*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite for entity ownership service and openflowplugin. Makes changes on controller side (isolating cluster node) Suite Setup Start Suite Suite Teardown End Suite Test Template Isolating Node Scenario Library SSHLibrary Library RequestsLibrary Library XML Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/Utils.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/OvsManager.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/ClusterManagement.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/ClusterOpenFlow.robot Library Collections *** Variables *** ${SWITCHES} 1 # this is for mininet 2.2.1 ${START_CMD} sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=${ODL_SYSTEM_1_IP} --controller=remote,ip=${ODL_SYSTEM_2_IP} --controller=remote,ip=${ODL_SYSTEM_3_IP} --topo linear,${SWITCHES} --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13 ${START_CMD} sudo mn --topo linear,${SWITCHES} --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13 @{CONTROLLER_NODES} ${ODL_SYSTEM_1_IP} ${ODL_SYSTEM_2_IP} ${ODL_SYSTEM_3_IP} @{cntls_idx_list} ${1} ${2} ${3} *** Test Cases *** Start Mininet To All Nodes [Template] NONE ${mininet_conn_id}= SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} prompt=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${mininet_conn_id} SSHLibrary.Login With Public Key ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_USER} ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa any SSHLibrary.Put File ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/DynamicMininet.py . SSHLibrary.Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:6644 SSHLibrary.Execute Command sudo mn -c SSHLibrary.Write ${START_CMD} SSHLibrary.Read Until mininet> ${cntls_list} BuiltIn.Create List ${ODL_SYSTEM_1_IP} ${ODL_SYSTEM_2_IP} ${ODL_SYSTEM_3_IP} ${switch_list} BuiltIn.Create List : FOR ${i} IN RANGE 0 ${SWITCHES} \ ${sid}= BuiltIn.Evaluate ${i}+1 \ Collections.Append To List ${switch_list} s${sid} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${active_member} 1 OvsManager.Setup Clustered Controller For Switches ${switch_list} ${cntls_list} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15s 1s Are Switches Connected Topo Switches To Be Connected To All Nodes [Documentation] Initial check for correct connected topology. [Template] NONE BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15x 1s Check All Switches Connected To All Cluster Nodes Isolating Owner Of Switch s1 s1 [Teardown] Report_Failure_Due_To_Bug 6177 Switches Still Be Connected To All Nodes [Template] NONE BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15x 1s Check All Switches Connected To All Cluster Nodes [Teardown] Report_Failure_Due_To_Bug 6177 Stop Mininet And Verify No Owners [Template] NONE Utils.Stop Suite BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15x 1s Check No Owners In Controller [Teardown] Report_Failure_Due_To_Bug 6177 *** Keywords *** Start Suite ClusterManagement.ClusterManagement Setup End Suite ClusterManagement.Flush Iptables From List Or All RequestsLibrary.Delete All Sessions Are Switches Connected Topo [Documentation] Checks wheather switches are connected to controller ${resp}= ClusterManagement.Get From Member ${OPERATIONAL_TOPO_API}/topology/flow:1 ${active_member} access=${ACCEPT_XML} BuiltIn.Log ${resp} ${count}= XML.Get Element Count ${resp} xpath=node BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Numbers ${count} ${SWITCHES} Check All Switches Connected To All Cluster Nodes [Documentation] Verifies all switches are connected to all cluster nodes OvsManager.Get Ovsdb Data : FOR ${i} IN RANGE 0 ${SWITCHES} \ ${sid}= BuiltIn.Evaluate ${i}+1 \ OvsManager.Should Be Connected s${sid} ${ODL_SYSTEM_1_IP} update_data=${False} \ OvsManager.Should Be Connected s${sid} ${ODL_SYSTEM_2_IP} update_data=${False} \ OvsManager.Should Be Connected s${sid} ${ODL_SYSTEM_3_IP} update_data=${False} Isolating Node Scenario [Arguments] ${switch_name} [Documentation] Disconnect and connect owner and successor and check switch data to be consistent ${idx}= BuiltIn.Evaluate str("${switch_name}"[1:]) BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${idx} Isolate Switchs Old Owner ${switch_name} Rejoin Switchs Old Owner ${switch_name} Isolate Switchs Successor ${switch_name} Rejoin Switchs Successor ${switch_name} [Teardown] Run Keyword If "${isol_node}"!