*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite to test cluster connection and propagation switchover using virtual ip, this suite requires additional TOOLS_SYSTEM VM. ... VM is used for its assigned ip-address that will be overlayed by virtual-ip used in test suites. ... Resources of this VM are not required and after start of Test suite this node shutted down and to reduce routing conflicts. Suite Setup Setup Custom SXP Cluster Session Suite Teardown Clean Custom SXP Cluster Session Test Teardown Clean SXP Cluster Library ../../../libraries/Sxp.py Resource ../../../libraries/ClusterManagement.robot Resource ../../../libraries/SxpClusterLib.robot *** Test Cases *** Isolation of SXP service follower Test [Documentation] Test SXP connection switchover only if Controller with SCS is isolated SxpClusterLib.Check Shards Status Setup Custom SXP Cluster ${VIRTUAL_IP} listener ${controller_index} = SxpClusterLib.Get Owner Controller Isolate SXP Controller ${controller_index} listener Isolation of SXP service follower Test Listener Part [Documentation] Test SXP binding propagation only if Controller with SCS is isolated SxpClusterLib.Check Shards Status ${controller_index} = SxpClusterLib.Get Owner Controller Setup Custom SXP Cluster ${VIRTUAL_IP} listener Setup SXP Cluster Bindings ${CLUSTER_NODE_ID} ClusterManagement__session_${controller_index} ${controller_index} = SxpClusterLib.Get Owner Controller Isolate SXP Controller With Bindings ${controller_index} ${DEVICE_NODE_ID} listener ${DEVICE_SESSION} Isolation of SXP service follower Test Speaker Part [Documentation] Test SXP binding propagation only if Controller with SCS is isolated, ... the same case as above but with initiator of connection between nodes in oposite mode SxpClusterLib.Check Shards Status Setup Custom SXP Cluster ${VIRTUAL_IP} speaker Setup SXP Cluster Bindings ${DEVICE_NODE_ID} ${DEVICE_SESSION} ${controller_index} = SxpClusterLib.Get Owner Controller Isolate SXP Controller With Bindings ${controller_index} ${CLUSTER_NODE_ID} speaker *** Keywords *** Setup Custom SXP Cluster Session [Documentation] Prepare topology for testing, creates sessions and generate Route definitions based on Cluster nodes ip SxpClusterLib.Shutdown Tools Node SxpClusterLib.Setup SXP Cluster Session ${mac_addresses} = SxpClusterLib.Map Followers To Mac Addresses BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${MAC_ADDRESS_TABLE} ${mac_addresses} ${route} = Sxp.Route Definition Xml ${VIRTUAL_IP} ${VIRTUAL_IP_MASK} ${VIRTUAL_INTERFACE} ${routes} = Sxp.Route Definitions Xml ${route} SxpLib.Put Routing Configuration To Controller ${routes} ${CONTROLLER_SESSION} Clean Custom SXP Cluster Session [Documentation] Cleans up resources generated by test SxpLib.Clean Routing Configuration To Controller ${CONTROLLER_SESSION} SxpClusterLib.Clean SXP Cluster Session Setup Custom SXP Cluster [Arguments] ${peer_address} ${peer_mode} [Documentation] Setup and connect SXP cluster topology SxpLib.Add Node ${DEVICE_NODE_ID} ip= session=${DEVICE_SESSION} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 20 1 SxpLib.Check Node Started ${DEVICE_NODE_ID} session=${DEVICE_SESSION} system=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ... ip=${EMPTY} ${cluster_mode} = Sxp.Get Opposing Mode ${peer_mode} SxpLib.Add Connection version4 ${peer_mode} ${peer_address} 64999 ${DEVICE_NODE_ID} session=${DEVICE_SESSION} SxpLib.Add Node ${CLUSTER_NODE_ID} ip=${peer_address} session=${CONTROLLER_SESSION} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 20 1 SxpClusterLib.Check Cluster Node started ${CLUSTER_NODE_ID} SxpLib.Add Connection version4 ${cluster_mode} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} 64999 ${CLUSTER_NODE_ID} session=${CONTROLLER_SESSION} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 120 1 SxpClusterLib.Check Cluster is Connected ${CLUSTER_NODE_ID} mode=${cluster_mode} session=${CONTROLLER_SESSION} Setup SXP Cluster Bindings [Arguments] ${node} ${session} [Documentation] Setup initial bindings to SXP device : FOR ${i} IN RANGE 1 ${BINDINGS} \ SxpLib.Add Bindings ${i}0 ${i}.${i}.${i}.