*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite to check North-South connectivity in L3 using a router and an external network Suite Setup BuiltIn.Run Keywords SetupUtils.Setup_Utils_For_Setup_And_Teardown ... AND DevstackUtils.Devstack Suite Setup Suite Teardown Close All Connections Test Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing Test Teardown OpenStackOperations.Get Test Teardown Debugs Library SSHLibrary Library OperatingSystem Library RequestsLibrary Resource ../../../libraries/DevstackUtils.robot Resource ../../../libraries/DataModels.robot Resource ../../../libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot Resource ../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.robot *** Variables *** ${SECURITY_GROUP} l3_ext_sg @{NETWORKS} l3_ext_net @{SUBNETS} l3_ext_sub ${ROUTER} l3_ext_router @{FIP_VMS} fip_vm_1 fip_vm_2 @{SNAT_VMS} snat_vm_1 snat_vm_2 @{SUBNET_CIDRS} # Parameter values below are based on releng/builder - changing them requires updates in releng/builder as well ${EXTERNAL_GATEWAY} ${EXTERNAL_PNF} ${EXTERNAL_SUBNET} ${EXTERNAL_SUBNET_ALLOCATION_POOL} start=,end= ${EXTERNAL_INTERNET_ADDR} ${EXTERNAL_NET_NAME} external-net ${EXTERNAL_SUBNET_NAME} external-subnet *** Test Cases *** Create All Controller Sessions [Documentation] Create sessions for all three controllers ClusterManagement.ClusterManagement Setup Create Private Network [Documentation] Create Network with neutron request. : FOR ${network} IN @{NETWORKS} \ OpenStackOperations.Create Network ${network} Create Subnet For Private Network [Documentation] Create Sub Net for the Network with neutron request. OpenStackOperations.Create SubNet @{NETWORKS}[0] @{SUBNETS}[0] @{SUBNET_CIDRS}[0] Add Ssh Allow Rule [Documentation] Allow all TCP/UDP/ICMP packets for this suite OpenStackOperations.Create Allow All SecurityGroup ${SECURITY_GROUP} Create Vm Instances [Documentation] Create VM instances using flavor and image names for a network. OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instances @{NETWORKS}[0] ${FIP_VMS} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instances @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SNAT_VMS} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} Check Vm Instances Have Ip Address @{FIP_VM_IPS} ${FLOATING_DHCP_IP} = OpenStackOperations.Get VM IPs @{FIP_VMS} @{SNAT_VM_IPS} ${SNAT_DHCP_IP} = OpenStackOperations.Get VM IPs @{SNAT_VMS} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable @{FIP_VM_IPS} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable @{SNAT_VM_IPS} BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${FIP_VM_IPS} None BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${SNAT_VM_IPS} None BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${FLOATING_DHCP_IP} None BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${SNAT_DHCP_IP} None [Teardown] BuiltIn.Run Keywords OpenStackOperations.Show Debugs @{FIP_VMS} @{SNAT_VMS} ... AND OpenStackOperations.Get Test Teardown Debugs Create External Network And Subnet OpenStackOperations.Create Network ${EXTERNAL_NET_NAME} --provider-network-type flat --provider-physical-network ${PUBLIC_PHYSICAL_NETWORK} OpenStackOperations.Update Network ${EXTERNAL_NET_NAME} --external OpenStackOperations.Create Subnet ${EXTERNAL_NET_NAME} ${EXTERNAL_SUBNET_NAME} ${EXTERNAL_SUBNET} --gateway ${EXTERNAL_GATEWAY} --allocation-pool ${EXTERNAL_SUBNET_ALLOCATION_POOL} Create Router [Documentation] Create Router and Add Interface to the subnets. OpenStackOperations.Create Router ${ROUTER} Add Interfaces To Router [Documentation] Add Interfaces : FOR ${interface} IN @{SUBNETS} \ OpenStackOperations.Add Router Interface ${ROUTER} ${interface} Add Router Gateway To Router [Documentation] OpenStackOperations.Add Router Gateway OpenStackOperations.Add Router Gateway ${ROUTER} ${EXTERNAL_NET_NAME} Verify Created Router [Documentation] Check created routers using northbound rest calls ${data} Utils.Get Data From URI 1 ${NEUTRON_ROUTERS_API} BuiltIn.Log ${data} Should Contain ${data} ${ROUTER} Create And Associate Floating IPs for VMs [Documentation] Create and associate a floating IP for the VM ${VM_FLOATING_IPS} = OpenStackOperations.Create And Associate Floating IPs ${EXTERNAL_NET_NAME} @{FIP_VMS} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${VM_FLOATING_IPS} [Teardown] BuiltIn.Run Keywords OpenStackOperations.Show Debugs @{FIP_VMS} ... AND OpenStackOperations.Get Test Teardown Debugs Ping External Gateway From Control Node [Documentation] Check reachability of external gateway by pinging it from the control node. OpenStackOperations.Ping Vm From Control Node ${EXTERNAL_GATEWAY} additional_args=-I ${EXTERNAL_INTERNET_ADDR} Ping Vm Instance1 Floating IP From Control Node [Documentation] Check reachability of VM instance through floating IP by pinging them. OpenStackOperations.Ping Vm From Control Node @{VM_FLOATING_IPS}[0] additional_args=-I ${EXTERNAL_INTERNET_ADDR} Ping Vm Instance2 Floating IP From Control Node [Documentation] Check reachability of VM instance through floating IP by pinging them. OpenStackOperations.Ping Vm From Control Node @{VM_FLOATING_IPS}[1] additional_args=-I ${EXTERNAL_INTERNET_ADDR} Ping Vm Instance2 Floating IP From Vm Instance1 With Floating IP (Hairpinning) [Documentation] Check reachability of VM instance floating IP from another VM instance with FIP (with ttl=1 to make sure no router hops) ${dst_ip}= BuiltIn.Create List @{VM_FLOATING_IPS}[1] OpenStackOperations.Test Operations From Vm Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{FIP_VM_IPS}[0] ${dst_ip} ttl=1 Ping External Network PNF from Vm Instance 1 [Documentation] Check reachability of External Network PNF from VM instance (with ttl=1 to make sure no router hops) ${dst_ip}= BuiltIn.Create List ${EXTERNAL_PNF} OpenStackOperations.Test Operations From Vm Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{FIP_VM_IPS}[0] ${dst_ip} ttl=1 SNAT - TCP connection to External Gateway From SNAT VM Instance1 [Documentation] Login to the VM instance and test TCP connection to the controller via SNAT OpenStackOperations.Test Netcat Operations From Vm Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{SNAT_VM_IPS}[0] ${EXTERNAL_GATEWAY} SNAT - UDP connection to External Gateway From SNAT VM Instance1 [Documentation] Login to the VM instance and test UDP connection to the controller via SNAT OpenStackOperations.Test Netcat Operations From Vm Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{SNAT_VM_IPS}[0] ${EXTERNAL_GATEWAY} -u SNAT - TCP connection to External Gateway From SNAT VM Instance2 [Documentation] Login to the VM instance and test TCP connection to the controller via SNAT OpenStackOperations.Test Netcat Operations From Vm Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{SNAT_VM_IPS}[1] ${EXTERNAL_GATEWAY} SNAT - UDP connection to External Gateway From SNAT VM Instance2 [Documentation] Login to the VM instance and test UDP connection to the controller via SNAT OpenStackOperations.Test Netcat Operations From Vm Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{SNAT_VM_IPS}[1] ${EXTERNAL_GATEWAY} -u Delete Vm Instances [Documentation] Delete Vm instances using instance names. : FOR ${vm} IN @{FIP_VMS} \ OpenStackOperations.Delete Vm Instance ${vm} : FOR ${vm} IN @{SNAT_VMS} \ OpenStackOperations.Delete Vm Instance ${vm} Delete Router Interfaces [Documentation] Remove Interface to the subnets. : FOR ${interface} IN @{SUBNETS} \ OpenStackOperations.Remove Interface ${ROUTER} ${interface} Delete Routers [Documentation] Delete Router and Interface to the subnets. OpenStackOperations.Delete Router ${ROUTER} Verify Deleted Router [Documentation] Check deleted router using northbound rest call ${data} Utils.Get Data From URI 1 ${NEUTRON_ROUTERS_API} BuiltIn.Log ${data} BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${data} ${ROUTER} Delete Sub Network [Documentation] Delete Sub Net for the Network with neutron request. OpenStackOperations.Delete SubNet @{SUBNETS}[0] Delete Networks [Documentation] Delete Networks with neutron request. : FOR ${network} IN @{NETWORKS} \ OpenStackOperations.Delete Network ${network} OpenStackOperations.Delete Network ${EXTERNAL_NET_NAME} Delete Security Group [Documentation] Delete security groups with neutron request OpenStackOperations.Delete SecurityGroup ${SECURITY_GROUP} Verify Flows Cleanup [Documentation] Verify that flows have been cleaned up properly after removing all neutron configurations DataModels.Verify Flows Are Cleaned Up On All OpenStack Nodes