*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite for entity ownership service and openflowplugin. Makes changes on controller side (isolating cluster node) Suite Setup Start Suite Suite Teardown End Suite Test Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing Test Template Isolating Node Scenario Library SSHLibrary Library RequestsLibrary Library XML Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/Utils.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/FlowLib.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/OvsManager.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/ClusterManagement.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/ClusterOpenFlow.robot Library Collections *** Variables *** ${SWITCHES} 1 ${START_CMD} sudo mn --topo linear,${SWITCHES} @{CONTROLLER_NODES} ${ODL_SYSTEM_1_IP} ${ODL_SYSTEM_2_IP} ${ODL_SYSTEM_3_IP} @{cntls_idx_list} ${1} ${2} ${3} *** Test Cases *** Start Mininet To All Nodes [Template] NONE ${mininet_conn_id}= SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} prompt=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${mininet_conn_id} SSHLibrary.Login With Public Key ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_USER} ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa any SSHLibrary.Put File ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/DynamicMininet.py . SSHLibrary.Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:6644 SSHLibrary.Execute Command sudo mn -c SSHLibrary.Write ${START_CMD} SSHLibrary.Read Until mininet> ${cntls_list} BuiltIn.Create List ${ODL_SYSTEM_1_IP} ${ODL_SYSTEM_2_IP} ${ODL_SYSTEM_3_IP} ${switch_list} BuiltIn.Create List : FOR ${i} IN RANGE 0 ${SWITCHES} \ ${sid}= BuiltIn.Evaluate ${i}+1 \ Collections.Append To List ${switch_list} s${sid} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${active_member} 1 OvsManager.Setup Clustered Controller For Switches ${switch_list} ${cntls_list} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15s 1s ClusterOpenFlow.Verify Switch Connections Running On Member ${SWITCHES} 1 Switches To Be Connected To All Nodes [Documentation] Initial check for correct connected topology. [Template] NONE BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15x 1s Check All Switches Connected To All Cluster Nodes Isolating Owner Of Switch s1 s1 [Teardown] Report_Failure_Due_To_Bug 6177 Switches Still Be Connected To All Nodes [Template] NONE BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15x 1s Check All Switches Connected To All Cluster Nodes [Teardown] Report_Failure_Due_To_Bug 6177 Stop Mininet And Verify No Owners [Template] NONE Utils.Stop Mininet BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15x 1s Check No Owners In Controller [Teardown] Report_Failure_Due_To_Bug 6177 *** Keywords *** Start Suite SetupUtils.Setup_Utils_For_Setup_And_Teardown End Suite ClusterManagement.Flush Iptables From List Or All RequestsLibrary.Delete All Sessions Check All Switches Connected To All Cluster Nodes [Documentation] Verifies all switches are connected to all cluster nodes OvsManager.Get Ovsdb Data : FOR ${i} IN RANGE 0 ${SWITCHES} \ ${sid}= BuiltIn.Evaluate ${i}+1 \ OvsManager.Should Be Connected s${sid} ${ODL_SYSTEM_1_IP} update_data=${False} \ OvsManager.Should Be Connected s${sid} ${ODL_SYSTEM_2_IP} update_data=${False} \ OvsManager.Should Be Connected s${sid} ${ODL_SYSTEM_3_IP} update_data=${False} Isolating Node Scenario [Arguments] ${switch_name} [Documentation] Disconnect and connect owner and successor and check switch data to be consistent ${idx}= BuiltIn.Evaluate str("${switch_name}"[1:]) BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${idx} Isolate Switchs Old Owner ${switch_name} Rejoin Switchs Old Owner ${switch_name} Isolate Switchs Successor ${switch_name} Rejoin Switchs Successor ${switch_name} [Teardown] Run Keyword If "${isol_node}"!