*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite measuring binding export and forwarding speed. Test Setup Setup SXP Environment Test Teardown Clean Custom SXP Environment Library ../../../libraries/Sxp.py Resource ../../../libraries/SxpLib.robot Library Remote http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:8270/ExportTestLibrary WITH NAME ExportLibrary *** Variables *** # Tested Nodes IPs ${SOURCE_IP} ${DESTINATION_IP} # Testing variables ${EXPORT_AMOUNT} 65536 ${TEST_SAMPLES} 5 ${MINIMAL_SPEED} 2000 # Testing Domains ${DOMAIN_0} global ${DOMAIN_1} test-domain *** Test Cases *** Binding Export Test [Documentation] Test binding export speed without any filters Add Bindings Range 112 84213760 ${EXPORT_AMOUNT} ${export_speed} Simple Export ${EXPORT_AMOUNT} ${TEST_SAMPLES} Log Average export speed ${export_speed} bindings/s. Should Be True ${export_speed} > ${MINIMAL_SPEED} Binding Forwarding Export Test [Documentation] Test binding forwarding speed without any filters ${export_speed} Forwarding Export ${EXPORT_AMOUNT} ${TEST_SAMPLES} Log Average export speed ${export_speed} bindings/s. Should Be True ${export_speed} > ${MINIMAL_SPEED} Binding Outbound Filter Export Test [Documentation] Test binding export speed with Outbound filter and multiple passrates. Add Bindings Range 112 84213760 ${EXPORT_AMOUNT} : FOR ${num} IN RANGE 16 20 \ ${passrate} Evaluate 100.0/(2**(${num} - 16)) \ ${exported_bindings} Evaluate int(math.ceil( ${EXPORT_AMOUNT}*${passrate}/100 )) modules=math \ ${exported_bindings} Convert To String ${exported_bindings} \ Setup Filter ${num} outbound \ ${export_speed} Simple Export ${exported_bindings} ${TEST_SAMPLES} \ Log Outbound Export speed ${export_speed} with passrate ${passrate}%. \ Should Be True ${export_speed} > ${MINIMAL_SPEED} Binding Inbound Filter Forwarding Export Test [Documentation] Test binding forwarding speed with Inbound filter and multiple passrates. : FOR ${num} IN RANGE 16 20 \ ${passrate} Evaluate 100.0/(2**(${num} - 16)) \ ${exported_bindings} Evaluate math.ceil( ${EXPORT_AMOUNT}*${passrate}/100 ) modules=math \ ${exported_bindings} Convert To String ${exported_bindings} \ Setup Filter ${num} inbound-discarding \ ${export_speed} Forwarding Export ${exported_bindings} ${TEST_SAMPLES} \ Log Outbound Export speed ${export_speed} with passrate ${passrate}%. \ Should Be True ${export_speed} > ${MINIMAL_SPEED} Binding Inbound-Discarding Filter Forwarding Export Test [Documentation] Test binding forwarding speed with Inbound-discarding filter and multiple passrates. : FOR ${num} IN RANGE 16 20 \ ${passrate} Evaluate 100.0/(2**(${num} - 16)) \ ${exported_bindings} Evaluate math.ceil( ${EXPORT_AMOUNT}*${passrate}/100 ) modules=math \ ${exported_bindings} Convert To String ${exported_bindings} \ Setup Filter ${num} inbound-discarding \ ${export_speed} Forwarding Export ${exported_bindings} ${TEST_SAMPLES} \ Log Outbound Export speed ${export_speed} with passrate ${passrate}%. \ Should Be True ${export_speed} > ${MINIMAL_SPEED} Binding Domain Filter Export Test [Documentation] Test binding export speed with domain filter and multiple passrates. Add Bindings Range 112 84213760 ${EXPORT_AMOUNT} : FOR ${num} IN RANGE 16 20 \ ${passrate} Evaluate 100.0/(2**(${num} - 16)) \ ${exported_bindings} Evaluate math.ceil( ${EXPORT_AMOUNT}*${passrate}/100 ) modules=math \ ${exported_bindings} Convert To String ${exported_bindings} \ Run Keyword And Ignore Error Setup Domain Filter ${num} ${DOMAIN_1} \ ${export_speed} Simple Export ${exported_bindings} ${TEST_SAMPLES} ${DOMAIN_1} \ Log Outbound Export speed ${export_speed} with passrate ${passrate}%. \ Should Be True ${export_speed} > ${MINIMAL_SPEED} Binding Domain Filter Forwarding Export Test [Documentation] Test binding forward speed with domain filter and multiple passrates. : FOR ${num} IN RANGE 16 20 \ ${passrate} Evaluate 100.0/(2**(${num} - 16)) \ ${exported_bindings} Evaluate math.ceil( ${EXPORT_AMOUNT}*${passrate}/100 ) modules=math \ ${exported_bindings} Convert To String ${exported_bindings} \ Run Keyword And Ignore Error Setup Domain Filter ${num} ${DOMAIN_1} \ ${export_speed} Forwarding Export ${exported_bindings} ${TEST_SAMPLES} ${DOMAIN_1} \ Log Outbound Export speed ${export_speed} with passrate ${passrate}%. \ Should Be True ${export_speed} > ${MINIMAL_SPEED} Binding Combined Filter Export Test [Documentation] Test binding export speed with domain filter, Outbound filter and multiple passrates. Add Bindings Range 112 84213760 ${EXPORT_AMOUNT} : FOR ${num} IN RANGE 16 20 \ ${passrate} Evaluate 100.0/(2**(${num} - 16)) \ ${exported_bindings} Evaluate math.ceil( ${EXPORT_AMOUNT}*${passrate}/100 ) modules=math \ ${exported_bindings} Convert To String ${exported_bindings} \ Run Keyword And Ignore Error Setup Domain Filter ${num} ${DOMAIN_1} \ Setup Filter ${num} outbound \ ${export_speed} Simple Export ${exported_bindings} ${TEST_SAMPLES} ${DOMAIN_1} \ Log Outbound Export speed ${export_speed} with passrate ${passrate}%. \ Should Be True ${export_speed} > ${MINIMAL_SPEED} Binding Combined Filter Forwarding Export Test [Documentation] Test binding forward speed with domain filter, Inbound-discarding filter and multiple passrates. : FOR ${num} IN RANGE 16 20 \ ${passrate} Evaluate 100.0/(2**(${num} - 16)) \ ${exported_bindings} Evaluate math.ceil( ${EXPORT_AMOUNT}*${passrate}/100 ) modules=math \ ${exported_bindings} Convert To String ${exported_bindings} \ Run Keyword And Ignore Error Setup Domain Filter ${num} ${DOMAIN_1} \ Setup Filter ${num} inbound-discarding \ ${export_speed} Forwarding Export ${exported_bindings} ${TEST_SAMPLES} ${DOMAIN_1} \ Log Outbound Export speed ${export_speed} with passrate ${passrate}%. \ Should Be True ${export_speed} > ${MINIMAL_SPEED} *** Keywords *** Setup Binding Export Topology [Arguments] ${version}=version4 ${PASSWORD}=${EMPTY} ${destination_nodes}=3 ${destination_domain}=global [Documentation] Adds connections to local and remote nodes and wait until they are connected Setup Simple Binding Export Topology ${version} ${PASSWORD} ${destination_nodes} 1 ${destination_domain} : FOR ${num} IN RANGE 0 ${destination_nodes} \ ${DESTINATION_NODE} Get Ip From Number And Ip ${num} ${DESTINATION_IP} \ ExportLibrary.Add Connection ${version} listener 64999 ${PASSWORD} \ ... ${DESTINATION_NODE} \ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15 1 Verify Connection ${version} speaker \ ... ${DESTINATION_NODE} 64999 domain=${destination_domain} Setup Simple Binding Export Topology [Arguments] ${version}=version4 ${PASSWORD}=${EMPTY} ${destination_nodes}=3 ${source_nodes}=1 ${destination_domain}=global [Documentation] Adds connections to local and remote nodes and wait