${i}/32 node=${node} session=${session} Isolate SXP Controller [Arguments] ${controller_index} ${peer_mode} [Documentation] Isolate one of cluster nodes and perform check that Device is still connected then revert isolation (and check connection again). ${cluster_mode} = Sxp.Get Opposing Mode ${peer_mode} @{running_members} = ClusterManagement.Isolate_Member_From_List_Or_All ${controller_index} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 240 1 ClusterManagement.Sync_Status_Should_Be_False ${controller_index} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 240 1 SxpClusterLib.Ip Addres Should Not Be Routed To Follower ${MAC_ADDRESS_TABLE} ${VIRTUAL_IP} ${controller_index} ${running_member} = Collections.Get From List ${running_members} 0 ${active_follower} = SxpClusterLib.Get Owner Controller ${running_member} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 240 1 SXpClusterLib.Ip Addres Should Be Routed To Follower ${MAC_ADDRESS_TABLE} ${VIRTUAL_IP} ${active_follower} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60 1 SxpClusterLib.Check Cluster is Connected ${CLUSTER_NODE_ID} mode=${cluster_mode} session=ClusterManagement__session_${active_follower} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60 1 Check Device is Connected ${DEVICE_NODE_ID} ${VIRTUAL_IP} ${peer_mode} ... session=${DEVICE_SESSION} ClusterManagement.Flush_Iptables_From_List_Or_All BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 240 1 ClusterManagement.Sync_Status_Should_Be_True ${controller_index} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60 1 SxpClusterLib.Check Cluster is Connected ${CLUSTER_NODE_ID} mode=${cluster_mode} session=ClusterManagement__session_${active_follower} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60 1 Check Device is Connected ${DEVICE_NODE_ID} ${VIRTUAL_IP} ${peer_mode} ... session=${DEVICE_SESSION} Isolate SXP Controller With Bindings [Arguments] ${controller_index} ${node} ${peer_mode} ${session}=${EMPTY} [Documentation] Isolate one of cluster nodes and perform check that bindings were propagated then revert isolation (and check connection again). ${find_session} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If '${session}' == '${EMPTY}' ${True} ${False} ${cluster_mode} = Sxp.Get Opposing Mode ${peer_mode} ${session} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If ${find_session} ClusterManagement__session_${controller_index} ${session} @{running_members} = ClusterManagement.Isolate_Member_From_List_Or_All ${controller_index} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 240 1 ClusterManagement.Sync_Status_Should_Be_False ${controller_index} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 240 1 SxpClusterLib.Ip Addres Should Not Be Routed To Follower ${MAC_ADDRESS_TABLE} ${VIRTUAL_IP} ${controller_index} ${running_member} = Collections.Get From List ${running_members} 0 ${active_follower} = SxpClusterLib.Get Owner Controller ${running_member} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 240 1 SXpClusterLib.Ip Addres Should Be Routed To Follower ${MAC_ADDRESS_TABLE} ${VIRTUAL_IP} ${active_follower} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60 1 SxpClusterLib.Check Cluster is Connected ${CLUSTER_NODE_ID} mode=${cluster_mode} session=ClusterManagement__session_${active_follower} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60 1 Check Device is Connected ${DEVICE_NODE_ID} ${VIRTUAL_IP} ${peer_mode} ... session=${DEVICE_SESSION} ${session} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If ${find_session} ClusterManagement__session_${active_follower} ${session} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 1 Check Bindings ${node} ${session} ClusterManagement.Flush_Iptables_From_List_Or_All BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 240 1 ClusterManagement.Sync_Status_Should_Be_True ${controller_index} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60 1 SxpClusterLib.Check Cluster is Connected ${CLUSTER_NODE_ID} mode=${cluster_mode} session=ClusterManagement__session_${active_follower} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60 1 Check Device is Connected ${DEVICE_NODE_ID} ${VIRTUAL_IP} ${peer_mode} ... session=${DEVICE_SESSION} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 1 Check Bindings ${node} ${session} Check Device is Connected [Arguments] ${node} ${remote_ip} ${mode}=any ${version}=version4 ${port}=64999 ${session}=session [Documentation] Checks if SXP device is connected to at least one cluster node ${resp} = SxpLib.Get Connections node=${node} session=${session} SxpLib.Should Contain Connection ${resp} ${remote_ip} ${port} ${mode} ${version} Check Bindings [Arguments] ${node} ${session} [Documentation] Checks that bindings were propagated to Peer ${resp} SxpLib.Get Bindings node=${node} session=${session} : FOR ${i} IN RANGE 1 ${BINDINGS} \ SxpLib.Should Contain Binding ${resp} ${i}0 ${i}.${i}.${i}.${i}/32