*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite to check connectivity in L3 using routers. Suite Setup Devstack Suite Setup source_pwd=yes Suite Teardown Close All Connections Test Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing Test Teardown Get Test Teardown Debugs Library SSHLibrary Library OperatingSystem Library RequestsLibrary Library Collections Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.robot Resource ../../../libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot Resource ../../../libraries/DevstackUtils.robot Resource ../../../libraries/OVSDB.robot Resource ../../../libraries/ClusterOvsdb.robot Resource ../../../libraries/ClusterManagement.robot Resource ../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot Variables ../../../variables/Variables.py *** Variables *** ${SECURITY_GROUP} sg-clustering @{NETWORKS_NAME} l3_net_1 l3_net_2 @{SUBNETS_NAME} l3_sub_net_1 l3_sub_net_2 @{NET_1_VM_INSTANCES} VmInstance1_net_1 VmInstance2_net_1 VmInstance3_net_1 @{NET_2_VM_INSTANCES} VmInstance1_net_2 VmInstance2_net_2 VmInstance3_net_2 @{GATEWAY_IPS} @{SUBNETS_RANGE} @{odl_1_and_2_down} ${1} ${2} @{odl_2_and_3_down} ${2} ${3} *** Test Cases *** Create All Controller Sessions [Documentation] Create sessions for all three contorllers. ClusterManagement.ClusterManagement Setup Create Networks [Documentation] Create Network with neutron request. : FOR ${NetworkElement} IN @{NETWORKS_NAME} \ OpenStackOperations.Create Network ${NetworkElement} Create Subnets For l3_net_1 [Documentation] Create Sub Nets for the Networks with neutron request. OpenStackOperations.Create SubNet l3_net_1 l3_sub_net_1 @{SUBNETS_RANGE}[0] Create Subnets For l3_net_2 [Documentation] Create Sub Nets for the Networks with neutron request. OpenStackOperations.Create SubNet l3_net_2 l3_sub_net_2 @{SUBNETS_RANGE}[1] Take Down ODL1 [Documentation] Kill the karaf in First Controller ClusterManagement.Kill Single Member 1 Create Vm Instances For l3_net_1 [Documentation] Create Four Vm instances using flavor and image names for a network. OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instances l3_net_1 ${NET_1_VM_INSTANCES} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} Bring Up ODL1 [Documentation] Bring up ODL1 again ClusterManagement.Start Single Member 1 Take Down ODL2 [Documentation] Kill the karaf in Second Controller ClusterManagement.Kill Single Member 2 Create Vm Instances For l3_net_2 [Documentation] Create Four Vm instances using flavor and image names for a network. OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instances l3_net_2 ${NET_2_VM_INSTANCES} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} Check Vm Instances Have Ip Address [Documentation] Test case to verify that all created VMs are ready and have received their ip addresses. ... We are polling first and longest on the last VM created assuming that if it's received it's address ... already the other instances should have theirs already or at least shortly thereafter. # first, ensure all VMs are in ACTIVE state. if not, we can just fail the test case and not waste time polling # for dhcp addresses @{NET1_L3_VM_IPS} ${NET1_DHCP_IP} = Get VM IPs @{NET_1_VM_INSTANCES} @{NET2_L3_VM_IPS} ${NET2_DHCP_IP} = Get VM IPs @{NET_2_VM_INSTANCES} Set Suite Variable @{NET1_L3_VM_IPS} Set Suite