*** Settings *** Documentation Test Suite for elan interface and service recovery Suite Setup Start Suite Suite Teardown OpenStackOperations.OpenStack Suite Teardown Test Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing Test Teardown OpenStackOperations.Get Test Teardown Debugs Library Collections Library String Resource ../../../libraries/DevstackUtils.robot Resource ../../../libraries/FlowLib.robot Resource ../../../libraries/KarafKeywords.robot Resource ../../../libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot Resource ../../../libraries/OVSDB.robot Resource ../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.robot Resource ../../../libraries/VpnOperations.robot Resource ../../../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot Resource ../../../variables/Variables.robot *** Variables *** ${REQ_NETWORK} elansr_net_1 ${REQ_SUBNET} elansr_sub_1 ${REQ_SUBNET_CIDR} ${SECURITY_GROUP} elansr_sg ${SERVICE-STATUS-CLI} srm:recover service elan ${INTERFACE-STATUS-CLI} srm:recover instance elan-interface ${NUM_OF_PORTS_PER_HOST} 2 @{NET_1_VMS} elansr_net_1_vm_1 elansr_net_1_vm_2 @{NET_2_VMS} elansr_net_2_vm_3 elansr_net_2_vm_4 @{PORT_LIST} elansr_net_1_port_1 elansr_net_1_port_2 elansr_net_1_port_3 elansr_net_1_port_4 *** Test Cases *** To Verify ELAN Service Recovery [Documentation] To Verify Elan Service recovery by deleting and recovering multiple flows OVSDB.Verify Dump Flows For Specific Table ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} True ${EMPTY} dl_src=@{PORT_MAC_ADDR}[0] actions=goto_table:${ELAN_DMACTABLE} OVSDB.Verify Dump Flows For Specific Table ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} ${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} True ${EMPTY} dl_src=@{PORT_MAC_ADDR}[2] actions=goto_table:${ELAN_DMACTABLE} ${flow_id} = FlowLib.Get Flow Id ${DPNID_1} ${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} @{PORT_MAC_ADDR}[0] FlowLib.Delete Flow Via Restconf ${DPNID_1} ${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} ${flow_id} ${flow_id} = FlowLib.Get Flow Id ${DPNID_2} ${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} @{PORT_MAC_ADDR}[2] FlowLib.Delete Flow Via Restconf ${DPNID_2} ${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} ${flow_id} ${mac_elements} = BuiltIn.Create List @{PORT_MAC_ADDR}[0] Utils.Check For Elements Not At URI ${CONFIG_NODES_API}/node/openflow:${DPNID_1}/table/${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} ${mac_elements} ${mac_elements} = BuiltIn.Create List @{PORT_MAC_ADDR}[2] Utils.Check For Elements Not At URI ${CONFIG_NODES_API}/node/openflow:${DPNID_2}/table/${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} ${mac_elements} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 5s OVSDB.Verify Dump Flows For Specific Table ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} False ... ${EMPTY} dl_src=@{PORT_MAC_ADDR}[0] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 5s OVSDB.Verify Dump Flows For Specific Table ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} ${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} False ... ${EMPTY} dl_src=@{PORT_MAC_ADDR}[2] KarafKeywords.Issue Command On Karaf Console ${SERVICE-STATUS-CLI} OVSDB.Verify Dump Flows For Specific Table ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} True ${EMPTY} dl_src=@{PORT_MAC_ADDR}[0] actions=goto_table:${ELAN_DMACTABLE} OVSDB.Verify Dump Flows For Specific Table ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} ${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} True ${EMPTY} dl_src=@{PORT_MAC_ADDR}[2] actions=goto_table:${ELAN_DMACTABLE} ${mac_elements} = BuiltIn.Create List @{PORT_MAC_ADDR}[0] Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${CONFIG_NODES_API}/node/openflow:${DPNID_1}/table/${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} ${mac_elements} ${mac_elements} = BuiltIn.Create List @{PORT_MAC_ADDR}[2] Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${CONFIG_NODES_API}/node/openflow:${DPNID_2}/table/${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} ${mac_elements} To Verify Elan Interface recovery [Documentation] To Verify the Elan Interface recovery by deleting single Flow BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 15s OVSDB.Verify Dump Flows For Specific Table ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} True ... ${EMPTY} dl_src=@{PORT_MAC_ADDR}[0] actions=goto_table:${ELAN_DMACTABLE} ${flow_id} = FlowLib.Get Flow Id ${DPNID_1} ${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} @{PORT_MAC_ADDR}[0] FlowLib.Delete