*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite to validate ARP functionality for ACL_Enhancement feature. Suite Setup Start Suite Suite Teardown OpenStackOperations.OpenStack Suite Teardown Test Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing Test Teardown OpenStackOperations.Get Test Teardown Debugs Library OperatingSystem Library RequestsLibrary Library String Resource ../../../libraries/DevstackUtils.robot Resource ../../../libraries/KarafKeywords.robot Resource ../../../libraries/OVSDB.robot Resource ../../../libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot Resource ../../../libraries/OvsManager.robot Resource ../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.robot Resource ../../../variables/Variables.robot Resource ../../../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot *** Variables *** @{REQ_NETWORKS} acl_net_1 acl_net_2 @{REQ_SUBNETS} acl_subnet_1 acl_subnet_2 @{REQ_SUBNET_CIDR} @{PORTS} acl_port_1 acl_port_2 acl_port_3 acl_port_4 @{VM_NAMES} acl_myvm_1 acl_myvm_2 @{SECURITY_GROUP} acl_sg_1 ${VIRTUAL_IP} ${PACKET_COUNT} 5 ${RANDOM_IP} ${NETMASK} ${PACKET_COUNT_ZERO} 0 ${DHCP_CMD} sudo /sbin/cirros-dhcpc up eth1 ${SPOOF_IP} @{SPOOF_MAC_ADDRESSES} FA:17:3E:73:65:86 fa:16:3e:3d:3b:5e ${ARP_CONFIG} sudo ifconfig eth0 down \n sudo ifconfig eth0 hw ether ${SPOOF_MAC_ADDRESSES[0]} \n sudo ifconfig eth0 up ${ARP_SHA} arp_sha ${ARP} arp ${TABLE} goto_table:217 *** Test Cases *** Verify ARP request Valid MAC and Valid IP for the VM Egress Table [Documentation] Verifying ARP resquest resolved for Valid MAC and Valid IP at the VM Egress Table OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance ${REQ_NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_DPN1}[0] ${DHCP_CMD} OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance ${REQ_NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_DPN2}[0] ${DHCP_CMD} ${get_pkt_count_before_arp} = OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE} table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15] | grep ${VM1_METADATA}.*${ARP_SHA} ${arping_cli} = BuiltIn.Set Variable sudo arping -I eth0 -c ${PACKET_COUNT} \ ${RANDOM_IP} OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance ${REQ_NETWORKS[1]} ${VM_IP_DPN1}[1] ${arping_cli} ${get_pkt_count_after_arp} = OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE} table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15] | grep ${VM1_METADATA}.*${ARP_SHA} ${pkt_diff} = BuiltIn.Evaluate int(${get_pkt_count_after_arp})-int(${get_pkt_count_before_arp}) BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Numbers ${pkt_diff} ${PACKET_COUNT} Verify ARP request generated from Spoofed IP for the VM [Documentation] Verifying ARP resquest generated for Spoofed IP with Valid MAC and Validate the packet drop at the VM Egress Table ${arp_int_up_cli} = BuiltIn.Set Variable sudo ifconfig eth0:1 ${SPOOF_IP} netmask ${NETMASK} up ${output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance ${REQ_NETWORKS}[1] ${VM_IP_DPN1}[1] ${arp_int_up_cli} ${get_pkt_count_before_arp} = OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE} table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15] | grep ${VM1_METADATA}.*${ARP_SHA} ${get_arp_drop_pkt_before} = OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE} table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15] | grep ${ARP}.*${TABLE} ${arping_cli} = BuiltIn.Set Variable sudo arping -s ${SPOOF_IP} -c ${PACKET_COUNT} \ ${RANDOM_IP} ${output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance ${REQ_NETWORKS}[1] ${VM_IP_DPN1}[1] ${arping_cli} ${get_pkt_count_after_arp} = OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE} table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15] | grep ${VM1_METADATA}.*${ARP_SHA} ${get_arp_drop_pkt_after} OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE} table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15] | grep ${ARP}.*${TABLE} ${pkt_diff_arp_drop} = BuiltIn.Evaluate int(${get_arp_drop_pkt_after})-int(${get_arp_drop_pkt_before}) ${pkt_diff} = BuiltIn.Evaluate int(${get_pkt_count_after_arp})-int(${get_pkt_count_before_arp}) BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Numbers ${pkt_diff} ${PACKET_COUNT_ZERO} BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Numbers ${pkt_diff_arp_drop} ${PACKET_COUNT} Verify ARP request generated from Spoofed MAC for the VM [Documentation] Verifying ARP resquest generated for Spoofed MAC with Valid IP and Validate the ARP packet drop at the VM Egress Table ${count} = String.Get Line Count ${ARP_CONFIG} FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${count} ${cmd} = String.Get Line ${ARP_CONFIG} ${index} ${output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance ${REQ_NETWORKS}[1] ${VM_IP_DPN1}[1] ${cmd} END ${get_pkt_count_before_arp} = OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE} table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15] | grep ${VM1_METADATA}.*${ARP_SHA} ${get_arp_drop_pkt_before} = OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE} table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15] | grep ${ARP}.