Variable @{NET2_L3_VM_IPS} Should Not Contain ${NET1_L3_VM_IPS} None Should Not Contain ${NET2_L3_VM_IPS} None Should Not Contain ${NET1_DHCP_IP} None Should Not Contain ${NET2_DHCP_IP} None [Teardown] Run Keywords Show Debugs @{NET_1_VM_INSTANCES} @{NET_2_VM_INSTANCES} ... AND Get Test Teardown Debugs Bring Up ODL2 [Documentation] Bring up ODL2 again ClusterManagement.Start Single Member 2 Take Down ODL3 [Documentation] Kill the karaf in Third Controller ClusterManagement.Kill Single Member 3 Create Router router_2 [Documentation] Create Router and Add Interface to the subnets. this fails sometimes. OpenStackOperations.Create Router router_2 [Teardown] Report_Failure_Due_To_Bug 6117 Create Router router_3 [Documentation] Create Router and Add Interface to the subnets. OpenStackOperations.Create Router router_3 Add Interfaces To Router [Documentation] Add Interfaces : FOR ${interface} IN @{SUBNETS_NAME} \ OpenStackOperations.Add Router Interface router_3 ${interface} Verify Created Routers [Documentation] Check created routers using northbound rest calls ${data} Utils.Get Data From URI 1 ${NEUTRON_ROUTERS_API} Log ${data} Should Contain ${data} router_3 Bring Up ODL3 [Documentation] Bring up ODL3 again ClusterManagement.Start Single Member 3 Ping Vm Instance1 In l3_net_2 From l3_net_1 [Documentation] Check reachability of vm instances by pinging to them after creating routers. OpenStackOperations.Ping Vm From DHCP Namespace l3_net_1 @{NET2_L3_VM_IPS}[0] Ping Vm Instance2 In l3_net_2 From l3_net_1 [Documentation] Check reachability of vm instances by pinging to them after creating routers. OpenStackOperations.Ping Vm From DHCP Namespace l3_net_1 @{NET2_L3_VM_IPS}[1] Ping Vm Instance3 In l3_net_2 From l3_net_1 [Documentation] Check reachability of vm instances by pinging to them after creating routers. OpenStackOperations.Ping Vm From DHCP Namespace l3_net_1 @{NET2_L3_VM_IPS}[2] Ping Vm Instance1 In l3_net_1 From l3_net_2 [Documentation] Check reachability of vm instances by pinging to them after creating routers. OpenStackOperations.Ping Vm From DHCP Namespace l3_net_2 @{NET1_L3_VM_IPS}[0] Ping Vm Instance2 In l3_net_1 From l3_net_2 [Documentation] Check reachability of vm instances by pinging to them after creating routers. OpenStackOperations.Ping Vm From DHCP Namespace l3_net_2 @{NET1_L3_VM_IPS}[1] Ping Vm Instance3 In l3_net_1 From l3_net_2 [Documentation] Check reachability of vm instances by pinging to them after creating routers. OpenStackOperations.Ping Vm From DHCP Namespace l3_net_2 @{NET1_L3_VM_IPS}[2] Take Down ODL1 and ODL2 [Documentation] Kill the karaf in First and Second Controller ClusterManagement.Kill Members From List Or All ${odl_1_and_2_down} [Teardown] Get OvsDebugInfo Connectivity Tests From Vm Instance1 In l3_net_1 [Documentation] ssh to the VM instance and test operations. ${dst_ip_list}= Create List @{NET2_L3_VM_IPS} @{NET1_L3_VM_IPS} Log ${dst_ip_list} OpenStackOperations.Test Operations From Vm Instance l3_net_1 @{NET1_L3_VM_IPS}[0] ${dst_ip_list} [Teardown] Get OvsDebugInfo Connectivity Tests From Vm Instance2 In l3_net_1 [Documentation] ssh to the VM instance and test operations. ${dst_ip_list}= Create List @{NET2_L3_VM_IPS} @{NET1_L3_VM_IPS} Log ${dst_ip_list} OpenStackOperations.Test Operations From Vm Instance l3_net_1 @{NET1_L3_VM_IPS}[1] ${dst_ip_list} [Teardown] Get