*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite for SFC Service Function Paths, Operates paths from Restconf APIs. Suite Setup Init Suite Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions Test Setup Remove All Elements If Exist ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_URI} Library SSHLibrary Library Collections Library OperatingSystem Library RequestsLibrary Resource ../../../variables/sfc/Variables.robot Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.robot Resource ../../../libraries/TemplatedRequests.robot *** Test Cases *** Add Service Function Paths [Documentation] Add Service Function Paths from JSON file Add Elements To URI From File ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_URI} ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_FILE} ${body} OperatingSystem.Get File ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_FILE} ${jsonbody} To Json ${body} ${paths} Get From Dictionary ${jsonbody} service-function-paths ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_URI} Should Contain ${ALLOWED_STATUS_CODES} ${resp.status_code} ${result} To JSON ${resp.content} ${path} Get From Dictionary ${result} service-function-paths Lists Should be Equal ${path} ${paths} Delete All Service Function Paths [Documentation] Delete all Service Function Paths Add Elements To URI From File ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_URI} ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_FILE} ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_URI} Should Contain ${ALLOWED_STATUS_CODES} ${resp.status_code} Remove All Elements At URI ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_URI} ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_URI} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 404 Get one Service Function Path [Documentation] Get one Service Function Path Add Elements To URI From File ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_URI} ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_FILE} ${elements}= Create List SFC1-100 "service-chain-name":"SFC1" Check For Elements At URI ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATH_URI}/SFC1-100 ${elements} Get A Non-existing Service Function Path [Documentation] Get A Non-existing Service Function Path Add Elements To URI From File ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_URI} ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_FILE} ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATH_URI}/non-existing-sfp Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 404 Delete A Service Function Path [Documentation] Delete A Service Function Path Add Elements To URI From File ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_URI} ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_FILE} ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATH_URI}/SFC1-100 Should Contain ${ALLOWED_STATUS_CODES} ${resp.status_code} Remove All Elements At URI ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATH_URI}/SFC1-100 ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATH_URI}/SFC1-100 Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 404 ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_URI} Should Contain ${ALLOWED_STATUS_CODES} ${resp.status_code} Should Not Contain ${resp.text} SFC1-100 Delete A Non-existing Empty Service Function Path [Documentation] Delete A Non existing Service Function Path Add Elements To URI From File ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_URI} ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_FILE} ${body} OperatingSystem.Get File ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_FILE} ${jsonbody} To Json ${body} ${paths} Get From Dictionary ${jsonbody} service-function-paths ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Delete Request session ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATH_URI}/non-existing-sfp Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 404 ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_URI} Should Contain ${ALLOWED_STATUS_CODES} ${resp.status_code} ${result} To JSON ${resp.content} ${path} Get From Dictionary ${result} service-function-paths Lists Should be Equal ${path} ${paths} Put One Service Function Path [Documentation] Put one Service Function Path Add Elements To URI From File ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATH400_URI} ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATH400_FILE} ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATH400_URI} Should Contain ${ALLOWED_STATUS_CODES} ${resp.status_code} Should Contain ${resp.text} SFC1-400 ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_URI} Should Contain ${ALLOWED_STATUS_CODES} ${resp.status_code} Should Contain ${resp.text} SFC1-400 *** Keywords *** Init Suite [Documentation] Initialize session and ODL version specific variables Create Session session http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS} log ${ODL_STREAM} Set Suite Variable ${VERSION_DIR} master Set Suite Variable ${TEST_DIR} ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/sfc/${VERSION_DIR} Set Suite Variable ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATHS_FILE} ${TEST_DIR}/service-function-paths.json Set Suite Variable ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATH400_URI} ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATH_URI}/SFC1-400 Set Suite Variable ${SERVICE_FUNCTION_PATH400_FILE} ${TEST_DIR}/sfp_sfc1_path400.json