="${Empty}" Rejoin Controller To The Cluster ${isol_node} Isolate Switchs Old Owner [Arguments] ${switch_name} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${isol_node} ${Empty} ${old_owner} ${old_successors}= ClusterOpenFlow.Get OpenFlow Entity Owner Status For One Device openflow:${idx} ${active_member} ${old_master}= BuiltIn.Set Variable ${ODL_SYSTEM_${old_owner}_IP} ${active_member}= Collections.Get From List ${old_successors} 0 BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${active_member} Isolate Controller From The Cluster ${old_owner} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${isol_node} ${old_owner} ClusterOpenFlow.Check OpenFlow Shards Status After Cluster Event ${old_successors} ${new_master}= BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10x 3s Verify New Master Controller Node ${switch_name} ${old_master} ${owner} ${successors}= ClusterOpenFlow.Get OpenFlow Entity Owner Status For One Device openflow:${idx} ${active_member} ${old_successors} BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Strings ${new_master} ${ODL_SYSTEM_${owner}_IP} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${active_member} ${owner} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${old_owner} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${old_successors} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${old_master} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${owner} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${new_master} Rejoin Switchs Old Owner [Arguments] ${switch_name} Rejoin Controller To The Cluster ${old_owner} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${isol_node} ${Empty} ClusterOpenFlow.Check OpenFlow Shards Status After Cluster Event ${new_owner} ${new_successors}= BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6x 10s ClusterOpenFlow.Get OpenFlow Entity Owner Status For One Device openflow:${idx} ... ${active_member} BuiltIn.Should Be Equal ${owner} ${new_owner} Isolate Switchs Successor [Arguments] ${switch_name} ${old_owner} ${old_successors}= ClusterOpenFlow.Get OpenFlow Entity Owner Status For One Device openflow:${idx} ${active_member} ${old_successor}= Collections.Get From List ${old_successors} 0 ${old_slave}= BuiltIn.Set Variable ${ODL_SYSTEM_${old_successor}_IP} Isolate Controller From The Cluster ${old_successor} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${isol_cntl} ${old_slave} ${tmp_candidates}= BuiltIn.Create List @{ClusterManagement__member_index_list} Collections.Remove Values From List ${tmp_candidates} ${old_successor} ClusterOpenFlow.Check OpenFlow Shards Status After Cluster Event ${tmp_candidates} ${owner} ${successors}= ClusterOpenFlow.Get OpenFlow Entity Owner Status For One Device openflow:${idx} ${active_member} ${tmp_candidates} BuiltIn.Should Be Equal ${owner} ${old_owner} BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Strings ${new_master} ${ODL_SYSTEM_${owner}_IP} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${old_owner} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${old_successors} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${old_successor} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${old_slave} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${owner} Rejoin Switchs Successor [Arguments] ${switch_name} Rejoin Controller To The Cluster ${old_successor} BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${isol_node} ${Empty} ClusterOpenFlow.Check OpenFlow Shards Status After Cluster Event ${new_owner} ${new_successors}= BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6x 10s ClusterOpenFlow.Get OpenFlow Entity Owner Status For One Device openflow:${idx} ... ${active_member} BuiltIn.Should Be Equal ${old_owner} ${new_owner} Rejoin Controller To The Cluster [Arguments] ${isolated_node} ClusterManagement.Rejoin Member From List Or All ${isolated_node} [Teardown] SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${mininet_conn_id} Isolate Controller From The Cluster [Arguments] ${isolated_node} ClusterManagement.Isolate Member From List Or All ${isolated_node} [Teardown] SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${mininet_conn_id} Check No Owners In Controller [Documentation] Check there is no owners in controllers ${session} = Resolve_Http_Session_For_Member member_index=${active_member} ${data} = TemplatedRequests.Get_As_Json_From_Uri uri=${ENTITY_OWNER_URI} session=${session} BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${data} member Verify New Master Controller Node [Arguments] ${switch_name} ${old_master} [Documentation] Checks if given node is different from actual master ${idx}= BuiltIn.Evaluate "${switch_name}"[1:] ${owner} ${successors}= ClusterManagement.Get Owner And Candidates For Device openflow:${idx} openflow ${active_member} ${new_master} BuiltIn.Set Variable ${ODL_SYSTEM_${owner}_IP} BuiltIn.Should Not Be Equal ${old_master} ${new_master} Return From Keyword ${new_master}