="${Empty}" Rejoin Controller To The Cluster ${isol_node} Isolate Switchs Old Owner [Arguments] ${switch_name} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${isol_node} ${Empty} ${old_owner} ${old_successors}= ClusterOpenFlow.Get OpenFlow Entity Owner Status For One Device openflow:${idx} ${active_member} ${old_master}= BuiltIn.Set Variable ${ODL_SYSTEM_${old_owner}_IP} ${active_member}= Collections.Get From List ${old_successors} 0 BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${active_member} Isolate Controller From The Cluster ${old_owner} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${isol_node} ${old_owner} ClusterOpenFlow.Check OpenFlow Shards Status After Cluster Event ${old_successors} ${new_master}= BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10x 3s Verify New Master Controller Node ${switch_name} ${old_master} ${owner} ${successors}= ClusterOpenFlow.Get OpenFlow Entity Owner Status For One Device openflow:${idx} ${active_member} ${old_successors} BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Strings ${new_master} ${ODL_SYSTEM_${owner}_IP} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${active_member} ${owner} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${old_owner} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${old_successors} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${old_master} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${owner} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${new_master} Rejoin Switchs Old Owner [Arguments] ${switch_name} Rejoin Controller To The Cluster ${old_owner} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${isol_node} ${Empty} ClusterOpenFlow.Check OpenFlow Shards Status After Cluster Event ${new_owner} ${new_successors}= BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6x 10s ClusterOpenFlow.Get OpenFlow Entity Owner Status For One Device openflow:${idx} ... ${active_member} BuiltIn.Should Be Equal ${owner} ${new_owner} Isolate Switchs Successor [Arguments] ${switch_name} ${old_owner} ${old_successors}= ClusterOpenFlow.Get OpenFlow Entity Owner Status For One Device openflow:${idx} ${active_member} ${old_successor}= Collections.Get From List ${old_successors} 0 ${old_slave}= BuiltIn.Set Variable ${ODL_SYSTEM_${old_successor}_IP} Isolate Controller From The Cluster ${old_successor} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${isol_cntl} ${old_slave} ${tmp_candidates}= BuiltIn.Create List @{ClusterManagement__member_index_list} Collections.Remove Values From List ${tmp_candidates} ${old_successor} ClusterOpenFlow.Check OpenFlow Shards Status After Cluster Event ${tmp_candidates} ${owner} ${successors}= ClusterOpenFlow.Get OpenFlow Entity Owner Status For One Device openflow:${idx} ${active_member} ${tmp_candidates} BuiltIn.Should Be Equal ${owner} ${old_owner} BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Strings ${new_master} ${ODL_SYSTEM_${owner}_IP} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${old_owner} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${old_successors} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${old_successor} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${old_slave} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${owner} Rejoin Switchs Successor [Arguments] ${switch_name} Rejoin Controller To The Cluster ${old_successor} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${isol_node} ${Empty} ClusterOpenFlow.Check OpenFlow Shards Status After Cluster Event ${new_owner} ${new_successors}= BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6x 10s ClusterOpenFlow.Get OpenFlow Entity Owner Status For One Device openflow:${idx} ... ${active_member} BuiltIn.Should Be Equal ${old_owner} ${new_owner} Rejoin Controller To The Cluster [Arguments] ${isolated_node} ClusterManagement.Rejoin Member From List Or All ${isolated_node} [Teardown] SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${mininet_conn_id} Isolate Controller From The Cluster [Arguments] ${isolated_node} ClusterManagement.Isolate Member From List Or All ${isolated_node} [Teardown] SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${mininet_conn_id} Check No Owners In Controller [Documentation] Check there is no owners in controllers ${session} = Resolve_Http_Session_For_Member member_index=${active_member} ${data} = TemplatedRequests.Get_As_Json_From_Uri uri=${ENTITY_OWNER_URI} session=${session} BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${data} member Verify New Master Controller Node [Arguments] ${switch_name} ${old_master} [Documentation] Checks if given node is different from actual master ${idx}= BuiltIn.Evaluate "${switch_name}"[1:] ${owner} ${successors}= ClusterManagement.Get Owner And Candidates For Device openflow:${idx} openflow ${active_member} ${new_master} BuiltIn.Set Variable ${ODL_SYSTEM_${owner}_IP} BuiltIn.Should Not Be Equal ${old_master} ${new_master} Return From Keyword ${new_master}