Flow Via Restconf ${DPNID_1} ${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} ${flow_id} ${mac_elements} = BuiltIn.Create List @{PORT_MAC_ADDR}[0] Utils.Check For Elements Not At URI ${CONFIG_NODES_API}/node/openflow:${DPNID_1}/table/${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} ${mac_elements} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 15s OVSDB.Verify Dump Flows For Specific Table ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} False ... ${EMPTY} dl_src=@{PORT_MAC_ADDR}[0] ${elan_instance_id} = Get Elan Instance ID ${elan_interface_id} = Get Elan Interfaces ID ${elan_instance_id} @{PORT_MAC_ADDR}[0] Recover Elan Flows ${elan_interface_id} ${mac_elements} = BuiltIn.Create List @{PORT_MAC_ADDR}[0] BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 5s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${CONFIG_NODES_API}/node/openflow:${DPNID_1}/table/${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} ${mac_elements} OVSDB.Verify Dump Flows For Specific Table ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${ELAN_SMAC_TABLE} True ${EMPTY} dl_src=@{PORT_MAC_ADDR}[0] actions=goto_table:${ELAN_DMACTABLE} *** Keywords *** Start Suite [Documentation] Test Suite for Elan interface and service recovery OpenStackOperations.OpenStack Suite Setup Create Setup OpenStackOperations.Show Debugs @{NET_1_VMS} @{NET_2_VMS} OpenStackOperations.Get Suite Debugs Create Neutron Ports [Documentation] Create required number of ports under previously created subnets : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${NUM_OF_PORTS_PER_HOST} \ OpenStackOperations.Create Port ${REQ_NETWORK} @{PORT_LIST}[${index}] sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} \ OpenStackOperations.Create Port ${REQ_NETWORK} @{PORT_LIST}[${index + 2}] sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} @{PORT_MAC_ADDR} = OpenStackOperations.Get Ports MacAddr ${PORT_LIST} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable @{PORT_MAC_ADDR} Create Nova VMs [Arguments] ${num_of_vms_per_dpn} [Documentation] Create Vm instances on compute nodes : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${num_of_vms_per_dpn} \ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node @{PORT_LIST}[${index}] @{NET_1_VMS}[${index}] ${OS_CMP1_HOSTNAME} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} \ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node @{PORT_LIST}[${index + 2}] @{NET_2_VMS}[${index}] ${OS_CMP2_HOSTNAME} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} @{NET_1_VM_IPS} ${NET_1_DHCP_IP} = OpenStackOperations.Get VM IPs @{NET_1_VMS} @{NET_2_VM_IPS} ${NET_2_DHCP_IP} = OpenStackOperations.Get VM IPs @{NET_2_VMS} BuiltIn.Should Not Contain @{NET_1_VM_IPS} None BuiltIn.Should Not Contain @{NET_2_VM_IPS} None BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${NET_1_DHCP_IP} None BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${NET_2_DHCP_IP} None Create Setup [Documentation] Create basic topology BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 10s VpnOperations.Verify Tunnel Status as UP OpenStackOperations.Create Network ${REQ_NETWORK} OpenStackOperations.Create SubNet ${REQ_NETWORK} ${REQ_SUBNET} ${REQ_SUBNET_CIDR} OpenStackOperations.Create Allow All SecurityGroup ${SECURITY_GROUP} Create Neutron Ports Create Nova VMs ${2} ${DPNID_1} = OVSDB.Get DPID ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${DPNID_2} = OVSDB.Get DPID ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${DPNID_1} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${DPNID_2} Get Elan Instance ID [Documentation] Retrieving ELAN instance ID ${output} = KarafKeywords.Issue Command On Karaf Console elaninterface:show ${elan_instance} = String.Split String ${output} ${elan_instance_with_tag} = BuiltIn.Set Variable ${elan_instance[5]} ${elan_instance_id} = String.Split String ${elan_instance_with_tag} / [Return] @{elan_instance_id}[0] Get Elan Interfaces ID [Arguments] ${elan_id} ${mac} [Documentation] Getting the ELAN interface ID with corresponding mac address and returning interface ID list ${elan_output} = KarafKeywords.Issue Command On Karaf Console elanmactable:show ${elan_id} ${interface_id} = String.Get Regexp Matches ${elan_output} (${REGEX_UUID})\\s*${mac} 1 [Return] @{interface_id}[0] Recover Elan Flows [Arguments] ${interface} [Documentation] Recover ELAN flows for the given interfaces ${recover_msg} = KarafKeywords.Issue Command On Karaf Console ${INTERFACE-STATUS-CLI} ${interface} BuiltIn.Should Contain ${recover_msg} RPC call to recover was successful