OvsDebugInfo Connectivity Tests From Vm Instance3 In l3_net_1 [Documentation] ssh to the VM instance and test operations. ${dst_ip_list}= Create List @{NET2_L3_VM_IPS} @{NET1_L3_VM_IPS} Log ${dst_ip_list} OpenStackOperations.Test Operations From Vm Instance l3_net_1 @{NET1_L3_VM_IPS}[2] ${dst_ip_list} [Teardown] Get OvsDebugInfo Bring Up ODL1 and ODL2 [Documentation] Bring up ODL1 and ODL2 again ClusterManagement.Start Members From List Or All ${odl_1_and_2_down} Take Down ODL2 and ODL3 [Documentation] Kill the karaf in First and Second Controller ClusterManagement.Kill Members From List Or All ${odl_2_and_3_down} [Teardown] Get OvsDebugInfo Connectivity Tests From Vm Instance1 In l3_net_2 [Documentation] ssh to the VM instance and test operations. ${dst_ip_list}= Create List @{NET2_L3_VM_IPS} @{NET1_L3_VM_IPS} Log ${dst_ip_list} OpenStackOperations.Test Operations From Vm Instance l3_net_2 @{NET2_L3_VM_IPS}[0] ${dst_ip_list} [Teardown] Get OvsDebugInfo Connectivity Tests From Vm Instance2 In l3_net_2 [Documentation] ssh to the VM instance and test operations. ${dst_ip_list}= Create List @{NET2_L3_VM_IPS} @{NET1_L3_VM_IPS} Log ${dst_ip_list} OpenStackOperations.Test Operations From Vm Instance l3_net_2 @{NET2_L3_VM_IPS}[1] ${dst_ip_list} [Teardown] Get OvsDebugInfo Connectivity Tests From Vm Instance3 In l3_net_2 [Documentation] ssh to the VM instance and test operations. ${dst_ip_list}= Create List @{NET2_L3_VM_IPS} @{NET1_L3_VM_IPS} Log ${dst_ip_list} OpenStackOperations.Test Operations From Vm Instance l3_net_2 @{NET2_L3_VM_IPS}[2] ${dst_ip_list} [Teardown] Get OvsDebugInfo Bring Up ODL2 and ODL3 [Documentation] Bring up ODL2 and ODL3 again. ClusterManagement.Start Members From List Or All ${odl_2_and_3_down} Delete Vm Instances In l3_net_1 [Documentation] Delete Vm instances using instance names in l3_net_1. : FOR ${VmElement} IN @{NET_1_VM_INSTANCES} \ OpenStackOperations.Delete Vm Instance ${VmElement} Delete Vm Instances In l3_net_2 [Documentation] Delete Vm instances using instance names in l3_net_2. : FOR ${VmElement} IN @{NET_2_VM_INSTANCES} \ OpenStackOperations.Delete Vm Instance ${VmElement} Delete Router Interfaces [Documentation] Remove Interface to the subnets. : FOR ${interface} IN @{SUBNETS_NAME} \ OpenStackOperations.Remove Interface router_3 ${interface} Delete Routers [Documentation] Delete Router and Interface to the subnets. OpenStackOperations.Delete Router router_2 OpenStackOperations.Delete Router router_3 Verify Deleted Routers [Documentation] Check deleted routers using northbound rest calls ${data} Utils.Get Data From URI 1 ${NEUTRON_ROUTERS_API} Log ${data} Should Not Contain ${data} router_3 Delete Sub Networks In l3_net_1 [Documentation] Delete Sub Nets for the Networks with neutron request. OpenStackOperations.Delete SubNet l3_sub_net_1 Delete Sub Networks In l3_net_2 [Documentation] Delete Sub Nets for the Networks with neutron request. OpenStackOperations.Delete SubNet l3_sub_net_2 Delete Networks [Documentation] Delete Networks with neutron request. : FOR ${NetworkElement} IN @{NETWORKS_NAME} \ OpenStackOperations.Delete Network ${NetworkElement} Verify Flows Cleanup [Documentation] Verify that flows have been cleaned up properly after removing all neutron configurations Verify Flows Are Cleaned Up On All OpenStack Nodes