*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite to deploy devstack with networking-odl Suite Setup Devstack Suite Setup Library SSHLibrary Library OperatingSystem Library RequestsLibrary Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.robot Resource ../../../libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot Resource ../../../libraries/DevstackUtils.robot *** Variables *** @{NETWORKS_NAME} net1_network net2_network @{SUBNETS_NAME} subnet1 subnet2 @{NET_1_VM_INSTANCES} MyFirstInstance_1 MySecondInstance_1 @{NET_2_VM_INSTANCES} MyFirstInstance_2 MySecondInstance_2 @{VM_IPS} @{GATEWAY_IPS} @{DHCP_IPS} @{SUBNETS_RANGE} *** Test Cases *** Run Devstack Gate Wrapper Write Commands Until Prompt unset GIT_BASE Write Commands Until Prompt env ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt ./devstack-gate/devstack-vm-gate-wrap.sh timeout=3600s #60min Log ${output} Should Not Contain ${output} ERROR: the main setup script run by this job failed # workaround for https://bugs.launchpad.net/networking-odl/+bug/1512418 Write Commands Until Prompt cd /opt/stack/new/tempest-lib Write Commands Until Prompt sudo python setup.py install [Teardown] Show Devstack Debugs Validate Neutron and Networking-ODL Versions ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt cd /opt/stack/new/neutron; git branch; Should Contain ${output} * ${OPENSTACK_BRANCH} ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt cd /opt/stack/new/networking-odl; git branch; Should Contain ${output} * ${NETWORKING-ODL_BRANCH} tempest.api.network Run Tempest Tests ${TEST_NAME} Create Networks [Documentation] Create Network with neutron request. : FOR ${NetworkElement} IN @{NETWORKS_NAME} \ Create Network ${NetworkElement} Create Subnets For net1_network [Documentation] Create Sub Nets for the Networks with neutron request. Create SubNet net1_network subnet1 @{SUBNETS_RANGE}[0] Create Subnets For net2_network [Documentation] Create Sub Nets for the Networks with neutron request. Create SubNet net2_network subnet2 @{SUBNETS_RANGE}[1] List Ports ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt neutron -v port-list Log ${output} List Available Networks ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt neutron -v net-list Log ${output} List Tenants ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt keystone tenant-list Log ${output} List Nova ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt nova list Log ${output} List Nova Images ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt nova image-list Log ${output} List Nova Flavor ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt nova flavor-list Log ${output} Create Vm Instances For net1_network [Documentation] Create Vm instances using flavor and image names. Create Vm Instances net1_network ${NET_1_VM_INSTANCES} [Teardown] Show Debugs ${NET_1_VM_INSTANCES} Create Vm Instances For net2_network [Documentation] Create Vm instances using flavor and image names. Create Vm Instances net2_network ${NET_2_VM_INSTANCES} [Teardown] Show Debugs ${NET_2_VM_INSTANCES} Verify Created Vm Instance In Dump Flow [Documentation] Verify the existence of the created vm instance ips in the dump flow. ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows br-int Log ${output} : FOR ${VmIpElement} IN @{VM_IPS} \ Should Contain ${output} ${VmIpElement} Create Routers [Documentation] Create Router and Add Interface to the subnets. Create Router router_1 Verify Gateway Ip After Interface Added [Documentation] Verify the existence of the gateway ips with the dump flow in Beryllium. Run Keyword If "${ODL_VERSION}" == "lithium-latest" Run Keyword And Ignore Error Verify Gateway Ips ... ELSE IF "${ODL_VERSION}" != "lithium-latest" Verify Gateway Ips Verify Dhcp Flow Entries [Documentation] Verify Created SubNets for the Networks with the dump flow in Beryllium. Run Keyword If "${ODL_VERSION}" == "lithium-latest" Run Keyword And Ignore Error Verify Dhcp Ips ... ELSE IF "${ODL_VERSION}" != "lithium-latest" Verify Dhcp Ips Delete Vm Instances In net1_network [Documentation] Delete Vm instances using instance names in net1_network. : FOR ${VmElement} IN @{NET_1_VM_INSTANCES} \ Delete Vm Instance ${VmElement} Delete Vm Instances In net2_network [Documentation] Delete Vm instances using instance names in net2_network. : FOR ${VmElement} IN @{NET_2_VM_INSTANCES} \ Delete Vm Instance ${VmElement} Verify Deleted Vm Instance Removed In Dump Flow [Documentation] Verify the non-existence of the vm instance ips in the dump flow. : FOR ${VmIpElement} IN @{VM_IPS} \ ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows br-int \ Log ${output} \ Should Not Contain ${output} ${VmIpElement} Delete Router Interfaces [Documentation] Remove Interface to the subnets. : FOR ${interface} IN @{SUBNETS_NAME} \ Remove Interface router_1 ${interface} Delete Routers [Documentation] Delete Router and Interface to the subnets. Delete Router router_1 Verify Deleted Routers [Documentation] Verify Deleted Routers for the Networks with dump flow. Verify No Gateway Ips Delete Sub Networks In net1_network [Documentation] Delete Sub Nets for the Networks with neutron request. Delete SubNet subnet1 Delete Sub Networks In net2_network [Documentation] Delete Sub Nets for the Networks with neutron request. Delete SubNet subnet2 Delete Networks [Documentation] Delete Networks with neutron request. : FOR ${NetworkElement} IN @{NETWORKS_NAME} \ Delete Network ${NetworkElement} Verify Deleted Subnets [Documentation] Verify Deleted SubNets for the Networks with dump flow. Verify No Dhcp Ips