*** Settings *** Documentation Basic Tests for VTN Renderer using NIC CLI. ... ... Copyright (c) 2015 NEC. All rights reserved. ... ... This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the ... terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, ... and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html Suite Setup Setup NIC Console Environment Suite Teardown Stop NIC Vtn Rest Test Suite Library SSHLibrary Library Collections Library ../../../libraries/Common.py Resource ../../../libraries/NicKeywords.robot Resource ../../../libraries/Scalability.robot *** Variables *** ${switches} 8 @{valid_intent1} ALLOW @{valid_intent2} BLOCK @{valid_intent3} ALLOW @{invalid_Intent1} ALLOW @{invalid_Intent2} ALLOW @{all_invalid_Intent} ${invalid_Intent1} ${invalid_Intent2} @{all_valid_intent} ${valid_intent1} ${valid_intent2} ${valid_intent3} @{all_intents_ids} *** Test Cases *** Verify VTN Install [Documentation] Verify if VTN manager bundles are installed. Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1000s 10s Verify VTNBundle Verify VTN Renderer Command Add and Remove in CLI [Documentation] Verification of NIC Console command add and remove. It first creates the intents ... and stores the intent ids, then verifies that the intents were added. Finally, it compiles the intents ... to verify that intents were properly merged and also validates intents were removed at the end per the cleanup procedure. [Tags] NIC : FOR ${intent} IN @{all_valid_intent} \ ${id}= Add Intent From Karaf Console @{intent} \ Append To List ${all_intents_ids} ${id} Switch Connection ${mininet_conn_id} Mininet Ping Should Succeed h1 h2 Mininet Ping Should Succeed h3 h5 Mininet Ping Should Not Succeed h2 h4 : FOR ${intent_id} IN @{all_intents_ids} \ Remove Intent From Karaf Console ${intent_id} Verify Invalid VTN Renderer Command Add in CLI [Documentation] Invalid IP address for intent creation It first creates the intents ... and stores the intent ids, but flow condition and flowfilter was not created. [Tags] NIC : FOR ${intent} IN @{all_invalid_Intent} \ ${id}= Add Intent From Karaf Console @{intent} \ ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console log:display | grep "Invalid address is specified in Intent configuration" \ Should Contain ${output} Invalid address is specified in Intent configuration *** Keywords *** Verify VTNBundle ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console bundle:list | grep vtn-renderer Should Contain ${output} Active Setup NIC Console Environment [Documentation] Installing NIC Console related features (odl-nic-core-mdsal, odl-nic-renderer-vtn) Verify Feature Is Installed odl-nic-core-mdsal Verify Feature Is Installed odl-nic-renderer-vtn Clean Mininet System Start Mininet Linear ${switches}