*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite for bug 6917 validation. Suite Setup Initialization Phase Suite Teardown Final Phase Library XML Library RequestsLibrary Resource ../../../libraries/MininetKeywords.robot Resource ../../../libraries/FlowLib.robot Resource ../../../variables/Variables.robot *** Variables *** ${XmlsDir} ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/xmls ${flowfile1} f162.xml ${flowfile2} f164.xml ${switch_idx} 1 ${switch_name} s${switch_idx} *** Test Cases *** Add Flow And Check It Is In Operational DS [Documentation] Add flow match IP and Ethertype IP FlowLib.Create Flow Variables For Suite From XML File ${XmlsDir}/${flowfile1} FlowLib.Add Flow Via Restconf ${switch_idx} ${table_id} ${data} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 1s FlowLib.Check Datastore Presence ${flowfile1} ${True} ${True} ... ${False} ${True} Delete and Add Flow Same Match With Different ID [Documentation] Delete flow and add flow with same body and different ID. New ID should be shown in operational. FlowLib.Delete Flow Via Restconf ${switch_idx} ${table_id} ${flow_id} FlowLib.Create Flow Variables For Suite From XML File ${XmlsDir}/${flowfile2} FlowLib.Add Flow Via Restconf ${switch_idx} ${table_id} ${data} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 1s FlowLib.Check Datastore Presence ${flowfile2} ${True} ${True} ... ${False} ${True} [Teardown] Report_Failure_Due_To_Bug 7349 *** Keywords *** Initialization Phase [Documentation] Starts mininet and verify if topology is in operational datastore. ${mininet_conn_id}= MininetKeywords.Start Mininet Single Controller BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${mininet_conn_id} RequestsLibrary.Create Session session http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS_XML} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 1s FlowLib.Check Switches In Topology 1 Final Phase [Documentation] Stops mininet. BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error RequestsLibrary.Delete Request session ${CONFIG_NODES_API} MininetKeywords.Stop Mininet And Exit ${mininet_conn_id} RequestsLibrary.Delete All Sessions