DPN MIP Migration [Documentation] Same DPN MIP Migration. To be sobmitted in next patch [Tags] not-implemented exclude TODO *** Keywords *** Start Suite [Documentation] Run at start of the suite DevstackUtils.Devstack Suite Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Utils_For_Setup_And_Teardown Create Setup End Suite [Documentation] Run at end of the suite Delete Setup Close All Connections Create Setup [Documentation] Create networks,subnets,ports and VMs : FOR ${network} IN @{NETWORKS} \ Create Network ${network} ${NET_LIST} List Networks : FOR ${network} IN @{NETWORKS} \ Should Contain ${NET_LIST} ${network} : FOR ${i} IN RANGE 0 3 \ Create SubNet ${NETWORKS[${i}]} ${SUBNETS[${i}]} ${SUBNET_CIDR[${i}]} ${SUB_LIST} List Subnets : FOR ${subnet} IN @{SUBNETS} \ Should Contain ${SUB_LIST} ${subnet} OpenStackOperations.Create Allow All SecurityGroup ${SECURITY_GROUP} Create Port ${NETWORKS[0]} ${PORT_LIST[0]} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} allowed_address_pairs=@{EXTRA_NW_IP} Create Port ${NETWORKS[0]} ${PORT_LIST[1]} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} allowed_address_pairs=@{EXTRA_NW_IP} Create Port ${NETWORKS[1]} ${PORT_LIST[2]} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} allowed_address_pairs=@{EXTRA_NW_IP} Create Port ${NETWORKS[1]} ${PORT_LIST[3]} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} allowed_address_pairs=@{EXTRA_NW_IP} Create Port ${NETWORKS[1]} ${PORT_LIST[4]} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} allowed_address_pairs=@{EXTRA_NW_IP} Create Port ${NETWORKS[1]} ${PORT_LIST[5]} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} allowed_address_pairs=@{EXTRA_NW_IP} Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node ${PORT_LIST[0]} ${VM_INSTANCES_NET1[0]} ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node ${PORT_LIST[1]} ${VM_INSTANCES_NET1[1]} ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node ${PORT_LIST[2]} ${VM_INSTANCES_NET2[0]} ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node ${PORT_LIST[3]} ${VM_INSTANCES_NET2[1]} ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node ${PORT_LIST[4]} ${VM_INSTANCES_NET3[0]} ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node ${PORT_LIST[5]} ${VM_INSTANCES_NET3[1]} ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} Create Router ${ROUTERS} Add Router Interface ${ROUTERS} ${SUBNETS[1]} Add Router Interface ${ROUTERS} ${SUBNETS[2]} ${net_id} = Get Net Id ${NETWORKS[0]} ${devstack_conn_id} Set Suite Variable ${net_id} ${tenant_id} = Get Tenant ID From Network ${net_id} Set Suite Variable ${tenant_id} VPN Create L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]} name=${VPN_NAME[0]} rd=${CREATE_RD} exportrt=${CREATE_EXPORT_RT} importrt=${CREATE_IMPORT_RT} tenantid=${tenant_id} ${resp}= VPN Get L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]} Should Contain ${resp} ${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]} Associate L3VPN To Network networkid=${net_id} vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]} ${resp}= VPN Get L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]} Should Contain ${resp} ${net_id} ${router_id}= Get Router Id ${ROUTERS} ${devstack_conn_id} Set Suite Variable ${router_id} Associate VPN to Router routerid=${router_id} vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]} ${resp}= VPN Get L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]} Should Contain ${resp} ${router_id} Verify Ping On Same Networks [Documentation] Verify ping among VM of same network ${output}= Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET1[0]} ping -c 3 ${VM_IP_NET1[1]} Should Contain ${output} ${PING_REGEXP} ${output}= Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[1] ${VM_IP_NET2[0]} ping -c 3 ${VM_IP_NET2[1]} Should Contain ${output} ${PING_REGEXP} ${output}= Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET1[1]} ping -c 3 ${VM_IP_NET1[0]} Should Contain ${output} ${PING_REGEXP} ${output}= Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[1] ${VM_IP_NET2[1]} ping -c 3 ${VM_IP_NET2[0]} Should Contain ${output} ${PING_REGEXP} ${output}= Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[2] ${VM_IP_NET3[0]} ping -c 3 ${VM_IP_NET3[1]} Should Contain ${output} ${PING_REGEXP} Verify Ping On Different Networks [Documentation] Verify ping among VMs of different network ${output}= Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET1[0]} ping -c 3 ${VM_IP_NET2[0]} Should Contain ${output} ${PING_REGEXP} ${output}= Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[1] ${VM_IP_NET2[0]} ping -c 3 ${VM_IP_NET3[0]} Should Contain ${output} ${PING_REGEXP} ${output}= Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET1[1]} ping -c 3 ${VM_IP_NET2[1]} Should Contain ${output} ${PING_REGEXP} ${output}= Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[1] ${VM_IP_NET2[1]} ping -c 3 ${VM_IP_NET3[1]} Should Contain ${output} ${PING_REGEXP} ${output}= Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[2] ${VM_IP_NET3[0]} ping -c 3 ${VM_IP_NET1[1]} Should Contain ${output} ${PING_REGEXP} Verify Flows Are Present [Arguments] ${ip} [Documentation] Verify Flows Are Present ${flow_output}= Run Command On Remote System ${ip} sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows br-int Log ${flow_output} ${resp}= Should Contain ${flow_output} table=50 ${resp}= Should Contain ${flow_output} table=21, @{vm_ip}= Create List @{VM_IP_NET1} @{VM_IP_NET2} @{VM_IP_NET3} ${resp}= Should Match regexp ${flow_output} table=0.*goto_table:36 ${resp}= Should Match regexp ${flow_output} table=0.*goto_table:17 : FOR ${i} IN @{vm_ip} \ ${resp}= Should Match regexp ${flow_output} table=21.*nw_dst=${i} Verify Ping To Sub Interface [Arguments] ${sub_interface_ip} [Documentation] Verify ping to the sub-interface ${output}= Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET1[0]} ping -c 3 ${sub_interface_ip} Should Contain ${output} ${PING_REGEXP} ${output}= Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[1] ${VM_IP_NET2[0]} ping -c 3 ${sub_interface_ip} Should Contain ${output} ${PING_REGEXP} ${output}= Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[2] ${VM_IP_NET3[0]} ping -c 3 ${sub_interface_ip} Should Contain ${output} ${PING_REGEXP} Verify Learnt IP [Arguments] ${ip} ${session} [Documentation] Check that sub interface ip has been learnt after ARP request ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get Request ${session} /restconf/operational/odl-l3vpn:learnt-vpn-vip-to-port-data/ Log ${resp.content} Should Contain ${resp.content} ${ip} TODO Fail "Not implemented" Delete Setup [Documentation] Delete the setup Dissociate L3VPN From Networks networkid=${net_id} vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]} Dissociate VPN to Router routerid=${router_id} vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]} VPN Delete L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]} Remove Interface ${ROUTERS} ${SUBNETS[1]} Remove Interface ${ROUTERS} ${SUBNETS[2]} Delete Router ${ROUTERS} ${VM_INSTANCES} = Create List @{VM_INSTANCES_NET1} @{VM_INSTANCES_NET2} @{VM_INSTANCES_NET3} : FOR ${VmInstance} IN @{VM_INSTANCES} \ Delete Vm Instance ${VmInstance} : FOR ${Port} IN @{PORT_LIST} \ Delete Port ${Port} : FOR ${Subnet} IN @{SUBNETS} \ Delete SubNet ${Subnet} : FOR ${Network} IN @{NETWORKS} \ Delete Network ${Network} Delete SecurityGroup ${SECURITY_GROUP}