*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite for H2 DataStore InterfaceMetrics Verification Suite Setup Start Tsdr Suite Suite Teardown Stop Tsdr Suite Library SSHLibrary Library Collections Library String Library ../../../libraries/Common.py Resource ../../../libraries/KarafKeywords.robot Resource ../../../libraries/TsdrUtils.robot Variables ../../../variables/Variables.py *** Variables *** @{INTERFACE_METRICS} TransmittedPackets TransmittedBytes TransmitErrors TransmitDrops ReceivedPackets ReceivedBytes ReceiveOverRunError ... ReceiveFrameError ReceiveErrors ReceiveDrops ReceiveCrcError CollisionCount @{CATEGORY} FlowGroupStats FlowMeterStats FlowStats FlowTableStats PortStats QueueStats ${TSDR_PORTSTATS} tsdr:list PortStats *** Test Cases *** Verification of TSDR H2 Feature Installation [Documentation] Install and Verify the TSDR H2 Datastore and JDBC Install a Feature jdbc ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} 60 Verify Feature Is Installed jdbc COMMENT Install a Feature odl-tsdr-all ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} 60 Verify Feature Is Installed odl-tsdr-all Verify Feature Is Installed odl-tsdr-H2-persistence Verify Feature Is Installed odl-tsdr-core Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 120s 1s Verify the Metric is Collected? log:display | grep "TSDR H2" TSDR H2 Verification TSDR Command is exist in Help [Documentation] Verify the TSDR List command on Help ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console tsdr\t Should Contain ${output} tsdr:list Should Contain ${output} tsdr:purgeall ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console tsdr:list\t\t : FOR ${list} IN @{CATEGORY} \ Should Contain ${output} ${list} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 1s Verify the Metric is Collected? ${TSDR_PORTSTATS} openflow Verify PortStats On Karaf console [Documentation] Verify the InterfaceMetrics(PortStats),attributes using ${TSDR_PORTSTATS} : FOR ${list} IN @{INTERFACE_METRICS} \ ${tsdr_cmd}= Concatenate the String ${TSDR_PORTSTATS} | grep ${list} | head \ ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console ${tsdr_cmd} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} 30 \ Should Contain ${output} ${list} Verify PortStats-Attributes on H2 Datastore using JDBC Client [Documentation] Verify the PortStats,attributes on H2 Datastore using JDBC Client : FOR ${list} IN @{INTERFACE_METRICS} \ ${output}= Query Metrics on H2 Datastore PORTSTATS ${list} \ Should Contain ${output} ${list}