*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite to verify binding origins checks are performed in master database Suite Setup SxpLib.Setup SXP Environment Suite Teardown SxpLib.Clean SXP Environment Test Setup Clean Bindings Library RequestsLibrary Resource ../../../libraries/SxpLib.robot *** Test Cases *** Test Add Lower Priority Binding [Documentation] Test that incoming binding with lower priority does not override already existing ... higher priority binding in master database for the same IP prefix [Tags] Binding Origins Checks SXP BuiltIn.Comment Add binding SxpLib.Add Bindings 10 origin=LOCAL BuiltIn.Comment Try to add binding with lower priority BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Expect Error RPC result is False SxpLib.Add Bindings 20 origin=NETWORK BuiltIn.Comment Verify that new binding is not added and previous binding is preserved Verify Bindings Content 10 20 Test Add Higher Priority Binding [Documentation] Test that incoming binding with higher priority overrides already existing ... lower priority binding in master database for the same IP prefix [Tags] Binding Origins Checks SXP BuiltIn.Comment Add binding SxpLib.Add Bindings 10 origin=NETWORK BuiltIn.Comment Add binding with higher priority SxpLib.Add Bindings 20 origin=LOCAL BuiltIn.Comment Verify that new binding replaced previous binding Verify Bindings Content 20 10 Test Add Unknown Priority Binding [Documentation] Test that incoming binding with unknown priority cannot be added to master database [Tags] Binding Origins Checks SXP BuiltIn.Comment Try to add binding with unknown origin priority BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Expect Error 400 != 200 SxpLib.Add Bindings 10 origin=CLUSTER BuiltIn.Comment Verify that binding is not in master database SxpLib.Bindings Should Not Contain 10 Test Add Lower Priority Binding To Domain [Documentation] Test that incoming binding with lower priority does not override already existing ... higher priority binding in master database for the same IP prefix BuiltIn.Comment Create custom domain with binding SxpLib.Add Domain guest 10 origin=LOCAL BuiltIn.Comment Try add binding to custom domain with lower priority BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Expect Error RPC result is False SxpLib.Add Bindings 20 domain=guest origin=NETWORK BuiltIn.Comment Verify that new binding is not added and previous binding is preserved Verify Bindings Content 10 20 guest Test Add Higher Priority Binding To Domain [Documentation] Test that incoming binding with lower priority does not override already existing ... higher priority binding in master database for the same IP prefix BuiltIn.Comment Create custom domain with binding SxpLib.Add Domain guest 10 origin=NETWORK BuiltIn.Comment Add binding to custom domain with higher priority SxpLib.Add Bindings 20 domain=guest origin=LOCAL BuiltIn.Comment Verify that new binding replaced previous binding Verify Bindings Content 20 10 guest Test Get Bindings [Documentation] Test that when requesting for LOCAL bindings then only LOCAL bindings are returned BuiltIn.Comment Add LOCAL binding SxpLib.Add Bindings 10 origin=LOCAL BuiltIn.Comment Add NETWORK binding SxpLib.Add Bindings 20 origin=NETWORK BuiltIn.Comment Verify request for LOCAL bindings Verify Local Bindings Content 10 20 BuiltIn.Comment Verify request for ALL bindings Verify All Bindings Content 10 20 *** Keywords *** Clean Bindings SxpLib.Clean Bindings scope=all SxpLib.Clean Bindings domain=guest scope=all Verify Bindings Content [Arguments] ${should_contains_sgt} ${should_not_contains_sgt} ${prefix} ${domain}=global ${bindings} = SxpLib.Get Bindings domain=${domain} scope=all SxpLib.Should Contain Binding ${bindings} ${should_contains_sgt} ${prefix} SxpLib.Should Not Contain Binding ${bindings} ${should_not_contains_sgt} ${prefix} Verify Local Bindings Content [Arguments] ${local_sgt} ${local_prefix} ${network_sgt} ${network_prefix} ${bindings} = SxpLib.Get Bindings scope=local SxpLib.Should Contain Binding ${bindings} ${local_sgt} ${local_prefix} SxpLib.Should Not Contain Binding ${bindings} ${network_sgt} ${network_prefix} Verify All Bindings Content [Arguments] ${local_sgt} ${local_prefix} ${network_sgt} ${network_prefix} ${bindings} = SxpLib.Get Bindings SxpLib.Should Contain Binding ${bindings} ${local_sgt} ${local_prefix} SxpLib.Should Contain Binding ${bindings} ${network_sgt} ${network_prefix}