until they are connected : FOR ${num} IN RANGE 0 ${source_nodes} \ ${SOURCE_NODE} Get Ip From Number And Ip ${num} ${SOURCE_IP} \ ExportLibrary.Add Node ${SOURCE_NODE} ${version} 64999 ${PASSWORD} \ ExportLibrary.Add Connection ${version} speaker 64999 ${PASSWORD} \ ... ${SOURCE_NODE} : FOR ${num} IN RANGE 0 ${destination_nodes} \ ${DESTINATION_NODE} Get Ip From Number And Ip ${num} ${DESTINATION_IP} \ ExportLibrary.Add Destination Node ${DESTINATION_NODE} ${version} 64999 ${PASSWORD} \ Add Connection ${version} speaker ${DESTINATION_NODE} 64999 password=${PASSWORD} \ ... domain=${destination_domain} ExportLibrary.Start Nodes : FOR ${num} IN RANGE 0 ${source_nodes} \ ${SOURCE_NODE} Get Ip From Number And Ip ${num} ${SOURCE_IP} \ Add Connection ${version} listener ${SOURCE_NODE} 64999 password=${PASSWORD} \ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60 2 Verify Connection ${version} listener \ ... ${SOURCE_NODE} 64999 Simple Export [Arguments] ${check_amount} ${samples}=10 ${destination_domain}=global [Documentation] Starts SXP nodes and checks if bindings are already exported, this is repeated N times @{ITEMS} Create List : FOR ${num} IN RANGE 0 ${samples} \ Setup Simple Binding Export Topology destination_domain=${destination_domain} \ ExportLibrary.Set Export Amount ${check_amount} \ ExportLibrary.Initiate Simple Export \ ${ELEMENT} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 120 1 Check Bindings Exported \ Append To List ${ITEMS} ${ELEMENT} \ Test Clean Log ${ITEMS} ${export_speed} Get Average Of Items ${ITEMS} [Return] ${export_speed} Forwarding Export [Arguments] ${check_amount} ${samples}=10 ${destination_domain}=global [Documentation] Starts SXP nodes and checks if bindings are already forwarded, this is repeated N times @{ITEMS} Create List : FOR ${num} IN RANGE 0 ${samples} \ Setup Binding Export Topology destination_domain=${destination_domain} \ ExportLibrary.Set Export Amount ${check_amount} \ ExportLibrary.Initiate Export 112 \ ${ELEMENT} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 360 1 Check Bindings Exported \ Append To List ${ITEMS} ${ELEMENT} \ Test Clean Log ${ITEMS} ${export_speed} Get Average Of Items ${ITEMS} [Return] ${export_speed} Check Bindings Exported [Documentation] Checking if bindings were exported and return export speed ${all_exported} ExportLibrary.All Exported Should Be True ${all_exported} ${bindings_exported} ExportLibrary.Get Bindings Exchange Count Log ${bindings_exported} ${export_time} ExportLibrary.Get Export Time Log ${export_time} ${export_speed} Evaluate ${bindings_exported}/${export_time} Log ${export_speed} [Return] ${export_speed} Setup Filter [Arguments] ${bits} ${type} [Documentation] Creates peer-group and its filter with specific matching. Add PeerGroup GROUP ${EMPTY} ${entry} Get Filter Entry 10 permit pl=${bits} Add Filter GROUP ${type} ${entry} Setup Domain Filter [Arguments] ${bits} ${domain} [Documentation] Creates domain and its filter with specific matching. Add Domain ${domain} ${domains} Add Domains ${domain} ${entry} Get Filter Entry 10 permit pl=${bits} Add Domain Filter ${DOMAIN_0} ${domains} ${entry} Test Clean ExportLibrary.Clean Library Clean Connections Clean Connections domain=${DOMAIN_1} Clean Peer Groups Clean Custom SXP Environment [Documentation] Cleans test resources Test Clean Clean SXP Environment