*${TABLE} ${arping_cli} = BuiltIn.Set Variable sudo arping -I eth0 -c ${PACKET_COUNT} \ ${RANDOM_IP} OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance ${REQ_NETWORKS}[1] ${VM_IP_DPN1}[1] ${arping_cli} ${get_pkt_count_after_arp} = OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE} table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15] | grep ${VM1_METADATA}.*${ARP_SHA} ${get_arp_drop_pkt_after} OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE} table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15] | grep ${ARP}.*${TABLE} ${pkt_diff} = BuiltIn.Evaluate int(${get_pkt_count_after_arp})-int(${get_pkt_count_before_arp}) ${pkt_diff_arp_drop} = BuiltIn.Evaluate int(${get_arp_drop_pkt_after})-int(${get_arp_drop_pkt_before}) BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Numbers ${pkt_diff} ${PACKET_COUNT_ZERO} BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Numbers ${pkt_diff_arp_drop} ${PACKET_COUNT} Verify ARP request generated from Spoofed IP and spoofed MAC for the VM [Documentation] Verifying ARP resquest generated for Spoofed MAC with Spoofed IP and Validate the ARP packet drop at the VM Egress Table ${get_pkt_count_before_arp} = OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE} table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15] | grep ${VM1_METADATA}.*${ARP_SHA} ${get_arp_drop_pkt_before} = OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE} table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15] | grep ${ARP}.*${TABLE} ${arping_cli} = BuiltIn.Set Variable sudo arping -s ${SPOOF_IP} -c ${PACKET_COUNT} \ ${RANDOM_IP} OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance ${REQ_NETWORKS}[1] ${VM_IP_DPN1}[1] ${arping_cli} ${get_pkt_count_after_arp} = OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE} table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15] | grep ${VM1_METADATA}.*${ARP_SHA} ${get_arp_drop_pkt_after} = OvsManager.Get Packet Count From Table ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${INTEGRATION_BRIDGE} table=${DEFAULT_FLOW_TABLES}[15] | grep ${ARP}.*${TABLE} ${pkt_diff} = BuiltIn.Evaluate int(${get_pkt_count_after_arp})-int(${get_pkt_count_before_arp}) ${pkt_diff_arp_drop} = BuiltIn.Evaluate int(${get_arp_drop_pkt_after})-int(${get_arp_drop_pkt_before}) BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Numbers ${pkt_diff} ${PACKET_COUNT_ZERO} BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Numbers ${pkt_diff_arp_drop} ${PACKET_COUNT} *** Keywords *** Start Suite [Documentation] Suite setup for ACL_Enhancement feature OpenStackOperations.OpenStack Suite Setup Create Setup Create Setup [Documentation] Create Two Networks, Two Subnets, Four Ports Create Multiple Networks @{REQ_NETWORKS} Create Multiple Subnets ${REQ_NETWORKS} ${REQ_SUBNETS} ${REQ_SUBNET_CIDR} OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Create ${SECURITY_GROUP}[0] OpenStackOperations.Delete All Security Group Rules ${SECURITY_GROUP}[0] OpenStackOperations.Create Port ${REQ_NETWORKS}[0] ${PORTS}[0] sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}[0] OpenStackOperations.Create Port ${REQ_NETWORKS}[1] ${PORTS}[1] sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}[0] OpenStackOperations.Create Port ${REQ_NETWORKS}[0] ${PORTS}[2] sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}[0] OpenStackOperations.Create Port ${REQ_NETWORKS}[1] ${PORTS}[3] sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}[0] OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${SECURITY_GROUP}[0] direction=ingress protocol=icmp remote_ip= OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${SECURITY_GROUP}[0] direction=egress protocol=icmp remote_ip= OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${SECURITY_GROUP}[0] direction=ingress port_range_max=65535 port_range_min=1 protocol=tcp remote-ip= OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${SECURITY_GROUP}[0] direction=egress port_range_max=65535 port_range_min=1 protocol=tcp remote-ip= OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Ports On Compute Node ${PORTS}[0] ${PORTS}[1] ${VM_NAMES}[0] ${OS_CMP1_HOSTNAME} flavor=m1.tiny sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}[0] OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Ports On Compute Node ${PORTS}[2] ${PORTS}[3] ${VM_NAMES}[1] ${OS_CMP2_HOSTNAME} flavor=m1.tiny sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}[0] FOR ${vm} IN @{VM_NAMES} OpenStackOperations.Poll VM Is ACTIVE ${vm} END ${VM_IP_DPN1} = BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 300 sec 15 sec OpenStackOperations.Get All VM IP Addresses ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID} ${VM_NAMES}[0] ${VM_IP_DPN2} = BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 300 sec 15 sec OpenStackOperations.Get All VM IP Addresses ${OS_CMP2_CONN_ID} ${VM_NAMES}[1] BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable @{VM_IP_DPN1} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable @{VM_IP_DPN2} FOR ${ip} IN @{VM_IP_DPN1} BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${ip} None END FOR ${ip} IN @{VM_IP_DPN2} BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${ip} None END ${VM1_PORT} = Get VMs OVS Port Number ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${PORTS}[0] ${VM1_METADATA} = OVSDB.Get Port Metadata ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${VM1_PORT} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${VM1_METADATA}