*** Settings *** Documentation OF1.3 Suite to cover TTL Actions ... - Set IP TTL ... - Decrement IP TTL ... - Copy TTL outwards ... - Copy TTL inwards ... - Set MPLS TTL ... - Decrement MPLS TTL ... ... NOTE: for OVS, it appears that set_ttl, and both copy in/out are not supported, so need to skip those checks for now. Suite Setup Create Session session http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS_XML} Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions Test Template Create And Remove Flow Library SSHLibrary Library Collections Library OperatingSystem Library String Library RequestsLibrary Library XML Resource ../../../libraries/FlowLib.robot Library ../../../libraries/Common.py Variables ../../../variables/Variables.py *** Variables *** ${REST_CON} /restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes ${GENERIC_ACTION_FLOW_FILE} ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/xmls/genericActionFlow.xml ${ipv4_src} ${ipv4_dst} ${eth_type} 0x800 ${eth_src} 00:00:00:01:23:ae ${eth_dst} ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff ${node_id} openflow:1 ${set_ip_ttl_doc} OF1.3: \ OFPAT_SET_NW_TTL = 23, /* IP TTL. */\n(currently not supported on OVS) ${dec_ttl_doc} OF1.3: \ OFPAT_DEC_NW_TTL = 24, /* Decrement IP TTL. */ ${copy_ttl_in_doc} OFPAT_COPY_TTL_IN = 12, /* Copy TTL "inwards" -- from outermost to\nnext-to-outermost */\n(currently NOT supported in OVS)\n ${copy_ttl_out_doc} OFPAT_COPY_TTL_OUT = 11, /* Copy TTL "outwards" -- from next-to-outermost\nto outermost */\n(currently NOT suported in OVS) ${set_mpls_ttl_doc} OFPAT_SET_MPLS_TTL = 15, /* MPLS TTL */ ${dec_mpls_ttl_doc} OFPAT_DEC_MPLS_TTL = 16, /* Decrement MPLS TTL */ *** Test Cases *** ODL flow action action key action value tableID flowID priority verify OVS? OVS specific string? Set_IP_TTL [Documentation] ${set_ip_ttl_doc} [Tags] ttl set set-nw-ttl-action nw-ttl 1 2 101 10 no set_ttl Dec_TTL [Documentation] ${dec_ttl_doc} [Tags] ttl dec dec-nw-ttl none none 3 305 311 yes dec_ttl Copy_TTL_In [Documentation] ${copy_ttl_in_doc} [Tags] ttl copyin copy-ttl-in none none 9 202 9 no copy_ttl_in Copy_TTL_Out [Documentation] ${copy_ttl_out_doc} [Tags] ttl copyout copy-ttl-out none none 8 909 4242 no copy_ttl_out Set_MPLS_TTL [Documentation] ${set_mpls_ttl_doc} [Tags] ttl setmpls set-mpls-ttl-action mpls-ttl 1 4 505 9021 yes set_mpls_ttl Dec_MPLS_TTL [Documentation] ${dec_mpls_ttl_doc} [Tags] ttl decmpls dec-mpls-ttl none none 2 1001 81 yes dec_mpls_ttl *** Keywords *** Create And Remove Flow [Arguments] ${flow_action} ${action_key} ${action_value} ${table_id} ${flow_id} ${priority} ... ${verify_switch_flag} ${additional_ovs_flowelements} @{OVS_FLOWELEMENTS} Create List dl_dst=${eth_dst} table=${table_id} dl_src=${eth_src} nw_src=${ipv4_src} nw_dst=${ipv4_dst} ... ${additional_ovs_flowelements} ##The dictionaries here will be used to populate the match and action elements of the flow mod ${ethernet_match_dict}= Create Dictionary type=${eth_type} destination=${eth_dst} source=${eth_src} ${ipv4_match_dict}= Create Dictionary source=${ipv4_src} destination=${ipv4_dst} ##flow is a python Object to build flow details, including the xml format to send to controller ${flow}= Create Inventory Flow Set "${flow}" "table_id" With "${table_id}" Set "${flow}" "id" With "${flow_id}" Set "${flow}" "priority" With "${priority}" Clear Flow Actions ${flow} Set Flow Action ${flow} 0 0 ${flow_action} Set Flow Ethernet Match ${flow} ${ethernet_match_dict} Set Flow IPv4 Match ${flow} ${ipv4_match_dict} ##If the ${flow_action} contains the string "set" we need to include a deeper action detail (e.g. set-ttl needs a element to indicate the value to set it to) Run Keyword If "set" in "${flow_action}" Add Flow XML Element ${flow} ${action_key} ${action_value} instructions/instruction/apply-actions/action/${flow_action} Log Flow XML is ${flow.xml} Add Flow To Controller And Verify ${flow.xml} ${node_id} ${flow.table_id} ${flow.id} Run Keyword If "${verify_switch_flag}" == "yes" Verify Flow On Mininet Switch ${OVS_FLOWELEMENTS} Remove Flow From Controller And Verify ${flow.xml} ${node_id} ${flow.table_id} ${flow.id} Run Keyword If "${verify_switch_flag}" == "yes" Verify Flow Does Not Exist On Mininet Switch ${OVS_FLOWELEMENTS}